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No Dogs On The


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Archie looking cute.... :wub: :huggles: Hes such a little character as you can see by his face.... :lol:






:wub: :wub:
No dogs on the bed....I had that rule too :wacko:

He's growing up fast isn't it :wub:
he is seriously handsome :wub: and I think he knows it with those "come to bed" eyes ;)
No dogs on the bed....mine don't understand those words!! Archie is sooo adorable :wub: :wub: could snuggle him right up! Gorgeous boy :D
Aaaw! Archie is just sooooooooo cute!! :wub:

Jeremy comes back up to bed with me once I have let silly old black dog out at about 3.30 am every morning (he can't go through the night and won't stay in the kitchen now because he is very wobbly on the tiled floor and I think he feels very insecure). He is terrible to get up once he's in bed ............ he would sleep for England!!!
sooo cute, we had the no rule on the bed (well she wasn't even allowed upstairs when we got her)

mmm, it didnt last very long, she comes up for a cuddle in the morning now :D

sounds like a tornado coming up the stairs :- "
He's got the look of Jonah about him!!! Lock up your valuables :lol:

Very cute and such a poser :*
we have to keep that rule unless one of us is there with them,our molly as a weakness with her bladder and we found out the hard way :( .

every time i see archie do i see finley,he as that look in his eyes now too :wub: (trouble) :huggles:
jezza said:
He's got the look of Jonah about him!!! Lock up your valuables  :lol:
Very cute and such a poser  :*

mmmm his favourite thing is knickers (w00t) mainly my daughters thongs... :- "

yea i started off trying to do the right thing!!!! didnt last long, now i have a rather large greyhound and a puppy in bed with me!!! and OH if he can fit!!!! archie is irresistable :wub:
hes so cute and growing so fast!! We said no dogs on the couch, that didnt work either!!
OMG!! That little Archie he is to die for!!!! :) :) did you ever see such a cute pup :)) me too i want to cuddle him up every time i see him and sounds like he has a very cheeky character which makes him even more cute!!!! :)) :)) :))
ecksey said:
yea i started off trying to do the right thing!!!! didnt last long, now i have a rather large greyhound and a puppy in bed with me!!! and OH if he can fit!!!! archie is irresistable :wub:
A large Greyhound and a pup in the bed!!! sounds like heaven :)) :)) :))
OOOOOH I'd love a cuddle with Archie - in bed or anywhere! he is just so :wub: :wub: . But those knowing eyes are just fullof mischief -planning too -not entirely an o:) I should think.

Give him a huge huggle from me please Janis!! :huggles:
jezza said:
He's got the look of Jonah about him!!! Lock up your valuables  :lol:
Very cute and such a poser  :*

I was thinking that too Lucy, though Jonah's white blaze isn't quite arrow shaped. But yes, the mischievous look is definitely the same! :- " Archie looks full of it but is still very cute! :wub: :huggles: :wub:
I thought you all knew that human beds are made for whippets. We just borrow them. :lol:
Archie is soooo cute :wub: my lot are not allowed on the beds or settee either :- " :D