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:wub: He is so handsome!! (w00t) I wondered :unsure: just how old he was as well.... I know he is older than Ozzy. He looks like butter wouldn,t melt..... o:) ;)

nbirse said:
Very cute.. How old is Archie..?

littlenell said:
:wub: He is so handsome!! (w00t)   I wondered  :unsure: just how old he was as well.... I know he is older than Ozzy. He looks like butter wouldn,t melt..... o:)   ;) Tina

He was 15 weeks on Tuesday (w00t) dosnt time fly.. :huggles: (he was born 27th March :) )
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Who could resist having such a cute young man on their bed :- " :wub:

Lovely pictures Janis, love the ones of Archie lying down, you can just see the look of mischeif in his eyes :lol:
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Archie is just to die for - he is getting more and more gorgeous :*

I think he starting to look a bit like Ruso now as well!
that tinkle in his eye.. :wub: i'm predicting lots of de-stuffed toys to come by
So sweet. He has a real look of his father doesn't he?
whippetgood said:
ecksey said:
yea i started off trying to do the right thing!!!! didnt last long, now i have a rather large greyhound and a puppy in bed with me!!! and OH if he can fit!!!! archie is irresistable :wub:
A large Greyhound and a pup in the bed!!! sounds like heaven :)) :)) :))

it certainly is my kind of heaven, :)