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OEH said:
wunwin said:
PINKY P said:
Facts. You said you are a moderator, so you have some input and link to the site owner and her views. You asked members to look, join and discuss. I am only doing 2 of the 3, as i wont join some bunny hugging forum, who calls working dog people nasty. If you dont want flack, dont encorage us to consort with bunny huggers. :rant: :rant: :rant: :rant:

well for your infomation I have asked her several times to consider putting working lurcher and racing greyhound sections and I may be moderator but I can't actually put in new sections without her saying it is ok.

so shut up will you :rant: :rant: :rant: :rant: :rant:

Could you please explain why you are not at school at the moment? Are you really 12, (SENTANCE REMOVED). In this modern society, we have to be so carefull, incase 1 comment, taken in the wrong context, is turned around. Its just that, as a 12 year old, you should not be posting at this time, so something here is a bit suss. Clarify please.

Wunwin- She really is 12 I have met her. Maybe she is using a computer at school. If you go back and look at the silly forum, you'll see I have tried to explain to them what lurchers are for.

PinkyP- instead of getting so cross think about what we are saying- you have asked people in a section of this forum which mainly has people with WORKING DOGS to join a forum which is anti working dogs :oops: , not really surprising people object is it? I know you are only being nice trying to get people to join your friend's forum :thumbsup: but maybe there just isn't room for another forum and that's why people aren't joining, what's wrong with this forum? It seems to have managed they balance between working dog people and anti people quite well.

No good getting onto the CHILD, weres her parents
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I think there are enough dog forums already it's hard enough to keep (w00t) I personally wouldn't feel comfortable on a site with majority kids anyway at my age :b

Why don't you ask your friend to set up a site aimed at your age group Pinky and talk about things you have in common :thumbsup: school, playstations,music ect
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stormydog said:
boom said:
Zephyr said:
Could I just remind people that Lucy-lemon and Pinky-P are TWELVE years old -
Be nice, guys :thumbsup:

12 ???? :eek:

surely then a website entitled "canine for kids only" would be a better idea instead of kids trying to moderate an "adult majority website", then maybe they could discuss homeworks and schooling ETC ETC :oops:

had this one before..........................WAY TOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO MANY "K9 TYPE WEBSITES" change the idea time !

j :wacko: hn

I agree .......................... TOO many new sites cropping up, all with the same format, presumably because its been found to work, so therefore no real need for yet another.

If younger people dont want to participate in forums such as K9, then do start one with a younger bias .......................wasnt it suggested aeons ago that there was a whole 'youth' section to k9 ? I seem to recall there were many issues addressed re the safety aspect of youngsters on the internet and wonder perhaps if this is why it hasnt been started? God point tho Keith :thumbsup: where are the parents throughout all of this ? I for one would be worried that any child of mine was allowed carte blanche to the Willfully Wicked Web :(
peony said:
PINKY P said:
Facts. You said you are a moderator, so you have some input and link to the site owner and her views. You asked members to look, join and discuss. I am only doing 2 of the 3, as i wont join some bunny hugging forum, who calls working dog people nasty. If you dont want flack, dont encorage us to consort with bunny huggers. :rant: :rant: :rant: :rant:

well for your infomation I have asked her several times to consider putting working lurcher and racing greyhound sections and I may be moderator but I can't actually put in new sections without her saying it is ok.

so shut up will you :rant: :rant: :rant: :rant: :rant:

Errrrrrrrrrrrrrrr am i missing something here ??????????? Its mid week, its mid morning and a 12 year old, who has made a staggering 2,099 posts in 5 months is causing an argument? Why the bloody hell isnt she at school??? :rant: :rant: :rant:

just to say I have got a cold
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Right I have to address this, seen that we are deemed to be such awful parents that dont know what our child is doing (KEITH), well we are here all the time that pinky is online, I check all PMs sent to her and dont allow her into chat unless either EVE, Lucy-Lemon are in there with no one else. And for your information she has had FLU this week and been quite poorly!

Wunwin your comment about being a (WORD REMOVED) is well out of order and I'm quite taken aback that you should even suggest such a thing!!!

Yes she came on to try get a few people join a forum because she was excited about it! And like she stated the opinion of working dogs and greyhound racing were totally the site owners opinion! Yes she suggested that a K9 child section would be good as some of the chit chat element can get a bit close to the knuckle but no one wanted it!!!

Looks like such a simple post has again turned into another one of K9's snipey bitchy threads of late!
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I know a fair amount feel there's quite a few K9 sites but to my knowledge there isn't one for youngsters. TBH I think what Pinky and Lucy have done is a good idea, I also think it's better not to deliberately aim this at kids as certain older individuals could target it for different motives. There is I suspect adult moderators on their too to oversee matters.

Yes they did put requests on their forums for certain topics to be avoided, I asked them about this in general dog discussion in a frank but polite manner as you have to consider the fact that they're young children. Pinky replied that this was because her friend didn't like it, and I respect her view like she respected mine.

At the end of the day it's their website and they can choose how they wish to moderate it, no-ones being forced to join and in fairness, they've been honest about how they want to present their forums. I would hope people do join and like Posh Totty said maybe educate them a little about their lurchers heritage in a polite and respectful manner.

Hope your feeling better soon Pinky :luck: and I wish you and your friend the best of luck with your site. I had a quick peek today and I think the site looks really good. :thumbsup:

As for some of the remarks posted in this thread, shame on you. It would of took 5 minutes for you to establish Pinky was a child and that her parents were members on here. Some of us post whilst at work and most schools these days let the kids use the internet during I.T. lessons and on their breaks / free periods. I don't see why any member has to justify why they're on K9 as it's none of anyone elses business.
bloody hell jac,you swallowed a dictionary? (w00t) :lol:
Ok, there's been a lot of real nastiness on K9 recently ...... but i really can't believe that people have stooped so low as to speak to a child like that.

whatever you think of the site, these are CHILDREN ffs, have some respect or failing that, at least some common decency :angry:
urchin said:
Ok, there's been a lot of real nastiness on K9 recently ...... but i really can't believe that people have stooped so low as to speak to a child like that.
whatever you think of the site, these are CHILDREN ffs, have some respect or failing that, at least some common decency :angry:

ffs :blink: whats kid friendly about that, :unsure: this is a majority adult site Urchin,I think you'll find that most of those adults use a lot of restraint in their posts in the knowledge that there are children on the site, the thing is Pinky and Lucy are grown up enough to be here and form their own forum, they need to be grown up enough to take on board critisism sometimes, I agree that some of the comments were unessesary but over all most are fair points.

I also think respect is a two way thing after all Pinky is the one telling people to "shut up" :eek:
As Pinky has already say she has asked Lucy if she will put on a section for working and racing dogs. So why is all this nastiness being amimed at children who did actually ask for a junior K9 to no avail so they've used their innitiative and started a forum of their own All they are asking is for people to join. If you don't agree with the rules then its simple DON'T JOIN.

There is no need for all the nastiness and bitchiness that seems to be going on in K9 at the moment

As for Pinky being of school thats up to her parents to decide if she is to ill to be there Even so my son Ben had access to the internet at school in breaks dinnertime and free periods and could easily get into K9 from there would I be slated if he did that?
*Lesley* said:
urchin said:
Ok, there's been a lot of real nastiness on K9 recently ...... but i really can't believe that people have stooped so low as to speak to a child like that.
whatever you think of the site, these are CHILDREN ffs, have some respect or failing that, at least some common decency :angry:

ffs :blink: whats kid friendly about that, :unsure: this is a majority adult site Urchin,I think you'll find that most of those adults use a lot of restraint in their posts in the knowledge that there are children on the site, the thing is Pinky and Lucy are grown up enough to be here and form their own forum, they need to be grown up enough to take on board critisism sometimes, I agree that some of the comments were unessesary but over all most are fair points.

I also think respect is a two way thing after all Pinky is the one telling people to "shut up" :eek:

You beat me to i Lesley, ffs this girl pinky is on line at this momemt reading this garbage, sposed to have flu, should be in bed i say

midlanderkeith said:
*Lesley* said:
urchin said:
Ok, there's been a lot of real nastiness on K9 recently ...... but i really can't believe that people have stooped so low as to speak to a child like that.
whatever you think of the site, these are CHILDREN ffs, have some respect or failing that, at least some common decency :angry:

ffs :blink: whats kid friendly about that, :unsure: this is a majority adult site Urchin,I think you'll find that most of those adults use a lot of restraint in their posts in the knowledge that there are children on the site, the thing is Pinky and Lucy are grown up enough to be here and form their own forum, they need to be grown up enough to take on board critisism sometimes, I agree that some of the comments were unessesary but over all most are fair points.

I also think respect is a two way thing after all Pinky is the one telling people to "shut up" :eek:

You beat me to i Lesley, ffs this girl pinky is on line at this momemt reading this garbage, sposed to have flu, should be in bed i say


and one other thing, theres been some real explicit postings on here lately, and guess what, i click on pinky p and yes shes there reading that post

midlanderkeith said:
*Lesley* said:
urchin said:
Ok, there's been a lot of real nastiness on K9 recently ...... but i really can't believe that people have stooped so low as to speak to a child like that.
whatever you think of the site, these are CHILDREN ffs, have some respect or failing that, at least some common decency :angry:

ffs :blink: whats kid friendly about that, :unsure: this is a majority adult site Urchin,I think you'll find that most of those adults use a lot of restraint in their posts in the knowledge that there are children on the site, the thing is Pinky and Lucy are grown up enough to be here and form their own forum, they need to be grown up enough to take on board critisism sometimes, I agree that some of the comments were unessesary but over all most are fair points.

I also think respect is a two way thing after all Pinky is the one telling people to "shut up" :eek:

You beat me to i Lesley, ffs this girl pinky is on line at this momemt reading this garbage, sposed to have flu, should be in bed i say


Is she online or is it one of her parents? I have been known to come on here using my sons username if I use his laptop and he stays signed in the same as he has used my name if he's used my pc
oakmoorehill said:
midlanderkeith said:
*Lesley* said:
urchin said:
Ok, there's been a lot of real nastiness on K9 recently ...... but i really can't believe that people have stooped so low as to speak to a child like that.
whatever you think of the site, these are CHILDREN ffs, have some respect or failing that, at least some common decency :angry:

ffs :blink: whats kid friendly about that, :unsure: this is a majority adult site Urchin,I think you'll find that most of those adults use a lot of restraint in their posts in the knowledge that there are children on the site, the thing is Pinky and Lucy are grown up enough to be here and form their own forum, they need to be grown up enough to take on board critisism sometimes, I agree that some of the comments were unessesary but over all most are fair points.

I also think respect is a two way thing after all Pinky is the one telling people to "shut up" :eek:

You beat me to i Lesley, ffs this girl pinky is on line at this momemt reading this garbage, sposed to have flu, should be in bed i say


Is she online or is it one of her parents? I have been known to come on here using my sons username if I use his laptop and he stays signed in the same as he has used my name if he's used my pc

ive seen this girl on k9 as late as 10 30 pm. disgraceful
Thanks Wild Whippies for your comments, also Urchin and Posh.

Paris is 11.She is not only intelligent academically but intelligent in many other areas too, especially socially. Paris has the vocab that many an adults would envy, at times her spelling when she is rushing or excited is little cock -a- hoop.

During her SATs she attained some of the highest grades in the county, of which we as parents are very proud.

Some of the comments I have seen today are totally unappropriate and suggestive. Sometimes she has left the PC still logged in and I or her father have read posts late many evenings. I even went into chat in her name a few times and had the cheek to tell her off for entering chat without permission! :blink:

The people who made the awful comments do not suprise me. Many people who behave in a mean and nasty way are usually leading very unhappy and unfulfilled lives, so I totally understand your points of view. You know who you are.Disgraceful indeed.

The computer is situated within our living room and as we work from home quite alot we are totally aware of what our child is up to.

Paris is absent from school due to suffering a bout of "The Lurgy" which is doing its rounds. Her school is aware.

Thanks for your concern :cheers:
midlanderkeith said:
oakmoorehill said:
midlanderkeith said:
*Lesley* said:
urchin said:
Ok, there's been a lot of real nastiness on K9 recently ...... but i really can't believe that people have stooped so low as to speak to a child like that.
whatever you think of the site, these are CHILDREN ffs, have some respect or failing that, at least some common decency :angry:

ffs :blink: whats kid friendly about that, :unsure: this is a majority adult site Urchin,I think you'll find that most of those adults use a lot of restraint in their posts in the knowledge that there are children on the site, the thing is Pinky and Lucy are grown up enough to be here and form their own forum, they need to be grown up enough to take on board critisism sometimes, I agree that some of the comments were unessesary but over all most are fair points.

I also think respect is a two way thing after all Pinky is the one telling people to "shut up" :eek:

You beat me to i Lesley, ffs this girl pinky is on line at this momemt reading this garbage, sposed to have flu, should be in bed i say


Is she online or is it one of her parents? I have been known to come on here using my sons username if I use his laptop and he stays signed in the same as he has used my name if he's used my pc

ive seen this girl on k9 as late as 10 30 pm. disgraceful

As I have already said Keith is it really Pinky P or is it her parents you only see a username not the person using it .Read the previous post Keith Imperative has said she uses Pinky p's username if shes stayed logged in
oakmoorehill said:
midlanderkeith said:
oakmoorehill said:
midlanderkeith said:
*Lesley* said:
urchin said:
Ok, there's been a lot of real nastiness on K9 recently ...... but i really can't believe that people have stooped so low as to speak to a child like that.
whatever you think of the site, these are CHILDREN ffs, have some respect or failing that, at least some common decency :angry:

ffs :blink: whats kid friendly about that, :unsure: this is a majority adult site Urchin,I think you'll find that most of those adults use a lot of restraint in their posts in the knowledge that there are children on the site, the thing is Pinky and Lucy are grown up enough to be here and form their own forum, they need to be grown up enough to take on board critisism sometimes, I agree that some of the comments were unessesary but over all most are fair points.

I also think respect is a two way thing after all Pinky is the one telling people to "shut up" :eek:

You beat me to i Lesley, ffs this girl pinky is on line at this momemt reading this garbage, sposed to have flu, should be in bed i say


Is she online or is it one of her parents? I have been known to come on here using my sons username if I use his laptop and he stays signed in the same as he has used my name if he's used my pc

ive seen this girl on k9 as late as 10 30 pm. disgraceful

As I have already said Keith is it really Pinky P or is it her parents you only see a username not the person using it .Read the previous post Keith Imperative has said she uses Pinky p's username if shes stayed logged in

I think you are all being nasty to Paris and Lucy for using their iniative and doing something about not being able to have a junior K9 .

I am 13 so are you going to have a go at me as well?
bpmoore said:
oakmoorehill said:
midlanderkeith said:
oakmoorehill said:
midlanderkeith said:
*Lesley* said:
urchin said:
Ok, there's been a lot of real nastiness on K9 recently ...... but i really can't believe that people have stooped so low as to speak to a child like that.
whatever you think of the site, these are CHILDREN ffs, have some respect or failing that, at least some common decency :angry:

ffs :blink: whats kid friendly about that, :unsure: this is a majority adult site Urchin,I think you'll find that most of those adults use a lot of restraint in their posts in the knowledge that there are children on the site, the thing is Pinky and Lucy are grown up enough to be here and form their own forum, they need to be grown up enough to take on board critisism sometimes, I agree that some of the comments were unessesary but over all most are fair points.

I also think respect is a two way thing after all Pinky is the one telling people to "shut up" :eek:

You beat me to i Lesley, ffs this girl pinky is on line at this momemt reading this garbage, sposed to have flu, should be in bed i say


Is she online or is it one of her parents? I have been known to come on here using my sons username if I use his laptop and he stays signed in the same as he has used my name if he's used my pc

ive seen this girl on k9 as late as 10 30 pm. disgraceful

As I have already said Keith is it really Pinky P or is it her parents you only see a username not the person using it .Read the previous post Keith Imperative has said she uses Pinky p's username if shes stayed logged in

I think you are all being nasty to Paris and Lucy for using their iniative and doing something about not being able to have a junior K9 .

I am 13 so are you going to have a go at me as well?

Question --

Is the previous post bpmoore or is it me ?I know the answer you see a username not a person!!!!!!

another question-- What is Ben doing up and posting on here at 6.24 am?
My intention is not to be 'nasty' to Paris I have no interest with how many hours a day she uses the internet nor what she does with that time, she's not my daughter and I would never tell any parent how to raise there own child.

I was just saying that if she is grown up enough to be here then sometimes there are going to be things that she doesn't like to read, I think this post has gone bad simply because people have disagreed with oppinions of the new forum, not necessarily aimed directley at Paris until she jumped up to defend it, even though it was the site people had a problem with not Paris.

When you click on the site the first thing you are met with is ' ANYTHING BUT GREYHOUND RACING, IT'S CRUEL' and 'BUT NOT WORKING LURCHERS-i don't agree with working such wonderful dogs'this is the view of a 12 year old, it's not surprising really that the adults on this site who do both the above are going to disagree with that it is it :unsure:
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i've edited a sentance from WUNWINS post as I felt the sentance was only put there to cause offence, i'm sure most know the age of Pinky-P or at least have an idea so the sentance used was their only to provoke a response.

These are children NOT adults and although they may write daft things members would do well to remember their ages when replying even if they have wrote something that could be offensive.

I thought adults were supposed to set an example?
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