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running_free said:
Right I have to address this, seen that we are deemed to be such awful parents that dont know what our child is doing (KEITH), well we are here all the time that pinky is online, I check all PMs sent to her and dont allow her into chat unless either EVE, Lucy-Lemon are in there with no one else. And for your information she has had FLU this week and been quite poorly!Wunwin your comment about being a (WORD REMOVED) is well out of order and I'm quite taken aback that you should even suggest such a thing!!!

Yes she came on to try get a few people join a forum because she was excited about it! And like she stated the opinion of working dogs and greyhound racing were totally the site owners opinion! Yes she suggested that a K9 child section would be good as some of the chit chat element can get a bit close to the knuckle but no one wanted it!!!

Looks like such a simple post has again turned into another one of K9's snipey bitchy threads of late!

Sureley as a parent, you understand the need to know who they are talking to. As an adult, i have the same right. That is why i questioned. cant u see that?
Mark Roberts said:
i've edited a sentance from midlanderkieths post as I felt the sentance was only put there to cause offence, i'm sure KIeth knows the age of Pinky-P or at least has an idea so the sentance used was their only to provoke a response.
These are children NOT adults and although they may write daft things members would do well to remember their ages when replying even if they have wrote something that could be offensive.

I thought adults were supposed to set an example?

MY POINT IS WE ONLY HAVE THE POSTERS WORD FOR HOW OLD THEY ARE UNLESS WE KNOW THEM PERSONALLY. I dont, so if someone tells me to visit a site that goes against my feelings i will bite back. Perhaps the little ones could end all their posts with CAUTION I AM ONLY 12 DONT FLAME ME, then we will be nice and fluffy to them.
As a parent I fully understand the need to be sure who your talking to on the PC and as a parent my kids have never been allowed on the PC without supervision (but thats my choice) as there are far to many unsavoury people use the internet.

What I found distastfull was the sentance I deleted from a member who's been on K9 for long enough to know the age of Pinky-P who has posted in descussions on K9 involving the same kid then write a pathetic comment like he did.

Children write daft things and say daft things thats all part of growing up but I feel as supposedly grown adults a few members could word their replys to these children a little better.

like I said adults are supposed to set an example.

But in saying that I do feel that children shouldnt be telling adults to shut up either.
Mark Roberts said:
I thought adults were supposed to set an example?

wunwin said:
Sureley as a parent, you understand the need to know who they are talking to. As an adult, i have the same right. That is why i questioned.  cant u see that?
No not really because no amount of questioning is going to make ''those type of folk'' to admit their motives.
wild whippies said:
I know a fair amount feel there's quite a few K9 sites but to my knowledge there isn't one for youngsters. TBH I think what Pinky and Lucy have done is a good idea, I also think it's better not to deliberately aim this at kids as certain older individuals could target it for different motives. There is I suspect adult moderators on their too to oversee matters.Yes they did put requests on their forums for certain topics to be avoided, I asked them about this in general dog discussion in a frank but polite manner as you have to consider the fact that they're young children. Pinky replied that this was because her friend didn't like it, and I respect her view like she respected mine.

At the end of the day it's their website and they can choose how they wish to moderate it, no-ones being forced to join and in fairness, they've been honest about how they want to present their forums. I would hope people do join and like Posh Totty said maybe educate them a little about their lurchers heritage in a polite and respectful manner.

Hope your feeling better soon Pinky :luck:   and I wish you and your friend the best of luck with your site. I had a quick peek today and I think the site looks really good. :thumbsup:

As for some of the remarks posted in this thread, shame on you. It would of took 5 minutes for you to establish Pinky was a child and that her parents were members on here. Some of us post whilst at work and most schools these days let the kids use the internet during I.T. lessons and on their breaks / free periods. I don't see why any member has to justify why they're on K9 as it's none of anyone elses business.

Well said :thumbsup:
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Thankyou to everyone who stuck up for me and it means alot. I would like to say sorry for my disgraceful vocabulary, but the only reason I said that was because I was really livid about what wunwin said.

Sorry again,

from PINKY P. :huggles:
Well she might only be 12, but at least she can admit when shes wrong, well done Paris :thumbsup: lots of adults NEVER know when to say SORRY.
Hi Pinky, It takes a very special person to apologise, well done, many on this site could learn from you. Good Luck with your new site, I'll have a peep at it later but I'm supposed to be working now :lol: Hope you are feeling better soon.

Maybe a junior section could be put up in k9 with a adult moderating it, at least most members will be aware of who is our junior members and lets face it we have a few....
maybe Nigel could make it so that their ages showed up near their user name then people could tell at a glance?

well done on being grown up enough to appologies :thumbsup:
PINKY P said:
Hi,Thankyou to everyone who stuck up for me and it means alot. I would like to say sorry for my disgraceful vocabulary, but the only reason I said that was because I was really livid about what wunwin said.

Sorry again,

from PINKY P. :huggles:

What a lot of bottle :thumbsup: :luck:
Well I've just read this site....well done Mark for sticking up for these children you big softy :thumbsup: K9 had it's chance to put in a junior section and it didn't, now these girls have their own site we should encourage them to use it and keep it going. there was obviously a need for it. :luck: girls.

I think that the girls will be able to see both sides of the coin and hopefully the remarks made haven't made them blind to these.... there are enough antis without a clue. Please girls have patience and try to understand other peoples opinions you don't have to agree with all of them.

I have been out my whippets this morning and yet another furry animal has been a tasty tit bit for my dog Barney. Now he's sprawled across my settee as if he owns it. I also wish they wouldn't kill things but they are dogs after all.It's nice to know you love your dogs and i hope you continue to do so.

Do you show your Dogs?

If you don't you should give it a go it's quite good fun.

I hope you feel better soon it's half term next week so you'd better catch up on the lesson you missed Ha.Ha.

Oh and by the way a lot of 12 year olds are still up at 10.30pm. mine were :oops: You may feel tired at that time but I've yet to meet a child cum teenager who isn't wide awake. (w00t)
Yeah and better in there own homes weather using the Internet or doing others stuff than roaming the streets at 10.30

My daughter never slept since the day she was born she used to sit reading till silly O'Clock in the morning ...
PINKY P said:
Hi,Thankyou to everyone who stuck up for me and it means alot. I would like to say sorry for my disgraceful vocabulary, but the only reason I said that was because I was really livid about what wunwin said.

Sorry again,

from PINKY P. :huggles:

id be proud to have a daughter as well brought up as this young lady is. :) if i remember rightly from one of her previous posts she is kind and is a do gooder who helps people too.not much wrong with you hunny,you go girl! :thumbsup:
Why does being a member of this site mean i automatically know if a poster is a kid or not? I dont even know if half of you are male or female. Judging by the replies here, your all pretty irrate though!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
wunwin said:
Why does being a member of this site mean i automatically know if a poster is a kid or not?
You don't........

The same way you don't know someone is a ********** when they say they're a child and they're posting during a school day. :- "
Whether someone is a child or an adult, everyone should all be given respect.

We all come on here for infomation, advise and in alot of cases friendship and to have a laugh.

I don't see why some members behave OTT about posts, when a simple answer is all that is needed or a post can be ignored.
hellybobs said:
Whether someone is a child or an adult, everyone should all be given respect.
We all come on here for infomation, advise and in alot of cases friendship and to have a laugh.

I don't see why some members behave OTT about posts, when a simple answer is all that is needed or a post can be ignored.

yes you are right but in defence of pinky and wunwin, both are passionate of what they believe in, maybe wunwin could have a quiet word with pinky and her friend as to why he/she believes so strongly and pinky should air her views too but both in a respectful manner, i work my dogs and i still take on board these kids views but far better to educate then condemn? maybe even as far as to ask wunwin for a little working lurcher history? i personally dont have a problem with antis but should they try to stop me from doing what i believe in , then i would but i would listen to their arguement and then educate them rather then the political clap trap thats fed to those that dont know! :thumbsup:
posh totty said:
hellybobs said:
Whether someone is a child or an adult, everyone should all be given respect.
We all come on here for infomation, advise and in alot of cases friendship and to have a laugh.

I don't see why some members behave OTT about posts, when a simple answer is all that is needed or a post can be ignored.

yes you are right but in defence of pinky and wunwin, both are passionate of what they believe in, maybe wunwin could have a quiet word with pinky and her friend as to why he/she believes so strongly and pinky should air her views too but both in a respectful manner, i work my dogs and i still take on board these kids views but far better to educate then condemn? maybe even as far as to ask wunwin for a little working lurcher history? i personally dont have a problem with antis but should they try to stop me from doing what i believe in , then i would but i would listen to their arguement and then educate them rather then the political clap trap thats fed to those that dont know! :thumbsup:

Thanks posh, you seem to be the only one who understood my reason for posting in the first place. I take my hat off to you, thanks :huggles: