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jas328sport said:
another one showing just what a hard life he is going to have :lol:

He looks really scrummy. We are all puppy pic addicts on here. :D
He's lovely :wub: - love the little white tip on his tail :thumbsup:
kiplin is 4 months old and we still carnt feel his testicals,but if we sit him on the small of his back they seem to push forward and you can see them easily,give it a go. :thumbsup:
i was getting a little worried as he didnt seem to want to eat but i have bought him a sack of beta puppy food today and just mixed a bit of it in with his vile tripe/chicken mix concoction and he has wolfed the lot down :lol: perhaps the smell of that tripe was turning his stomach as well as mine :lol:

i will keep checking for his testes as like has been said i suppose it is still early days and there certainly isnt a lack of testosterone seeing as he is trying to hump everything he plays with,including the vets leg :lol:

thats my boy :- "

may have to consider a name change as well as my mother and sister took great pleasure in telling me that suki is in fact a girls name and they said if i dont believe them just sing polly put the kettle on :oops:
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he does look very healthy :wub:

but what i would suggest is clipping his claws :b

just take the very tips off , so he dosent get them caught in things .

i usually clip off the end then file them down to finish it off , dont cut too far and never go into his pink quick :thumbsup:
saraquele said:
he does look very healthy  :wub: but what i would suggest is clipping his claws  :b

just take the very tips off , so he dosent get them caught in things .

i usually clip off the end then file them down to finish it off , dont cut too far and never go into his pink quick  :thumbsup:

That's something I wish I'd done sooner with Josie because she hates it now! Mrs-Quiver-Jelly-Hide-Under-The-Table. On the other hand, Lola, who I started getting used to nail clipping early, is fine and very relaxed. If you do want to give him a manicure, definitely check out FAQ there's a whole section on nail clipping with pictures, and tips on how to get it right, as well as what to do if you nick the quick :thumbsup:
(w00t) what a little cutey :wub: aww im getting broody now :- "
Hi Jas,

Welcome to K9

Love the puppy pics - he's lovely :wub: :wub: :wub:

How are you getting on?


:) Ahhhh he look's lovely congrat's on your new baby.

Nice fat and round just how a puppy should look :thumbsup:
He's gorgeous, what a dote. :wub:

Here's to a lifetime of waggy tails together! :cheers:
hmm how am i getting on :- "

if i had to answer this yesterday morning then i would have said great,no problems :thumbsup:

unfortunately yesterday was a nightmare :b whereas before he went to wee everytime time he was taken outside,he now wont go and then comes back inside and wee's on my other dogs bed,it had to be washed yesterday and then again this morning and it all happens so quickly that you cant even grab him in time to put him out again.

the icing on the cake however was that he kept us awake all last night whining -_- i have no idea why he has now decided that he doesnt like his cage anymore :wacko: really dont fancy another night like last night again though and she who must be obeyed had to go to work this morning and lets just say the atmosphere was a tad frosty :- "

anyone have any ideas on how i can keep him calmer tonight(other than having him in bed with us as this is a big no no :b )
not sure if it is going to make any difference but today i havent allowed him to sleep on my lap.he has been out in the garden playing with my other dog and then when he comes in and lies down to go to sleep i have been putting him straight into his cage so that he hopefully starts to learn that being put in his cage means he is supposed to go to sleep,well at least thats the plan ;)
Hi and welcome to K9

how about putting the cgae in your bedroom at night until he gets used to it /

As regards his `bits ` even if the vet cant find the other , there is no reason whatso ever that he should have the other removed .

I know most peps think vets are Gods but they arnt always right

Where abouts it the country are you > maybe one of our experianced `bit` finders can find the missing `bit ` :lol:

Super looking puppy , what is his breeding ?

Jackie and the MULCAIR whippets
He is sooooo gorgeous :wub: :wub: :wub: there are usually a few sleepless night with a new puppy and it can seem like a nightmare at the time, but it will pass get him a cuddly toy and cover him over in his bed so he's snug he should be fine :huggles: also I try to tire them out a bit before bed with play -_-

Are you sure your bed is out of the question because my new puppies always spend the first few days in mine, they'd still be ther too if OH didnt put his foot down :lol: :b

My boys testicles were very hard to see when he was a baby it can be so deceiving, no doubt now though (w00t)
well last night wasnt as bad but he still woke up and cried a fair few times.he just cries and barks constantly however if our other dog isnt in the room with him.the bedroom is most definately out of bounds as upstairs is definately dog free,always has been and always will be :- "

i will be so glad when he has had his 2nd jab in 2 weeks time,then 1 week later i will be able to take him out and really tire him out :lol:

this crying at night lark wouldnt be as bad if my missus was as heavy a sleeper as me but unfortunately ever since we had our daughter my missus has turned into a light sleeper as she says she needs to be in case our daughter ever needs her in the night,mind you though she is bloody 9 years old now ;)

cant remember his breeding off the top of my head as breeding dogs always have such long names :lol: will get his certificate tomorrow and have a look.
congrats on your new baby :huggles: he will settle down in time :) every time he does something naughty, and be sure to catch him in the act, or he wont see a link, tell him off in a growly kind of voice. this is what his mum would do, and pups are surprisingly responsive to this from their humans :D

also, when you start taking him out, do it in small amounts. youngsters dont need hour long walks, only 15 min really, until they get to around the 10mth mark. indeed, to much too soon can actually cause serious health problems, be it bone or joint development :(

good luck, and enjoy the new addition to your family :luck:
a few more pics now that i have the camera sorted.

sod off and get your own food,this is mine :lol:


this one is of the old man of the house,over 14 years old and still in perfect health,little bit smelly though :lol:


lastly the only thing we have found so far that satisfies his teething urges
