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New Mating Sup Rch Nch Spirit Of The Stag And Sup Nch Rch Midnight Run

so sorry to hear this hope the others are ok :luck:
Sorry to hear about the two you lost, breeding can be absolutely fantastic but on odd occasions heart breaking hope the 3 left go from strength to stength :luck:
sorry about the two you have lost hopefully the other 3 will be ok.
really sorry about the 2 u lost RIP little ones xxx fingers crossed and good luck for the 3 remaining ones :luck: :luck: :luck:
the smallest/weakest little lad survived the night Dee which you weren't expecting him to so thats a good sign, he's a little fighter but if any of them don't make it with you and Gary looking after them they wouldn't make it with anyone best of luck to em got everything crossed :luck: :luck: :luck:
So sorry to hear about the two little pups R.I.P. Lots & lots of :luck: with the other little ones x
Fingers crossed for the little ones, sorry about the 2 of them that you lost. :luck:
gutted for yous,about the 2 you lost but with you n dee looking after the remaining 3 they will be fine, as will bramble,best of luck :thumbsup:
Sorry to hear 2 little ones didn't make it RIP. Good luck with the remaining pups.
So sorry you've lost two of the pups :( Rest In Peace little ones.

Got everything crossed that the others thrive for you. :luck: :luck: :luck:
:(Sorry to hear you've lost 2 pups let's pray the other 3 thrive se you soon
So sorry to hear the aweful news about the loss of Brambles 2 pups.

Good luck with the 3 pups.

RIP little ones - :luck: with the remaining 3
thankyou everyone the bitch is looking strong and the other dog is coming on now the smallest little fellow is battling on we keep putting him on the teat every half hour and he is taking plenty so just praying he and others are ok they are little fighters had bramble and puppies for a check at vets bramble is fine but tiered it was a hard long haul
thankyou everyone the bitch is looking strong and the other dog is coming on now the smallest little fellow is battling on we keep putting him on the teat every half hour and he is taking plenty so just praying he and others are ok they are little fighters had bramble and puppies for a check at vets bramble is fine but tiered it was a hard long haul
sorry to hear about the pups gary and denise ive got my fingers crossed for the other pups i lost pups out of both litters i bred from fly free so i know how you feel fingers crossed the 3 other ones survive goodluck they ll be little crackers

Sorry to hear this gary and dee hope other little fighter pull though for you
Sorry to hear this sad news Gary Dennise & Gary F. Glad mum is ok & pups doing well :luck: :luck: :luck: Rest in peace two little boys Vicki & Mick xxx
sorry you lost two hope all the others pull thro :luck:
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