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New Mating Sup Rch Nch Spirit Of The Stag And Sup Nch Rch Midnight Run

Mums says FOUR - 3 dogs 1 bitch

I say FOUR - 3 bitches 1 dog
one dog three bitches do you want the weights yet kaz or can i guess later :lol:
il let u wait and c wot she has :teehee: :thumbsup: :luck:
Lets have your guesses she is due on Sunday

i reckon 4 max

I reckon 4 as well 3 bitces 1 dog
Ithink six gaz 4 bitch 2 dogs good luck should be class
3 to 4, dark brindles, probably all dogs just to sicken aunty debs, with molly having all
Awwwwwwww she is looking great hope everything goes well :luck: :luck: :luck:

wont be long now its flew over.
Bramble had her puppys yesterday 5 in total sadly 2 where born dead ...she has a black bitch , black dog , and blue dog left , the birth was quite a long one and pups are quite weak so we have everything crossed that the 3 little ones are ok
Sorry you lost two, fingers crossed for your three babies :luck: :luck:
Fingers crossed these babies will be o.k. So sorry the other two didnt make it.
Come on little babies I hope you're all a bunch of little Freya's and fight on through :luck: