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Nerve Damage?


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Can anyone please give me any knowledge about this. Rocky was laying on bed this morning and suddendly cried and held his front leg up.

I tried to find out what was wrong and found he couldn't stand on any leg. Down to vets who said it is a nerve under his arm damaged.. If he doesnt recover in 24 hours naturally it doesn's look good and they said he will not recover and I will have to make that awful decision. Rocky doesn't do anything strenuous any more and enjoys his retirement. He played with his toys, went out in garden and ate his breakfast this morning and is very alert. Seems a nightmare that he cannot walk. Has anyone heard anything like this. I am trying to find out everything I can before that awful decision

I have not heard of anything like this but I do hope he recovers soon. Sending healing thoughts his way :luck:
Depends on what the nerve damage is Audrey and what the cause is. I do wish vets would tell their owners more rather than leaving them in limbo like this with no understanding of what's going on, why it's happened and so on.

Ring them up because the fact is some things with nerves are treatable and some aren't and without knowing what's gone on, none of us can possibly give you a decent opinion. What we can do though is wish Rocky the best of luck, which I do in abundance. :luck: :luck: :luck:
Something sounds odd to me.

I know i'm new here, i'm no vet but i have 30 years experience with dogs (and still learning).

The only time i've heard of nerve damage affecting all four limbs and dog cannot stand it was the neck & or back that was the problem. Anti-inflamatories are the first treatment to stop any swelling if a nerve has been trapped.

If Rocky was up and normal this morning but then unable to move from his bed he could have a trapped nerve which medication time and complete rest can fix.

I'd really be calling the vet back for a more detailed explanation of what they think the cause is before even thinking of making such a huge decission for him, if they haven't done detailed tests to verify his problem then i would be seeking those first as well.

Best of luck, gentle hugs and get well wishes to Rocky and strength to you.
Thanks Kath, Jaqui and FlyLurcher for your kind words and hope

I have just rung vets and they said he is comfortable but no change. I asked for more information but it was relayed to me that they want to give him complete rest for the day to see if it will right itself.

It just seems so ridiculous a fit healthy 8 year old who loves to play with the other boys and his toys to suddendly suffer nerve damage. Vet did say it was waiting to happen hence just laying on bed. I also have had over 40 years with whippets and have never had or heard of anything like this before.

It seems I am going through a nightmare
:unsure: The only thing I've experienced, which is similar, was years ago with my Dads' whippet. She fit and healthy and had been retired for about three years, when suddenly. one morning and without any warning, I looked outside to find her just lying on her side. When I went to her side, she wagged her tail and looked totally unconcerned, but when

I tried to get her to stand, she was unable to do so. I carried her indoors and made her comfortable and rang my vet, who said to bring her up straight away, which I did. On arrival, she still couldn't stand and although he did lots of pinch tests and flexing, nothing was ovious to him. His advice was that it could be a trapped nerve in either her back or neck, a blood clot in her back or neck or a full blown stroke. After considering which one it was likely to be, he advised that the first thing to try should be Steroids in large doses, to see if this could help to get things moving again. At this point, she still was quite happy and unconcerned at the problem she had and so I was advised to leave her there, so that she could be treated and have the support she needed to do her "toilet" etc.,. I rang every day and was told that, No, there was no improvement, but she was still quite happy in herself. This went on for three days and after the third day the vet said that at this point he was even more convinced that she had suffered a stroke and the damage was irreversible, as any other conditionwould have shown some, if only a little improvement. This was the moment I had been dreading, but I had to face the fact that she wasn't going to be able to carry on like this. It was with a heavy heart that the decision was made to let her go with dignity and with me at her side as she fell to sleep. I'll never forget her. I know this is of little help to you, but I hope you have better luck than I did. Give him a hug from me and my "girls". :luck: :wub:
dad has asked me to ask u has it had a blood test for protien poisening coz it could be that coz it does the same thing so i am told
Thanks Cistinna, I will ask the vet tomorrow about the poisoning. I phoned just now and vet said now she thinks it is maybe a disc in his neck, so Flylurcher you thought neck or back. Horrible trying to sleep and missing him and trying not to think the worst. Flylurches message gave me hope as vet said tonight it will be a long job and plenty of rest. I will not make the dreaded decision for awhile and see what treatment she can offer. Apparenatly not much is being done as she hopes complete rest in vets tonight will help.
Time is a great healer but it can't fix everything.

I am a firm believer in if an animal is in no pain or distress i will leave it to see if it improves. There does come a point if there is no change when you have to think of thier quality of life but i will never rush that decission unless the animal is suffering.

I have to know in my heart that they have had every chance and there is no other choice so that i can come to terms with being responsable for ending it's life.

No-one can tell you when that time is, your heart & head will let you know when the time has come as no-one knows your dog like you do.

Sending continued well wishes for Rocky & strength to you hun.
Thanks Flylurcher for the latest post

I have just rung vets and Rocky is still in no pain or distress and vet definitely knows its a disc at the bottom of the neck where it meets the spine.

He has use in his left front and left back leg but nothing in the right ones, although he can feel them when touched.

He is on anti inflamatory and a little valium and they want to keep him in for another 24 hours

If still same or improved maybe he can come home and stay in cage with me lifting him in and out for toilet.

She said this could take a long time but as you said I want to give him every opportunity.
Thanks also for your second post Deeva. Just read you first one again about your dads lass. It seems a stroke has been ruled out with Rocky so perhaps there is some hope, especially as he can use his left legs. Its just a waiting game, vet said it could be a long one.
Thanks also for your second post Deeva. Just read you first one again about your dads lass. It seems a stroke has been ruled out with Rocky so perhaps there is some hope, especially as he can use his left legs. Its just a waiting game, vet said it could be a long one.
just sending my best wishes and good luck to rocky. xxx :luck:
Just wanted to say Im thinking of you and wishing you all the best :luck: :luck:
Fingers crossed for Rocky. Hope things turn out well for you. xxxxx
Thanks Flylurcher for the latest post
I have just rung vets and Rocky is still in no pain or distress and vet definitely knows its a disc at the bottom of the neck where it meets the spine.

He has use in his left front and left back leg but nothing in the right ones, although he can feel them when touched.

He is on anti inflamatory and a little valium and they want to keep him in for another 24 hours

If still same or improved maybe he can come home and stay in cage with me lifting him in and out for toilet.

She said this could take a long time but as you said I want to give him every opportunity.
if you live near southport ring paul 07711186216,really good at putting things back where they should be :luck: :luck:sounds more like a stroke :luck: :luck:
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possible radial nerve damage?????????????????????? could take quiet a bit of time to come right :luck:
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Haven't used one myself but i've been told Chiropractors can help animals a lot.

Might be worth contacting one and telling them about Rocky and see if they can offer him any help :thumbsup: