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My whipster got run over!! :-(

i left an earing at mine....i got it back months later when i took one of the dogs. the girl said "is this youres we've had it for ages"
the only thing i could think of is that i either caught it on something or sam pulled my ear(he was a baby at the time)
Poor you Vicky. It's an awful shock isn't it?

A few months ago I let my Fred out into our back yard for a wee (3 am!) and he ran off (gate open). We live on a really quiet road so I didn't panic too much. I ran upstairs for a dressing gown, so I could run down the road after him. I just got to the back door again when there he was. He came in and then did a funny wobble. I thought he was going to collapse. He managed to run upstairs, wobbled again and jumped on the bed. That's when I noticed he had a cut on his leg, which he was licking. I looked out the window and there was a car stopped in the road and two people wandering around. I thought, "Oh my god he's been hit" and I ran outside. It only turned out to be a police car! They'd been the only car at that time of the morning, doing a quick patrol, and had knocked Fred over. They were convinced he'd crawled off to die, as they said they'd hit him 20 feet or so. The driver looked quite upset.

Because it was a police car they'd registered it as an official incident, and another police car turned up with his supervisor. I had to make a statement there and then. It was all very sureal at 0300 hrs in the morning! I was told they wouldn't be charging me as there was no damage to the police car!

Anyway luckily Fred came out of better than your poor whippet. A quick check up the next morning revealed he was fine but for a bruise and cut or two. They're tough dogs aren't they even if they don't look it.

It's an awful thing to happen though isn't it?
Kit was put under today & stitched back up but because when they x-rayed her yesterday they only did her knee, when they x-rayed her again today they found her hip was dislocated, so shes now been put back together & she's staying in the vets for a couple more days to make sure she doesn't move about too much & pop it out again until it heals.

:( More of my maternity pay gone!!
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awwwww poor thing. bet shes missing the peace and quiet of home life ;) .
Will need more than a bottle of cider to get over the bill!!
awwwww poor thing. bet shes missing the peace and quiet of home life
Peace & quiet with two sqwarking kids? - bet she'd rather stay there!
Update on Kit Kat :(

Her hip's come out of socket again so another operation tomorrow, the vets are thinking of taking the ball off the top of her femur so that it will always be out of joint but won't be grating on the socket, she'll be able to walk ok but won't be in the pain she is now with it grating on the socket. Her knee looks ok at the moment but they will have another look at that tomorrow, if her knee cap does become infected they may be talking about amputation (then we will have to start thinking about what is kindest for her :( ) hopefully it won't come to that but we'll see.
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Main thing is they said she's happy & quite perky, she's even eating chappy :x

considering she turns her nose up at shin beef i think they've done better than me
when sky lived at the vets she loved chappy and pal plus they fed her loads of choccies which grateful patients brought in (with my permission of course). i can remember visiting her and the girls had her behind the reception desk eating coffee creams. in the weeks she lived at the vets she went to a bbq at the vets house(leg scaffolded) one weekend, went home with the receptionist at night and got really fussed over.
(w00t) Thats a pic of my bank manager!

Just been to see my vet who showed me the x-rays so i'm a bit more in the know about what theyre doing to her today - the hip is the easy part & apparently this kind of op is carried out fairly regular with breeds prone to hip displasia. The main worry for the vets is that her knee doesn't become infected, it was checked this morning & there's no sign of infection but i was warned that she's not out of the woods just yet. So long as the knee stays ok she should get 90% movement back in the hip joint.

I asked the vet what he would do if she were his & he said he'd give this op a go, if she was heavier / older / senile / unhealthy then he said he wouldn't think twice in putting her to sleep.

Fingers Crossed everyone!!!
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so she's gonna live on chappy a bit longer then :D .....remind me to treat her to a big tin when she's feeling better. fingers crossed there's no sign of infection.

So is kevin doing the op or is diane?

vicky :huggles: bank manager
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Diane the spiv isn't in today so Kevin said it'll be him or Rupert.
Yeh & sorted the rat poison saga!
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mmmmm has the receptionist asked you yet if you've thought of pet insurence :D

keep us posted on kit.
Lol funny you should say that - she gave me a statement today the length of my arm & at the bottom it say "Have you thought of pet insurance" lol