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My Dog sleeps on my bed, does yours?

I've had dogs that love sleeping on the bed - especially one Cavalier KC I had and a friends Australian Yorkie, others haven't been that fussed. Now we have a wee giant that would if he could - in the morning he comes in and sticks his head under the duvet and tries to wriggle up, until we get up. :) Anyone for licked feet?
Dudley was quite happy downstairs. No problem at all. After I came out of hospital my husband used to let him up in the mornings. I loved cuddling him in bed so much so that he now sleeps all night with me.
Like others have said, I know he is clean, worked and defleaed regularly. So why not.?
My husband sleeps in another room so we have a lovely big bed for the two of us. Dudley doesn't snore or take more than his share of the duvet
Our lad always makes his own way to his own bed outside our bedroom when we go to bed. Most mornings he'll come in and jump up and join us before we go out for his morning walk. At weekends, I'll go back to bed and he'll join us - he loves a bit of a cuddle/rough and tumble during this time (and so do I!), then he'll make his way to the bottom of the bed and go to sleep until we get up.
We share the bed with the 3 whippets, ive actually started to take their bed upstairs hoping one or two might go and sleep in it leaving room for us! Still waiting lol
I'm a dog sitter and varies depending on what dog is staying. I have 2 dogs a pug and a lab who sleep on my bed as they used to bark and scratch at night.
Leaving the door open to my bedroom gives me a quiet life. It is squashed.

I have 2 German shepherds staying at the moment who are very happy to sleep in the living room and are quiet at night which is making me very happy.

If they are small cuddly dogs it can be nice.
Dotty sleeps with me.. fortunately I have a giant bed and she keeps my feet warm at the end! She doesn't make a peep and even when she is in a hyper mood, she knows lights off means sleep time. I know you're not meant to, but I don't see any harm really as I am happy to always have her there. :)
Yes Folly sleeps with me, and being a Whippet she gets under the duvet. Even though we share a king size bed she insists on actually touching me, leaving a lot of bed unused. I do not see anything wrong with a dog sharing a bed, ok I can see problems if say a couple have four great danes but provided they fit ok then no problem.
Roxy used to sleep in bed with me, since she is small and we had a double bed to ourselves :) ...but when I got with my partner he soon put a stop to it! To start with she slept in her bed in the bedroom,
She now sleeps in the kitchen, because with her allergies the vet said having her in the bedroom could make it worse! :(
how would having her in your bedroom be worse for HER allergies? is she allergic to YOU? o_O
I should think dust mites are rife in bedrooms. If mine is anything to go by, anyway. Plus any small particles such as flakes of dead skin could aggravate symptoms.
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This is where Spike sleeps and you have to get in around him he becomes a dead weight and can’t be moved. Roxy will come up and cuddle until you dare to move, even slightly, then she moves like you’ve pinched her and shoots off the bed.
is that a rat terrier? o_O o_O o_O
He’s a Jack Russell with a bit of a cross of something else that has completely removed all traits of a Jack Russell, no prey drive at all, would sleep all day, very laid back dog.
A strange thing, I have been looking after my Sons dog, a Staffy cross, for a couple of weeks while they were on holiday. Every night he joined Folly and I on the bed, Folly and I under the duvet of course he on top. But if I got up during the night to go to the bathroom he jumped off then settled down in a dog bed near my bed and then stayed there the rest of the night. If I didn't visit the bathroom he stayed on my bed. What was going through his mind I do not know, he didn't look like he was worried about being told off in fact he didn't look worried about anything.
My dogs have always had a selection of comfy beds around the house and almost all sleep on the couches or human beds. My new boy Billy comes up for cuddles and sleeps peacefully until I turn off the tv/light then he takes himself off to the spare room and sleeps on the single bed there. He made this decision completely on his own. He is a very quirky dog and we are still finding out so much about him every day.
Just this past week our dog has joined us for morning cuddles and one overnighter...nothing like a Great Dane cross fully stretched out thinking they should have their own pillow too...or even better yours and your share of the duvet!