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My Dog sleeps on my bed, does yours?


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Having had several dogs over the past 60+ years I was (in the past) very anti "dog on bed" None of my dogs where ever allowed on the beds basically because of their size...Rottweiler, English Mastiff, Newfoundland and a Dog de-Bordeaux so no room for me if they did. When I got my latest boy as a 13 week old pup I thought I would keep to my old rules, no sleeping on my bed, no getting on the sofa and having his own bed in the hallway but that all changed.. Barny Rubble is an acceptably sized English Show Type Cocker Spaniel and is now 5 and a half years old....he sleeps on my bed, the sofa, has a his own comfy bed in the lounge, one in the kitchen and another in the other words he sleeps where ever he likes....ever in the bathroom as it's cool...I guess I should re-name him Premier Inn.
I know lots of people are very against dogs sleeping on their owners bed but he's my baby, he doesn't fidget or snore (well maybe sometimes) and I know he is clean so why should he not be treated the same as my daughters were when they children...I just wondered where other peoples dogs sleep.
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Having had several dogs over the past 60+ years I was (in the past) very anti "dog on bed" None of my dogs where ever allowed on the beds basically because of their size...Rottweiler, English Mastiff, Newfoundland and a Dog de-Bordeaux so no room for me if they did. When I got my latest boy as a 13 week old pup I thought I would keep to my old rules, no sleeping on my bed, no getting on the sofa and having his own bed in the hallway but that all changed.. Barny Rubble is an acceptably sized English Show Type Cocker Spaniel and is now 5 and a half years old....he sleeps on my bed, the sofa, has a his own comfy bed in the lounge, one in the kitchen and another in the other words he sleeps where ever he likes....ever in the bathroom as it's cool...I guess I should re-name him Premier Inn.
I know lots of people are very against dogs sleeping on their owners bed but he's my baby, he doesn't fidget or snore (well maybe sometimes) and I know he is clean so why should he not be treated the same as my daughters were when they children...I just wondered where other peoples dogs sleep.
My Last Dog slept on our bed from being a little ball of fluff he just wouldn't settle and he carried on doing so until we lost him 6 years ago at a grand age of 15.My youngest son bought me a puppy who is now 7 months old I said I wasn't going to make the same mistakes with her as I did with him ..I tried a crate next to my bed she hated it whined and barked the house down got her a bed on the floor next to our bed and all she thought it was there for was to wee on and she d jump up and whine at the side of the bed. So I gave in but as soon as she is on the bed she goes to sleep and doesn't make a murmur until mum used to let her border collie sleep on her bed.Its a personal choice not for everyone, id rather have my dog quiet than waking up the whole household or neighbours.s
s a pugxstaffy so she isn't a big dog
Teddy sleeps on his bed in the kitchen. He's very big for a cocker spaniel... and I see the type of things he likes to eat on his walks:emoji_confounded:
I never encourage it. But they have all sneaked up for a cuddle at some time or other. Remy was terrified of thunder so that was the only time he ever came up..Benny loved to be warm and on winter nights he would try to get under the duvet by our feet to get a bit of extra warmth.

Murphy just jumps on the foot end and warms it until we arrive then he slopes off to his own bed or the bathroom floor if its too hot..
Dennis doesn’t sleep on the bed all night but he will come up for cuddles before we all go to sleep (as long as his blanket is on - he’s so hairy :eek:) or of Oliver is away he will sleep on his side of the bed all night - we actually have very good sleeps together! Ha

He never gets on the bed uninvited unless we go out and forget to shut the bedroom door, then he sneaks up! He jumps off when he hears us get home but we can always tell when there’s a big labrador dent :D
Aww love him, looks so content :rolleyes: mine have never slept on the bed, only really because I’m such a light sleeper and the slightest thing disturbs me. My two sleep on their beds in the kitchen , especially since our Molly became incontinent ;)
No never - Harri is not allowed upstairs at all. That's the cats sanctuary from him. He has a cosy bed of his own in the kitchen.
Teddy sleeps on his bed in the kitchen. He's very big for a cocker spaniel... and I see the type of things he likes to eat on his walks:emoji_confounded:
O bless him, I'm lucky enough to have a dog that only eats what he's given....lucky, I'd called that called that unheard of lol
I tried crating Bax when he was a pup but he HATED it. was a struggle getting him in it and he cried constantly. So he's never been crated since. 12lbs of rat terrier takes up the whole stinking queen sized bed! he sleeps smack dab in the middle of it every night. he's lucky i love him so much :mad:o_O
I tried crating Bax when he was a pup but he HATED it. was a struggle getting him in it and he cried constantly. So he's never been crated since. 12lbs of rat terrier takes up the whole stinking queen sized bed! he sleeps smack dab in the middle of it every night. he's lucky i love him so much :mad:o_O
My sentiment entirely, lucky we love our dogs....I got a crate for Barny ready for when I got him home because the breeder said he was used to one and highly recommended it....Barny had better ideas....the crate went on ebay the next day lol
Agreed, i later learned Bax actually has a phobia of enclosed spaces so no blankets covering him, no food bowls in corners. He LOVED agility and loved the jumps but we ended up only taking two courses because he couldn't do the tunnels. Some things are worth training and conditioning out of a dog, this just wasn't one of them, so no crates for bax.
Rosie sleeps on my bed and can honestly say we both get good nights sleep.which as she.s just under 5mths old i need my sleep. In past 4wks she has only weed twice over night. She didnt like her crate either only goes in it during day to check for treats. When i go out she has run of kitchen and hallway and it works for both of us as she not barking or whining
Folly has two beds in the lounge and one in the kitchen but during the day she is either on the sofa or with me on an armchair. Over night she is on the bed with me, in fact she is under the duvet even during the hot nights we had earlier. We both sleep well.
Jasper doesn't share beds well - he'd sprawl all over us, and then get snarky if we tried to roll over. And let's face it, it'd be like having a third person in bed with us! He usually sleeps on his bed next to ours and it took him no time to realise he couldn't get on the bed while we were on it.

Some nights he chooses to sleep in the spare room or downstairs, but it's a bit of a pain as he's invariably disturbed by something in the garden and asks to go out, and then at around 5.30-6am he'll be whining to come back into our room. We can't leave the door open for him as my son is nocturnal and can make a right racket when he's wandering around.
How is Molly doing - did she have to go back on the meds @Mayblossom?
She’s doing fine thanks Jo :rolleyes: on Urilin all the time now though but it’s worked and she’s such a happy girl now she’s not wetting her bed etc. Still have puppy pads in her bed under a fleece just in case ;) did make the mistake of not getting the dosing right and we had a few accidents, I was giving the last dose too early so now have to stay up a bit later and give it at 10.30 ish :) and it sees her through the night. So we're now rigidly on 3 doses at 8 hours ....I start to panic if I’m a bit late with the dose :D:D
I don't blame Barney Rubble, that bed looks so cosy. Mine have their own beds next to mine and that seems to suit everyone. They are allowed in for cuddles of course!
Jasper often used to sleep on our bed during the day, when we weren't on it. Sadly I had to put a stop to it as I don't mind sharing the bed with a few dog hairs, but he would dig up all the covers and make a nest, in the process leaving mud and grit and, occasionally rips. Didn't matter how carefully I tucked in a huge thick throw all the way round, he had to dig down to bottom sheet level.

As he's not great at being left in the evening, though, and as we rarely go out then, the last time we did go out I left the door to the bedroom open and he did go on it - I'd rather come back to grubby gritty sheets than a stressed-out dog.
My Jake has never been a cuddly dog so is happy to sleep on his bed in the bedroom.. though just one of my tiny boarders, a min pin, sleeps in the bed with me when he stays, but I keep that really quiet!!
Jasper often used to sleep on our bed during the day, when we weren't on it. Sadly I had to put a stop to it as I don't mind sharing the bed with a few dog hairs, but he would dig up all the covers and make a nest, in the process leaving mud and grit and, occasionally rips. Didn't matter how carefully I tucked in a huge thick throw all the way round, he had to dig down to bottom sheet level.

As he's not great at being left in the evening, though, and as we rarely go out then, the last time we did go out I left the door to the bedroom open and he did go on it - I'd rather come back to grubby gritty sheets than a stressed-out dog.
Yes me too, grubby sheets/bedding easy to deal with a stressed dog isn't.