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Morgan's Tumour

Pheww ... thats just brilliant news. :huggles: :cheers:
:D :D :D She's home and she's fine!!! She hardly even seems to have a wound and it's great to see her back to normal although she's a little uncomfy. That will pass in a day or two. She ate a yummy tuna and egg dinner and slept it all off soundly in her own bed. :wub: :wub: :wub:

She was very pleased to get home but not half as much as I was to see her look so well :thumbsup: The vet said he'd phone me when they get the pathology report but he's confident it will be benign. :luck:

Thank you all for all your kind wishes, it really helped because I was so panicky :huggles:
Sorry i didn't reply sooner :oops:

I'm so relieved to know she's ok :thumbsup:
I've just caught up with this thread and Fiona I'm so pleased that everything has worked out well for Morgan. :D
Only just read your thread (havent been able to connect to k9 again for 2 days :angry: )

so pleased all is well with morgan :huggles: bless her :wub:
:D Great News :D
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Just seen this one, so glad it has all turned out well for Morgan. I know how you felt , my 11 year old Kiwi tore her cruciate ligament about 3 weeks ago and it has not got any better so she has to go in for an op. tomorrow and I am so worried, it is a very long op. for an old lady, but she looks so pathetic hobbling about on three legs.
Just an up-date. The report came back on Morgan's tumour and it was malignant after all :(

The good news is that they removed the whole thing and Morgan is fine and bright in herself, just her old half-deaf, dottled old self :lol: :huggles: :wub:

We just have to keep an eye on her to make sure it doesn't grow again :luck:
oh Fiona, I'm so sorry to read this! :(

:huggles: :luck: :flowers: to both of you
zilloot said:
Just an up-date.  The report came back on Morgan's tumour and it was malignant after all :(
The good news is that they removed the whole thing and Morgan is fine and bright in herself, just her old half-deaf, dottled old self :lol:   :huggles:   :wub:

We just have to keep an eye on her to make sure it doesn't grow again :luck:

Oh dear.

Hopefully it was self-contained, and all removed. At least you can kep a watchful eye on her. Fingers crossed it was just a blip, and she goes on for a few more years yet :huggles:
so sorry to hear the test results :( , hopefully it was sorted quickly enough.keep postive fiona.
Ill keep my fingers crossed all goes well still for Morgan. :luck: :luck: :huggles:
Only just caught up with this whole thread, so glad that the operation was such a success but sorry it was malignant after all :(

Lets just hope that is the end of it - at least the discomfort has gone for her :luck: :luck:
Give Morgan a :huggles: from me, I hope all goes well in the future.

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Only just caught up with this thread

glad that the operation was

a success but sorry it was malignant after all

You take care of my little girl

For you and Morgan :huggles: :huggles: ( and yir man )