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Morgan's Tumour

:) Thank you for all the good wishes.

I dropped Moggie off at the vet this morning and although she was upset she didn't go to pieces. As EJW suggested I gave her some arnica last night and this morning so that should help. :huggles: My lovely vet chap was there and said they would do a full health-check on her including blood tests and I know she'll get lots of cuddles.

I'll let you know how she gets on. I pick her up at 5pm. :huggles:
zilloot said:
:) Thank you for all the good wishes.
I dropped Moggie off at the vet this morning and although she was upset she didn't go to pieces.  As EJW suggested I gave her some arnica last night and this morning so that should help.  :huggles:   My lovely vet chap was there and said they would do a full health-check on her including blood tests and I know she'll get lots of cuddles.

I'll let you know how she gets on.  I pick her up at 5pm. :huggles:

Good Luck :luck: i hope all goes ok, try not to worry yourself sick all day :huggles:
Good luck :luck: , hope it all goes well. :huggles: to you and Morgan
Best Wishes to you! Try not to worry! Thinking of you.
Fingers crossed it's good news for you. Only a few hours to go now.

:huggles: to you & Morgan.
WONDERFUL news from the vet!

They managed to remove the whole lump and it has not spread anywhere sinister. My vet says he is 75% sure it is benign and shouldn't cause any more problems. He thinks she was uncomfortable because she had rubbed herself and made it bleed but she will be fine now - he's even put in dissolving stitches so she won't have any discomfort from the wound.

Fingers crossed it won't grow back. The vet said also her blood tests were normal and her health is good for her age. I'm sooooo relieved and very happy.

I was just being a worrier! But my special girl will come home soon and have a special tuna dinner before spending the evening being cuddled on the sofa. She's a brave toot :wub:
:)) great news :thumbsup:

bet you can't wait till she's home
Glad to read it's good news, I hope Morgan's feeling better soon. :luck: :huggles:
Just catching up - I'm really pleased that all has turned out well - and I didn't have to wait for the outcome!!

:huggles: love to Morgan :huggles:
That's wonderful news, so glad things are OK for Morgan and you!

:cheers: :huggles:
fantastic news :thumbsup: ,now you can put the episode behind you . well done morgan :wub:
Great news :thumbsup: :cheers:
Phew.Nice to have good news for a change :cheers:
great to hear your good news, you must be sooo relieved :huggles: to Morgan