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that looks so sore keith ! is there anything i can do to help? :thumbsup:
posh totty said:
that looks so sore keith ! is there anything i can do to help?  :thumbsup:
Well it never rains but i bloody well pours, just been downstairs and my lady has rushed up to the hospital, brother in law been rushed in, so yes young Tan i need seing to and im hungry so get yourself over here pacey pacey :lol:
midlanderkeith said:
posh totty said:
that looks so sore keith ! is there anything i can do to help?  :thumbsup:
Well it never rains but i bloody well pours, just been downstairs and my lady has rushed up to the hospital, brother in law been rushed in, so yes young Tan i need seing to and im hungry so get yourself over here pacey pacey :lol:

midlanderkeith said:
midlanderkeith said:
posh totty said:
that looks so sore keith ! is there anything i can do to help?  :thumbsup:
Well it never rains but i bloody well pours, just been downstairs and my lady has rushed up to the hospital, brother in law been rushed in, so yes young Tan i need seing to and im hungry so get yourself over here pacey pacey :lol:

you dont wanna see my backpassage by any chance do ya :oops: nope dont worry you wont, they pulled enough timber out my bum cheeks to start a small camp fire :lol:
Hey! You've not been stabbing your foot with that craft knife to see if you can feel anything have you (w00t)
Judy said:
Hey! You've not been stabbing your foot with that craft knife to see if you can feel anything have you  (w00t)
Sod off Judy :oops: :lol: and show some compassion, thought about using this earlier on in the week :lol:
glad to see your sense of humour hasnt been affected :D

get well soon :thumbsup:
:eek: Good God Keith - youve got some right bruising there!!! :( Is that from the infection or did you bump yourself as well? :unsure: Get well soon :luck:

It never rains but it pours, but you got a rainbow on your BUM!!! o:)
That looks terrible...........hope it starts improving soon
Look on the bright have lovely clean toe nails (w00t)
littlenell said:
:eek: Good God Keith - youve got some right bruising there!!! :( Is that from the infection or did you bump yourself as well? :unsure: Get well soon :luck: Tina

Hi, according to hospital results received at my doctors Friday, no infection just badly bruised, no fracture, and im glad to say, today is the first day i can walk without a stick


:thumbsup: Glad youre getting better!! :eek: :eek: you must have gone with hell of a bang :unsure:

Glad your leg is a bit better today Keith, take care now :thumbsup:
Judy said:
midlanderkeith said:
Judy said:
Hey! You've not been stabbing your foot with that craft knife to see if you can feel anything have you  (w00t)
Sod off Judy :oops: :lol: and show some compassion, thought about using this earlier on in the week :lol:

:lol: At least it wasn't a chain saw.

Right judy, enough is enough, ive no choice but to up your warn level, :lol:


Poor you Keith - you have been having a rough time lately. :( Hope you feel better soon. :luck: :luck:
midlanderkeith said:
Judy said:
midlanderkeith said:
Judy said:
Hey! You've not been stabbing your foot with that craft knife to see if you can feel anything have you  (w00t)
Sod off Judy :oops: :lol: and show some compassion, thought about using this earlier on in the week :lol:

:lol: At least it wasn't a chain saw.

Right judy, enough is enough, ive no choice but to up your warn level, :lol:



I'll consider myself well and truly warned then Keith :D

Glad to hear the leg's getting better. :thumbsup: