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Blummin heck Keith that sounds really awful :(

Like someone else said get plenty of rest and if all is not well call youself an abulance straight away. Take care and get well soon :thumbsup:
That leg certainly didnt look right on the first picture Keith, :( I can imagine it was extremley painful.

Im glad you are getting sorted out :) :thumbsup:
:( aww keith how awful for you ,hope your feeling better soon :huggles: :luck:
Get well soon Keith :thumbsup:
" this is the first time ive even sat at the comp from that date, so anne glews, pray tell me this other forum im active on, impossible"

Hi Keith sorry to hear about your leg :( glad you are back, look after yourself.

I was sure I had seen you on the whippet forum! Sorry...

Bad week for me this week, lost my work keys, half of my mobile phone (don't ask :oops: ) and now maybe my marbles :wacko:

At least its 3, so no more :unsure:
Hope you're feeling better soon Keith :huggles: :luck:
i hope you feel better soon keith :luck: :huggles:
hope your feeling better soon,take care keith :thumbsup:
I don't know Keith but his posts always make me chuckle...hope he is ok
i dont know you either, but hope your better and up and about soon Keith :luck:
Sorry to hear you've been having a tough time keith, hope you are on the mend really soon :huggles: :huggles: , sorry about you job too thats a right sod, maybe you could have a word with them and explain the situation and that you'll be there as soon as you're fit :luck: you never know no harm in trying :thumbsup:
Glad you are ok Keith, keep chin up :cheers: Jan
Glad to hear from you Keith ,Really hope you get well soon :luck: :luck: :luck:
sounds like you have been having a great time of it :- " :oops:

glad your on the road to recovery :thumbsup: :cheers:
You know where i am if you need anything keith :thumbsup:
Blimey Keith - that sounds like you've been very lucky to catch the infection in time. I know someone who get tetanus after he got a bit of wood stuck in his groin (don't ask!!!) and jolly nearly died from it so take care and get well soon.
get wells soon Keith :luck: :luck: :luck:

i hope they hold the new job open for you given the circumstances :thumbsup:
Hi Keith, have been reading the forum to keep up with your progress, and I'm really glad you're on the road to recovery. Would some jaffa cakes help? lol

Notacolly said:
Hi Keith, have been reading the forum to keep up with your progress, and I'm really glad you're on the road to recovery. Would some jaffa cakes help? lolPenny

Im buggered if i no were to reply so i;ll do it here, ive just gotten up after visiting docs this morning, he says couldnt feel a pulse in my foot, more tablets then back home to bed n slept like a baby, never in my lifetime can i ever remember being in bed during the day, anyways normally when i get up and put my foot down, im in agony, not anymore, :lol: i feel sick at the moment but i no my body like no one else, im absolutely clempt, so yes my friend bung the jaffas my way now.

all i live for at the moment is getting back on my feet and setting fire to that 5 bar gate, i kid you not