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Max Has Broken His Leg


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Just to let folks know. Max is in hospital today. He broke his wrist at lunchtime playing in the garden. He also has a head injury. They are x-raying and operating tomorrow. They wanted to x-ray his head today but he wouldn't stay still and they can't sedate him. He has a massive bandage on to keep his leg still.

He might be home on Thursday or Friday but I'll keep you posted.

If I ever hear him scream like that again it will be too soon - it was awful.
Poor Max , I hope he is back home soon :luck: :huggles: :luck:
Sending all my love to max :huggles: i hope he is better soon. lots of dogs poorly at the moment on here my Bella just had her op today she also broke her leg last friday so i know how you feel. Clare xx :huggles: :luck:
clare Bow said:
Sending all my love to max  :huggles:   i hope he is better soon. lots of dogs poorly at the moment on here my Bella just had her op today she also broke her leg last friday so i know how you feel. Clare xx :huggles:   :luck:
Thanks Hula and Clare. xx

Thanks, it's awful. I am a lot calmer now, but I was an absolute wreck. I'm going to have to do some apologising later for snapping at people! Max bless him, after the initial screaming was an angel. :wub: He didn't even mind that his nose bled for over an hour! - That's why they are checking his head.

Even Tiny was brave - I had to leave him at home on his own, not something I would normally consider if Max wasn't there too because he panics so much. But he obviously knew he had to be a good boy today. :wub:

I hope Bella's leg gets better soon, what did she do?
[SIZE=21pt]hope max gets better soon, wishing you and him my best wishes :huggles: [/SIZE]
Oh Max poor you :huggles: :huggles: :huggles: :huggles: :huggles:

How on earth did you manage to do that?

:huggles: :huggles: :huggles: :huggles: to you and to your mum and :huggles: :huggles: :huggles: some for Tiny to for being such a good boy

William and Button send gentle greyhound licks to help you get better
Sorry to hear about both of you poorly dogs. Best wishes for a speedy recovery :luck:
sending max lots of :huggles: :huggles: for a speedy recovery
Ahh,poor Max.I hope he gets well soon.

Must have been scary for you too.

poor max,must have been awful :(

hope hes ok and soon back home :huggles:
Poor fella, hope he soon feels brighter :huggles:
Poor Max, poor you, do hope he's soon on the mend :luck:

poor this an old injury that he's re-broke? is unfortunately a common injury amongst greyhounds...........heres hoping everythings ok and he's on the mend soon :thumbsup:
poor Max, sounds awfl, I hope he makes a speedy, full recovery, well done to Tiny, they know when something's up don't they

:luck: :huggles:
Poor Max :(

I'm sending hugs and best wishes for his speedy recovery :huggles: :huggles: :luck: :luck:
whippet wonder said:
poor this an old injury that he's re-broke? is unfortunately a common injury amongst greyhounds...........heres hoping everythings ok and he's on the mend soon :thumbsup:

Nope, it's a brand spanking new one. I think he was protecting his right wrist which he has been having physio on and put too much weight through his left leg which I think must have buckled and just snapped.

No further news from the vets yet. Hopefully have more tomorrow.

Thanks for everyone's kind wishes and thoughts, we really appreciate it. xx
:( Poor Max, it's amazing the injuries they can get even in the garden - I do hope he makes a full recovery :huggles:
I've had two updates from the vets - the first at 7.30 saying he thought he was in Colditz and honour bound to escape - he'd tried getting out of his bandage (and suceeded), a Robert Jones one which I am told is pretty huge.

The second not so good or amusing - he has multiple depressed skull fractures on his sinus bone which they aren't fixing at the mo because there is no pressure on the brain, the brain being elsewhere in the skull.

His leg is shattered - broken ulna and radius and plenty of splinters. He is being operated on now but the break is pretty low in the wrist and they're not sure whether pins etc will hold. And future blood supply may be problematic.

I'm hoping they're giving me the worst outlook because at the mo its not looking that great.