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Major Change In My Beagles Behaviour


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hi, im new to this site and im looking for some major help! i have a 19 month old male beagle who has been neutered and the past month or so his behaviour has changed dramatically. first of he started to growl and go for my partner when he puts him to bed. he barks at me and me only to feed him and if i dont he scratches the sofa ( bearing in mind he's on a diet from the vets ) he constantly scratches the backdoor to be let out when he doesnt need to go out. so we let him out and he just stands at the back door looking outside. the oher day i bought our other dog (a male 8 month old staffie) a new dog bowl and he went mental at it and wouldnt stop barking til i picked it up off the floor. all this seems to happen in the evening starting at 5-6pm. we give him his tea as normal then he starts with the constant barking, scratching etc. he's fine with our other dog they get on great. i should mention that im pregnant and he has got closer and closer to me as the months have gone by which is very unusual as he normally doesnt leave my partners side. we also have my partners 2 kids who come every weekend and he is amazing with them! we just cannot pin point whats wrong with him and now only tonight he has urinated in the living room and kitchen which he has never done before either! im at my wits end as what to do.

PLEASE HELP!!!! thankyou.
i forgot to add that this last week he has started to hump our 8 month old staffie...another odd behaviour thats started!
I think you should take him to the vet.

I had a cat that behaved in a similar way and he ended up very unwell, but he was a lot older.

Could he have an early thyroid issue?
Well we have only taken him to the vets tonight to get his anal glands leaked and she mentioned that he's not losing weight and the next step would be to check his thyroid. Thanks for reply.
I'm afraid that all sounds very normal for a beagle, particularly one of his age

I'm concerned about the urinating though. Get him to the vets along with a urine sample to make sure he's not trying to draw attention to a problem (as my beagle did with a urine infection)

The rest of it is likely to be relatively easily eased with more exercise. Beagles are designed to run for 5 hours straight for two days in seven, and need an hour's trot on the inbetween days. You might get away with a bit less, but not 20 min trots round the block. Scent work tires them out more too

Don't listen to any behaviour advice your vet may offer, unless they own a beagle or basset ;) - ring beagle welfare. They are people who know these demanding hounds inside out, and are there to support owners of challenging beagles. Random dog training advice from well meaning non-scent hound people could make your problem worse

Looks like we cross posted ;)

I hope the thyroid test comes back clear :(
Thank you. So would u say it's normal that this behaviour has only just started a month ago. It's like he urinated to get my attention because I wouldn't let him in the living room and because I wouldn't feed him anything else has he had just eaten his tea.! He's a very clever boy. He knows how to open gates to let himself in n out of rooms lol. I'm just worried about him and hoping it's nothing serious. We have a follow up appointment for his weight in a months time and thats when they will look into testing his thyroid if his weight hasn't decreased.
You've got the teenage problem, your hormones bothering him, a change in his diet... this poor dog's world is upside down!

There's a chance the urinating was scentmarking to express disapproval, or establish pack order (you are part of his pack btw), but if your vet is worried it's a thyroid problem, check that out first

Destroying furniture is a teenage beagle hobby, best minimised by exercising enough to encourage more sleeping ;)

For amusement, put 'beagle escape' into YouTube. Your beagle is surprisingly normal :D
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Although I would also check out anything medical - just in case. You would never forgive yourself if you didnt rule out some basic tests?
The timimg of the behaviour is probably more to do with bringing another male into the house whiich is now beginning to reach sexual maturity

Good Luck
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Another tip - kongs are great. Take some of today's kibble, soak it in hot water, stuff the Kong with it, and freeze it

there's other things you can stuff them with, but if he's on a diet, stick to kibble

I've re-read your posts. You say he goes out and just stands looking. That's incredibly odd for a beagle. Is he actually sniffing the air?
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Hi. We have a Kong and put chicken paste in it for him. That sorts him out for 10 minutes.But will try the kibble. I've seen a major change in him and i feel so sorry for him. I'll do anything to help him. When he goes out he just stands on a wall we have. I don't really see him sniff the air though. Do u think once we had the baby he'll settle? Becausehe is amazing with kids. And also do u recommend we have our other dog neutered?
I would push for the thyroid screen as soon as possible before you try anything else.

Rule out ill health and then we can look at behaviours.
Brude was a bit out of sorts for a while when H arrived, but it was out of respect. He treated me like a bitch with a new litter, and gave us a wide berth

Our beagles generally don't regard us as a different species, so you have to see them and yourself from their perspective, which always starts with scent

Does your hound have a crate?
Yes he does have a crate which he sleeps in at night because he likes to scratch the walls! And also we put him in there when we feel he needs time out for being naughty. I've done the frozen kibble in the Kong today and that's worked really.good. he loves stuff like that. Anymore tips would be so appreciated. Thank you.
I really do think more exercise for him would benefit you all

I know how difficult it is with a baby on the way, but could you get a dog walker in, at least for now?
Well we tried the more exercise last night we got back and he still continued to bark. Will keep trying and trying. Thank you.
I'm afraid it'll take at least a two hour run to even begin settling him. Four or five would be better. If he's good off the lead, take a bike to a country park

Walking in new areas is great as the sniffing that has to be done to assess the place wears them out quicker
yeah we take him to the fields close by he's not too bad off his lead but if he sees something he's we have to pretend run off from him to make him chase us so we dont lose him. im thinking i need to get my 8 month staffie neutered because it seems like the beagle feels threatened by him now he's coming to maturity.