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Lurcher Showing

having been in dogs a long time and judged a few i think if you want to judge then you cant show no matter about the event,also it shouldnt matter about the upper end of the lead as its the lower end youre there to look at :clown:
Well said, :thumbsup:

having been in dogs a long time and judged a few i think if you want to judge then you cant show no matter about the event,also it shouldnt matter about the upper end of the lead as its the lower end youre there to look at :clown:
josh10 :thumbsup:

denned CORRECT :thumbsup:

but then that would be in an ideal show and everyone would go home happy
when judging youll never be everyones friend thats there but to me its a privilege to be asked so i try and be very even with the dogs, to some people its like the olmpics they take it so serious,and at the end of the day its only my opinion which ive been asked to give,good hunting, josh
I always try to be objective about showing as it is such a personal choice on the day but I think it's nice to know that anyone who is judging luchers is also capable of producing a decent dog themselves. The way to know that is for that judge to show their dogs under as many other judges as possible.
I do think it is unfair if handlers in the ring are related to the judge or show a dog which the judge themself has bred. I've seen several instances of this at local shows and it places the judge in a difficult situation because they're going to be wrong whichever way they decide! It is those cases when I believe the dog shouldn't be shown under that judge.

On the whole though I think that judges, certainly at the big shows, judge the dog and not who's on the end of the lead :thumbsup:

Jane, VERY well said, my thoughts exactly ! :thumbsup:

Nellie, might be a good idea to get your facts right re the NLRC Championship, out of the final six line up, the owners of the Reserve & 5th placed were 2 of the 4 Open show judges on the Sunday, not three as you stated.

Generally speaking, the people who moan about showing & racing have absolutely NO idea the amount of organisation that goes into any event....

Instead of moaning, offer your services, not happy with the judging, well ask to have a go! There are lots of helpful people out there to 'mentor' newcomers,

It is a thankless task...please remember that. Yes, in an ideal world it would be nice to have judges from out of the area, but now in the credit crunch world that we live in, unless the show has a bottomless pit of money, paying high petrol expenses to judges is normally out of the question - also most grass root shows are run for a well deserving charity.

There are so many hard working people out there who organise showing & racing events...thanks to all of you :thumbsup:
The showing at chatsworth was a joke this year judges should not been alound to show any day of that show or people who help to run it too this year. did the judges really get pick coz of there dog!!!!!!!!!! and why dose the nl&rc let them do it. the club need to do more to stop it
im sorry but have you looked at the dogs of the judges?i have had the pleasure of judging one of them dogs and she is a fine bitch. The other is a fine looking dog & in my opion both dogs deseve to be in that line up. As for the nl&rc alounding judges to show in the champ of champs just think about it. Anybody who does showing wants to be in the champ of champs, how can you say to 8 judges come & judge are show, but you cant be in the champ of champs. Most of them would not judge, then you would fined it hard to get desent judges. All the nl&rc can do is to pick judges that they think will do a good job ;)
yes i agree about all the hard work what gos in to a shows :thumbsup: :thumbsup: , but why was the 2 judges alound show there dogs at the same show and 1 get placed as reserve dose comes across as fixed, :angry: :angry: and its bout time it was stopped in lurcher showing has this puts new & old people off and gives the show a bad name. Its not a cheep hobbie if you add it all up geting in to games fairs like chatsworth then petrol and the cost of keeping the dogs in good shape & entering the shows add that up over a year for the working man is it fair for them, i think people would pay a little extra entering there dog to cover the petrol of a out of area judges, to move lurcher showing forward and as to start with the clubs like the nl&rc. i would like to here what the clubs have to say bout the topic and posts and would they take them on board for the shows in 2011.
The showing at chatsworth was a joke this year judges should not been alound to show any day of that show or people who help to run it too this year. did the judges really get pick coz of there dog!!!!!!!!!! and why dose the nl&rc let them do it. the club need to do more to stop it
im sorry but have you looked at the dogs of the judges?i have had the pleasure of judging one of them dogs and she is a fine bitch. The other is a fine looking dog & in my opion both dogs deseve to be in that line up. As for the nl&rc alounding judges to show in the champ of champs just think about it. Anybody who does showing wants to be in the champ of champs, how can you say to 8 judges come & judge are show, but you cant be in the champ of champs. Most of them would not judge, then you would fined it hard to get desent judges. All the nl&rc can do is to pick judges that they think will do a good job ;)
standing down from that one show would make people think better of the judge
same thing happened at the midland game fair, champion of champs won by a judge of the open show on the day. :wacko:

he should of stood down from judgeing or not shown his dog, looks bad.
What dog did win at the Midland please,? i didn't go. :thumbsup: di
Nellie, might be a good idea to get your facts right re the NLRC Championship, out of the final six line up, the owners of the Reserve & 5th placed were 2 of the 4 Open show judges on the Sunday, not three as you stated.

Generally speaking, the people who moan about showing & racing have absolutely NO idea the amount of organisation that goes into any event....

Instead of moaning, offer your services, not happy with the judging, well ask to have a go! There are lots of helpful people out there to 'mentor' newcomers,

It is a thankless task...please remember that. Yes, in an ideal world it would be nice to have judges from out of the area, but now in the credit crunch world that we live in, unless the show has a bottomless pit of money, paying high petrol expenses to judges is normally out of the question - also most grass root shows are run for a well deserving charity.

There are so many hard working people out there who organise showing & racing events...thanks to all of you :thumbsup:

Goran there should nt of been 1 judge in the line up let alone the last 6. nlrc used to have a rule whereby the championship judge had to forgo judging any other shows that year :thumbsup: judges should be selected on merit NOT volunteering to have a go. Have you been in the clic very long with the nlrc? Can you recall the judge putting up 5 committee members in the final 6 line up? If its such hard work why are members allowed in the championship when they should be too busy to have the time to go in for it?
oOps double post
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What dog did win at the Midland please,? i didn't go. :thumbsup: di
Caddy's ripley, , she is a real smart dog and deserved to win, regardless of what others think, she has done her fair share of winning throughout the year

so deserved to be shown
Goran there should nt of been 1 judge in the line up let alone the last 6. nlrc used to have a rule whereby the championship judge had to forgo judging any other shows that year :thumbsup: judges should be selected on merit NOT volunteering to have a go. Have you been in the clic very long with the nlrc? Can you recall the judge putting up 5 committee members in the final 6 line up? If its such hard work why are members allowed in the championship when they should be too busy to have the time to go in for it?

You are correct about the ruling about the CHAMPIONSHIP judge, & just to let you know, I even had to forgo showing my dog at any NLRC qualifying show this year, because the Championship show judge was my Father. Open show show judges are selected months in advance - nobody know at this stage whether their dogs will have qualified for the Championship or not - I really don't know how you would keep everybody happy.

For your information I was there in 2002, & I am NOT in the NLRC clic, as you call it.
Think it's sad :( that you are bringing a persons honesty and integrity into question on here,and cannot see a problem in allowing people who've judged the open show,to enter their dogs in the champion of champion show.At the end of the day the dogs have QUALIFIED to be in the champ of champs show.That means they've taken best in show at another event.If folk get so wound up about one of the main events of the year,simple answer is don't go.It's your choice
What dog did win at the Midland please,? i didn't go. :thumbsup: di
Caddy's ripley, , she is a real smart dog and deserved to win, regardless of what others think, she has done her fair share of winning throughout the year

so deserved to be shown
Thanks Debs, it helps if you know what dogs people are talking about. :thumbsup: di


Think it's sad :( that you are bringing a persons honesty and integrity into question on here,and cannot see a problem in allowing people who've judged the open show,to enter their dogs in the champion of champion show.At the end of the day the dogs have QUALIFIED to be in the champ of champs show.That means they've taken best in show at another event.If folk get so wound up about one of the main events of the year,simple answer is don't go.It's your choice

Absolutely agree with you there. I happen to know the championship judge very well and hand on heart, he would not have taken one look at the wrong end of the lead and would have picked each of the 6 dogs on merit, on the day, nothing to do with what they had or had not done the rest of the year.

As for getting Judges out of the area, i have judged out of my area many times, sometimes uncompensated for my efforts, but i do it because i love judging and i like to get a good look at the dogs around the country. Furthermore, i travel to show my dogs all over the country and in the hope that they qualify for the bigger Champ of Champ shows at the end of the year, if I'm spending money doing that, why should I then have to make the choice between Judging and showing, just because i might upset a few people. The honour of being asked to be an open Judge at any of the bigger shows is what some of us strive for and generally there is no issue. Occasionally people read far too much into whether "so and so knows so and so" and bring the topic up for discussion again.

As it has been said time and time again, you can't please everybody all of the time, but as a Judge you try to make the best decision on the day in your mind and if you go home with no regrets you've done a good job. No one has the right to question the integrity of a Judge, especially when its not to his face.

Izzabella, for your information, the dog that was reserve won the Pride of the Peaks on Sunday, so clearly it is a good dog and deserved its place at Chatsworth. Furthermore, the bitch that was 5th, is a very good bitch and as i put it forward for Chatsworth, i was very pleased with the placing.

Perhaps, next time you should give a little more consideration to your comments and think through the arguments that you are putting forward, everyone is entitled to their opinion, but you have to have the facts right first and if you have never been involved or offered to find out what is involved, you will automatically be on the back foot.
I judged the Midland open show last year & yes I did put my dog into the Champion of Champions because he had qualified at another show under a different judge :)) & yes I did know the 2 championship judges as people I meet at shows & chat to, like many other people do :thumbsup: My dog didn't get past the 1st round.

This year I haven't competed so much as I've been helping out at shows plus the dog has a muscle tear :( so most probably will never win again so, if as people are saying judges from that day shouldn't put their dogs into Champ of Champs my dog would never have had "his chance".

Judging & organising shows can be a thankless task as most people are "quick to criticize & slow to praise".

We have a charity show this weekend & have 6 people judging so, if we have a show next year & anyone, who hasn't judged & would like to have a go at judging some of the "minor" classes please pm me as you'll be most welcome & you'll receive plenty of support. :thumbsup:

Show organisers & judges don't mind constructive criticism or helpful ideas on the day as not everyone has access to a computer or come onto websites like K9 so can't always have the oppurtunity to respond to people's comments.

Good luck to everyone for the remainder of the season & enjoy your dogs, after all no matter what a judge thinks of them you always take the best dogs home with you :lol:
You are correct about the ruling about the CHAMPIONSHIP judge, & just to let you know, I even had to forgo showing my dog at any NLRC qualifying show this year, because the Championship show judge was my Father. Open show show judges are selected months in advance - nobody know at this stage whether their dogs will have qualified for the Championship or not - I really don't know how you would keep everybody happy.

For your information I was there in 2002, & I am NOT in the NLRC clic, as you call it.

It was considered an honour and acknowledgement of your capabilities to be asked to judge at Chatsworth :thumbsup: as the qualifiers arent selected till the end of February and the judges nominated at the agm surely that gives a chosen judge time to decide does he want to try and qualify his/her dog or judge on the day, that way closing any comeback on judges in the championship and seeing to play on a level playing field
"Hats off to the judges." I say.

I was once asked to judge and had to politely say "NO!!!!!!!"

I know people that have never judge before but taken up the mantle and done a superb job. But I'm sure if they were told that they were not allowed to show thier dogs in case they won and ended up in Champ of Champs they would be very reluctant to step in.

As said before a thankless task where you will never appease everybody.
I think its about time i replied to some of the points put forward on here as I have watched this post with great interest and as I am one of the organisers of the show

Firstly the Championship judge is picked by the committee and is not allowed to judge any show in that year until after he has judged the Championship.

Secondly the open show judges are not picked at the agm as was stated although they are chosen on merit for the way they have conducted themselves when judging other show and are put forward by other people but ultimately chosen by us quite well in advance of the show, in fact at the time they were asked to judge none of them had qualified.

Thirdly the misguided impression was given that they had somehow qualified at Chatsworth when this was in fact not the case.

With regard to the helpers competing the rule is that they can compete on the first day at Chatsworth but not on the second day, in fact my dogs sat in the van all weekend while the showing was on.

The only exception to the second day rule is that they can compete in the members class which goes forward to the members championship.

Lets not forget that these people both judges and helpers give their time and effort so that other people can enjoy themselves and to suggest that they should not be allowed to compete in the Championship they have qualified for be it Chatsworth, the Midland or whatever is ludicrous, as these people have worked hard to keep their dogs in peak condition to qualify.

I do agree that it is expensive to get into these Game Fairs but like it has already been stated not of us organisers receive any of the gate money in fact sometimes we run at a loss at Chatsworth because we try to put on the best show we can for the public, so we take issue with the suggestion we make lots of money from it.

If you feel you would like to discuss this further them feel free to pm us and we will endeavour to answer your questions.

Sonia & Ian
having been in dogs a long time and judged a few i think if you want to judge then you cant show no matter about the event,also it shouldnt matter about the upper end of the lead as its the lower end youre there to look at :clown:

100 per cent Agree. Either Judge or Show.