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Lurcher Showing

Think it's sad :( that you are bringing a persons honesty and integrity into question on here,and cannot see a problem in allowing people who've judged the open show,to enter their dogs in the champion of champion show.At the end of the day the dogs have QUALIFIED to be in the champ of champs show.That means they've taken best in show at another event.If folk get so wound up about one of the main events of the year,simple answer is don't go.It's your choice

Absolutely agree with you there. I happen to know the championship judge very well and hand on heart, he would not have taken one look at the wrong end of the lead and would have picked each of the 6 dogs on merit, on the day, nothing to do with what they had or had not done the rest of the year.

As for getting Judges out of the area, i have judged out of my area many times, sometimes uncompensated for my efforts, but i do it because i love judging and i like to get a good look at the dogs around the country. Furthermore, i travel to show my dogs all over the country and in the hope that they qualify for the bigger Champ of Champ shows at the end of the year, if I'm spending money doing that, why should I then have to make the choice between Judging and showing, just because i might upset a few people. The honour of being asked to be an open Judge at any of the bigger shows is what some of us strive for and generally there is no issue. Occasionally people read far too much into whether "so and so knows so and so" and bring the topic up for discussion again.

As it has been said time and time again, you can't please everybody all of the time, but as a Judge you try to make the best decision on the day in your mind and if you go home with no regrets you've done a good job. No one has the right to question the integrity of a Judge, especially when its not to his face.

Izzabella, for your information, the dog that was reserve won the Pride of the Peaks on Sunday, so clearly it is a good dog and deserved its place at Chatsworth. Furthermore, the bitch that was 5th, is a very good bitch and as i put it forward for Chatsworth, i was very pleased with the placing.

Perhaps, next time you should give a little more consideration to your comments and think through the arguments that you are putting forward, everyone is entitled to their opinion, but you have to have the facts right first and if you have never been involved or offered to find out what is involved, you will automatically be on the back foot.
im not sorry for bring this topic it up and it is my opinion, i wanted to see if other people felt the same bout it.
I think its about time i replied to some of the points put forward on here as I have watched this post with great interest and as I am one of the organisers of the showFirstly the Championship judge is picked by the committee and is not allowed to judge any show in that year until after he has judged the Championship.

Secondly the open show judges are not picked at the agm as was stated although they are chosen on merit for the way they have conducted themselves when judging other show and are put forward by other people but ultimately chosen by us quite well in advance of the show, in fact at the time they were asked to judge none of them had qualified.

Thirdly the misguided impression was given that they had somehow qualified at Chatsworth when this was in fact not the case.

With regard to the helpers competing the rule is that they can compete on the first day at Chatsworth but not on the second day, in fact my dogs sat in the van all weekend while the showing was on.

The only exception to the second day rule is that they can compete in the members class which goes forward to the members championship.

Lets not forget that these people both judges and helpers give their time and effort so that other people can enjoy themselves and to suggest that they should not be allowed to compete in the Championship they have qualified for be it Chatsworth, the Midland or whatever is ludicrous, as these people have worked hard to keep their dogs in peak condition to qualify.

I do agree that it is expensive to get into these Game Fairs but like it has already been stated not of us organisers receive any of the gate money in fact sometimes we run at a loss at Chatsworth because we try to put on the best show we can for the public, so we take issue with the suggestion we make lots of money from it.

If you feel you would like to discuss this further them feel free to pm us and we will endeavour to answer your questions.

Sonia & Ian
thank you for your reply on this topic i know the club does not make money off the gate i am sorry if it came across like that
So Bonio would you like to divulge how much the nlrc do get for putting the show on?
So Bonio would you like to divulge how much the nlrc do get for putting the show on?
You are obviously not reading my reply properly because in that I stated that we quite often run at a loss. The sort of information you are asking for would not be divulged by anyone on a public forum but if you became a member and attended the AGM you could find out as its no secret.

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What an Interesting topic to read after 2 weeks holiday (w00t)

All i have to say is that i organise shows and have judged and i feel (in my opinion) that it is about time we have some new faces to judge as it seems to be the same faces winning under the same judges time and time again....this gets quite boring and fustrating when you travel as far as i do from the bottom of Cornwall to support these so called fun shows. Lets face it, we say they are for fun but they are not really - not when they are qualifiers and cost us so much and when you turn up at a show and are able to say "well i know who will win here today!", i dont call that fun....just makes me not want to bother!

Anyway this is just my opinion :thumbsup:
i agree with u hels . thats why im packing in the show scene . the shows arent the same anymore . ive got pretty sick of the bitching and back stabbing from people who wont say it to your face . at the end of days my dogs were bred for 1 thing . to put game in freezer not rossettes on the wall . thats just my opinion . if people dont like it tough .
So Bonio would you like to divulge how much the nlrc do get for putting the show on?
You are obviously not reading my reply properly because in that I stated that we quite often run at a loss. The sort of information you are asking for would not be divulged by anyone on a public forum but if you became a member and attended the AGM you could find out as its no secret.

Typical nlrc cloak and dagger answer " I know, but arent telling because your not a member" You get a figure from the organisers :thumbsup: passes for the champ qualifiers :thumbsup: free camping for organisers BUT NOBODY ELSE :thumbsup: class entry fees,simulated,hurdles and racing entries and you make a loss :angry: BAD MANAGEMENT THERE SOMEWHERE IMHO

your previous post implied that the judges qualified at Chatsworth :angry: not to myself it did nt

The majority of posters have been of the opinion that judges SHOULD NOT be eligable to go in the champion of champions but will the nlrc take any notice? I'll not hold my breath
So Bonio would you like to divulge how much the nlrc do get for putting the show on?
You are obviously not reading my reply properly because in that I stated that we quite often run at a loss. The sort of information you are asking for would not be divulged by anyone on a public forum but if you became a member and attended the AGM you could find out as its no secret.

Typical nlrc cloak and dagger answer " I know, but arent telling because your not a member" You get a figure from the organisers :thumbsup: passes for the champ qualifiers :thumbsup: free camping for organisers BUT NOBODY ELSE :thumbsup: class entry fees,simulated,hurdles and racing entries and you make a loss :angry: BAD MANAGEMENT THERE SOMEWHERE IMHO

your previous post implied that the judges qualified at Chatsworth :angry: not to myself it did nt

The majority of posters have been of the opinion that judges SHOULD NOT be eligable to go in the champion of champions but will the nlrc take any notice? I'll not hold my breath
My my we really do have an axe to grind somewhere along the line don't we. We don't get a set figure from the oganisers but you believe what you like. With regard to judges not been eligible to enter the Championships why are you singling out the N.L.& R.C. for this because it happens at other shows too but you've not said a word about that, anyway you carry on with your ranting if it makes you happy

So Bonio would you like to divulge how much the nlrc do get for putting the show on?
You are obviously not reading my reply properly because in that I stated that we quite often run at a loss. The sort of information you are asking for would not be divulged by anyone on a public forum but if you became a member and attended the AGM you could find out as its no secret.

Typical nlrc cloak and dagger answer " I know, but arent telling because your not a member" You get a figure from the organisers :thumbsup: passes for the champ qualifiers :thumbsup: free camping for organisers BUT NOBODY ELSE :thumbsup: class entry fees,simulated,hurdles and racing entries and you make a loss :angry: BAD MANAGEMENT THERE SOMEWHERE IMHO

your previous post implied that the judges qualified at Chatsworth :angry: not to myself it did nt

The majority of posters have been of the opinion that judges SHOULD NOT be eligable to go in the champion of champions but will the nlrc take any notice? I'll not hold my breath
My my we really do have an axe to grind somewhere along the line don't we. We don't get a set figure from the oganisers but you believe what you like. With regard to judges not been eligible to enter the Championships why are you singling out the N.L.& R.C. for this because it happens at other shows too but you've not said a word about that, anyway you carry on with your ranting if it makes you happy

another side step to avoid answering :teehee:
And I thought the whole point of the showing was to have some fun, meet people (and thier dogs) and maybe go home with a 35p rossette. :wacko:
So Bonio would you like to divulge how much the nlrc do get for putting the show on?
You are obviously not reading my reply properly because in that I stated that we quite often run at a loss. The sort of information you are asking for would not be divulged by anyone on a public forum but if you became a member and attended the AGM you could find out as its no secret.

Typical nlrc cloak and dagger answer " I know, but arent telling because your not a member" You get a figure from the organisers :thumbsup: passes for the champ qualifiers :thumbsup: free camping for organisers BUT NOBODY ELSE :thumbsup: class entry fees,simulated,hurdles and racing entries and you make a loss :angry: BAD MANAGEMENT THERE SOMEWHERE IMHO

your previous post implied that the judges qualified at Chatsworth :angry: not to myself it did nt

The majority of posters have been of the opinion that judges SHOULD NOT be eligable to go in the champion of champions but will the nlrc take any notice? I'll not hold my breath
My my we really do have an axe to grind somewhere along the line don't we. We don't get a set figure from the oganisers but you believe what you like. With regard to judges not been eligible to enter the Championships why are you singling out the N.L.& R.C. for this because it happens at other shows too but you've not said a word about that, anyway you carry on with your ranting if it makes you happy

I singled out the nlrc after seeing the judges posing with a winner, then lo and behold 2(I did think 3) of the judges in the final 6 line up in the championship :wacko: Were they the only judges that had qualified or were there others who did nt make the cut?

Just looking at the Midland GF pictures and the same judge is there again (w00t) JUDGING whats that all about is there really that few judges that they are having to double up at these once prestigous championships?

Does that suit you bonio?

So Bonio would you like to divulge how much the nlrc do get for putting the show on?
You are obviously not reading my reply properly because in that I stated that we quite often run at a loss. The sort of information you are asking for would not be divulged by anyone on a public forum but if you became a member and attended the AGM you could find out as its no secret.

Typical nlrc cloak and dagger answer " I know, but arent telling because your not a member" You get a figure from the organisers :thumbsup: passes for the champ qualifiers :thumbsup: free camping for organisers BUT NOBODY ELSE :thumbsup: class entry fees,simulated,hurdles and racing entries and you make a loss :angry: BAD MANAGEMENT THERE SOMEWHERE IMHO

your previous post implied that the judges qualified at Chatsworth :angry: not to myself it did nt

The majority of posters have been of the opinion that judges SHOULD NOT be eligable to go in the champion of champions but will the nlrc take any notice? I'll not hold my breath
My my we really do have an axe to grind somewhere along the line don't we. We don't get a set figure from the oganisers but you believe what you like. With regard to judges not been eligible to enter the Championships why are you singling out the N.L.& R.C. for this because it happens at other shows too but you've not said a word about that, anyway you carry on with your ranting if it makes you happy

I singled out the nlrc after seeing the judges posing with a winner, then lo and behold 2(I did think 3) of the judges in the final 6 line up in the championship :wacko: Were they the only judges that had qualified or were there others who did nt make the cut?

Just looking at the Midland GF pictures and the same judge is there again (w00t) JUDGING whats that all about is there really that few judges that they are having to double up at these once prestigous championships?

Does that suit you bonio?

Hi all, We are part of a team that organised the Midland, our open show judges were booked early this year. We have no policy that bans open show judges from the right to take part in the Champion of Champions, as they have to win at a qualifing show to earn the right to be there. This year both open show judges had already got dogs qualified for the C of C . They are both honest judges & DO NOT judge up the lead!!! John Cadwallader went on with "Ripley" to win the champion of champions & the bitch is awesome & totally deserved to win!!! He did this under two totally independant judges, & neither of these judges had judged a qualifing show prior to the Midland. We all try our hardest to make the right desicions when it comes to picking judges & as most people have been on the circuit for many years we all tend to know each other. This does not make it fixed this is a fact of life.
In 2010 i 1st brought this topic up about judges showing there dogs and judgeing in the same show, And some of the clubs did say they would look in to it. so atfer 2 years have things changed or is it the same!!! i think they little has..
same thing happened at the midland game fair, champion of champs won by a judge of the open show on the day. :wacko:

he should of stood down from judgeing or not shown his dog, looks bad.
Correction, The winner of the Midland was Linda Flatman with Kizzy !!!!!
All ways tryed to get judges from outside the area to judge at shows that i put on.Never had a problem!
same thing happened at the midland game fair, champion of champs won by a judge of the open show on the day. :wacko:

he should of stood down from judgeing or not shown his dog, looks bad.
Correction, The winner of the Midland was Linda Flatman with Kizzy !!!!!
I think you'll find that 'new2lurchers' was referring to the 2010 Midland Game Fair.
same thing happened at the midland game fair, champion of champs won by a judge of the open show on the day. :wacko:

he should of stood down from judgeing or not shown his dog, looks bad.
Correction, The winner of the Midland was Linda Flatman with Kizzy !!!!!
I think you'll find that 'new2lurchers' was referring to the 2010 Midland Game Fair.
Yes my mistake but would just like to say that I had the privilege of judging Ripley in 2010 and give her best in show at Selby Game Fair, a very well conditioned bitch that I would say deserved to win the Midland
what do you think makes agood judge!!! what back ground do you think they should have in lurchers to call them self a judge.
its only a bit of fun ,some folk travel 100s of miles pay to camp,pay to enter the show,pay to enter showing,pay to race,for a rossette or cup,if you dont like whats going on dont go,people wise up and vote with their feet and this just ends shows,when they should be flourishing,too many hangers on methinks,
Im going on what a lot of people have said over the years iv been in lurchers. why should people judge a or any class then show there dog and then win in the same show. Its like many people say is it the dog there judgeing or the face of the owner. iv been to shows and can tell you whos going to win the class or show befor they have got there dogs out of there car and these people have showen and judge in the same show. how is that making lurcher shows move with the times. I see this puting people off new and old. I think clubs running shows should ask judges they have picked to stand down to judge if they have made champion of champ final with there dogs, and have other judges lined up in case this happens. And if you are asked to judge at a show then you are not alound to show your dogs in any class in the open or champ show. It gives judges a bad name but if clubs let them, then they will carrie on showing and judgeing in the same show!!! how is this fair and not fixed!!!!!!!!! And it does take the fun out of showing when you see it show after show and im someone whos lookin from the out side in as i work and race my dogs I stop showing a long time ago just for this reason.