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Lurcher Beaten To Death

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I don't see the point of getting totally strung up about dogs being battered to death
So what you are actually saying is it doesn't bother you??? And you wonder why people have reacted to your posts the way they have!!!!

Just to give this whole topic a bit of fresh material for heated discussions;
As has been said before this is not a discussion. So put away your wooden spoon!

We are appauled at what was done to that poor Lurcher, no animal desreved such cruelty!!!
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I find it difficult to believe that anyone would join a discussion group for dog lovers and make such inflammatory comments which seem to be to be designed to cause outrage. Seems to me a bit of trolling is going on!
Innis what in gods name are you doing on this site? You see dogs as objects, working beasts that are there to serve you. Im sure you dont look into the eyes of your dog and see probably one of the closest friends you have ever had.

Hitting, beating doing anything to dogs is unacceptable. I would never dream of hurting my dogs, they are my friends and companions. If someone gave me a choice of either me or my dogs getting hurt I would choose me everytime. I love dogs as does everyone on this site. However I am not gonna sit here and listen to someone like you saying that beating a dog is acceptable because its not.

Since joining this site I've met people who like me love their dogs.

The lurcher in question was not killed in asia or by eskimos unless its got cold outside and I havent noticed. It was killed in the United Kingdom. So if you want to bring other cultures into this go ahead, but it is not helping your argument whatsoever. I am appalled by your statements and very very sickened.
Just one more thing to say :)) Even poor old Fritz & Devon have dissapeared off the face of the earth !!!!!!!! :( he wasnt doing anybody any harm :( :(

Just had to add this :- "

From Mrs :rant: x
Yes i agree as well~ sorry just had to put that last post on :(

Caz x :huggles: :thumbsup:
Lynn-Alexandria said:
Innis what in gods name are you doing on this site?  You see dogs as objects, working beasts that are there to serve you.  Im sure you dont look into the eyes of your dog and see probably one of the closest friends you have ever had. 
Hitting, beating doing anything to dogs is unacceptable.  I would never dream of hurting my dogs, they are my friends and companions.  If someone gave me a choice of either me or my dogs getting hurt I would choose me everytime.  I love dogs as does everyone on this site.  However I am not gonna sit here and listen to someone like you saying that beating a dog is acceptable because its not. 

Since joining this site I've met people who like me love their dogs. 

The lurcher in question was not killed in asia or by eskimos unless its got cold outside and I havent noticed.  It was killed in the United Kingdom.  So if you want to bring other cultures into this go ahead, but it is not helping your argument whatsoever.  I am appalled by your statements and very very sickened.

Och for fork's sake!, I was only trying to look at that particular case from all angles,and my very first comment was partly misunderstood, shot doon in flames and then I'm getting a verbal beating on top of it all just because I took one step back and looked at the broader picture of torture in general. So you don't want to discuss anything like that on a neutral stance, fine. I just noticed that all replies to this post basically came down to "Ooooh. the poor animal!!" (which it is, yes.)

and that was almost all you had to add - apart from how sickening you all find it.

So do I, and I never said otherwise - but since this was called K9 Talk> General

Dog Related Discussion I gave youse something to discuss. That was the whole bloomin' purpose of this whole site, wasn't it?, to discuss things and to hear (well, read) other opinions even if these oppose your own ones. Wasn't it??

Then I got something seriously wrong - but that's okay. Can't be perfect all the time.

By the way was I right with my assumption on why that poor hound was battered to death or was I not?? Did I not say that some people take a more pragmatic or, if you like, brutal view on animal treat- as well as punishment? And folks, what an outcry - but you still have not understood the lesson.

And apart from all that - if I would not love my dogs I certainly wouldn't keep them; that wouldn't make sense. I either take them on and in and look after them as they look after me - and appreciate their companionship dearly! - or I don't want anything to do with dogs and keep a goldfish that will mouth the word "BOB"

behind its glass walls everytime it sees me with food... :teehee:

On a more serious note,L.A. - no I don't see my dogs as working beasts only; when I look into Fox's and Bainne's eyes,(our pups) or into the ones of our dear crackpot Jasper who is totally nuts, will never jump a fence but rather lick you to death - I certainly know what love is. But seemingly you and many of the partakers in this "discussion forum" have set their sights now and only read what they want to read; understand just what they choose to understand.
Somehow I don't think that anyone is having the least bit of difficulty understanding you. :blink:

You just happen to talk utter nonsense. "Why get upset about a dog being beaten since worse things happen and on a huge scale to other dogs?" (I'm paraphrasing here.) Well, why get bothered about anyone dying seeing that millions die each day? You speak with the naiviety of a disaffected teenager I'm afraid.

Sorry everyone, didn't mean to open this one up again, but couldn't help myself! I'll shut-up now. But I do often wonder, WHY does every discussion group I ever join have to have one person who just winds everyone else up? Every group has to have one I guess! :x
WOW I've just read this whole thread, it's really upset me, that poor poor lurcher (may you R.I.P and be free of pain) :( ,

and thats all I'm going to say on this matter, because if I say whats in my heart at the moment I'll get banned!!
I'm going to stick my neck out here ......

Although Innis has made some provacative comments he/she has not said anything that isn't true - ie how some cultures treat their animals. I do however think that it was said in part to stir things up, but also to, as he/she has said to give a broader view.

I'm going to make myself really unpopular here....but..........I can sort of see the point that is trying to be made. If we were told that a dog had killed some chickens and was then chased by a gang of men and hounds - till it was exhausted, then killed by the dogs we'd all be horrified but that's what happens to foxes :( (I'm not trying to complicate this further by starting up an anti debate here - honest)

I think one of the points that he/she was trying to make is that different cultures treat their animals differently - doesnt some Indian culture think cows are god like or something - they'd be horrified at what we do.

Needless to say all animal cruelty is wrong and this poor dog must have had a terrible end to what was probably a miserable life.

it's just that we are all so horrified by it that it's got everyone wound up and reactive.

Every so often we spend £20 on booze and sell raffle tickets - it generates more income than a £20 donation would have done - and we send it on to IFAW - to try and help towards the poor dogs that are tortured in the Philipinnes. I know it's not the most exciting idea in the world but it's better than sitting and doing nothing. :thumbsup: (Not that I'm accusing anyone else of doing nothing- just suggesting a way of raising funds if anyone wanted one..)

I'm off now to hide :b
Innis77 said:
So you don't want to discuss anything like that on a neutral stance, fine. I just noticed that all replies to this post basically came down to "Ooooh. the poor animal!!" (which it is, yes.)and that was almost all you had to add - apart from how sickening you all find it.

This is a fair point - discussion is not all about people agreeing with one another and nodding their heads - discussion is about looking at a topic from various angles, and in various lights. While I don't agree with the actions of those who abuse their animals, I'm not so naive as to deny that they can justify it. There are those of us who cannot justify their actions to ourselves, but the important thing here (and the point I think Innis was trying to make initially) is that these people can justify their actions to themselves. And therein lies the problem.

Yes, there was an element of provocation in some of Innis' posts, but, that aside, it's right that all angles can be shown in a discussion. And the fact that Innis is willing to look beyond the 'party line' and into the darker background of these sort of incidents should NOT mean that she is automatically classed as a bad guy. I think there is a lot of snap judgement going on.
But what else is there to say about it? YES animals are treated rather badly in different cultures, YES the people who dole out this treatment do not question their behaviour. YES the Pope is (was!) a Catholic! So what? Where's the debate??? What was being proferred by this person was that because these things happen there is little point in taking exception to any form of animal cruelty. "So what, a dog is strung up and beaten to death." If we took that attitude then there would be no form of animal protection in place - no RSPCA, no compassion in farming, nobody would ever protest against animal abuse, and we'd still be in medaeval times where it was commonplace to throw cats and dogs onto bonfires or into rivers as form of entertainment, no end to bear baiting or dog fighting, etc. Where's the DEBATE?

Sorry, I know I said I wouldn't respond to this thread anymore, but I can't believe anyone is actually trying to suggest there is anything here to debate!?
Sharon T said:
Sorry, I know I said I wouldn't respond to this thread anymore, but I can't believe anyone is actually trying to suggest there is anything here to debate!?
:lol: Sorry, it's just funny how we're all debating whether there's a debate to be had or not (w00t) made me giggle.

I don' think there's a single person on this thread who would ever beat a dog or stand by when one was beaten. I just think we all have different ways of thinking over something as horrible as the events described in the initial post. SOme think about how awful it was, some think about why it happened, some think about comparable situations. That's the rich tapestry of life :huh:
Aargh! We all now WHY it happened. Some idiots who didn't know any better decided to beat an animal to death because of some misplaced notion of 'revenge'. The only thing that anyone here has taken exception to is the assertion that people should not object to such an act simply because Eskimos and the like do it on a regular basis!
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I think the point is that Innis was totally crass to come onto a forum of this nature and condone the behaviour of people who are cruel to animals.

Innis, you may be back peddling like mad now, but I think your comments have caused offence and are not appropriate on this board
Joanna said:
I think the point is that Innis was totally crass to come onto a forum of this nature and condone the behaviour of people who are cruel to animals. Innis, you may be back peddling like mad now, but I think your comments have caused offence and are not appropriate on this board

Totally agree with you Joanna :thumbsup: (my last few words) :thumbsup:

Caz x
*Caz* said:
Joanna said:
I think the point is that Innis was totally crass to come onto a forum of this nature and condone the behaviour of people who are cruel to animals. Innis, you may be back peddling like mad now, but I think your comments have caused offence and are not appropriate on this board

Totally agree with you Joanna :thumbsup: (my last few words) :thumbsup:

Caz x

Completely agree with you there joanna. :thumbsup:
I think everyone has had their say, so unless anyone objects, I'll close the topic there.
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