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Lurcher Beaten To Death

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>And the one that got beaten to death has certainly done something so terrible that it "deserved" this kind of horrific punishment - maybe bitten a child or turned against his master.

A dog deserves to be hung in a tree and have bricks thrown at it. That is torture. That isn't killing a dog that's doing it slowly and painfully and cruelly. There is nothing that a dog can do that would warrent such abuse.

The ONLY people who would do such a thing are those who would get some kind of satisfaction and enjoyment out of it.

As you can understand why they'd do it then perhaps you too are that sort of person. That you can condone it by trying to explain it away says a lot about the sort of person that you are.

There are very few bad dogs born but a lot are made useless for working because they have bad owners. A good lurcherperson works their dogs with understanding and with care. Therefore the wasteage from working should be minimal.
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Travellers in the West last night stood accused of a "barbaric" act of animal cruelty after a dog was strung up in a tree and battered to death with bricks. The rope around the golden lurcher's neck was then cut and its mangled body was dumped in a shallow grave.

Several shocked motorists witnessed the attack as they drove past the Over Lane travellers' site, a few miles outside Almondsbury, near Bristol, at 2pm yesterday. Police called the beating "barbaric", while disgusted Northavon MP Steve Webb said serious action must be taken.

Animal welfare groups also condemned the "torture", which comes less than two months after the Western Daily Press was told by the RSPCA that travellers were using South Gloucestershire fields as dumping grounds for abandoned ponies.

It also comes less than a year after another lurcher with mutilated ears and a swollen leg was found wandering near the Over Lane camp, one of several traveller sites in the Almondsbury area.

Families on the site denied all knowledge of or involvement in yesterday's sickening incident, while neighbouring residents defended the site, saying it was generally well-established and peaceful.

For more news, visit
People carried on driving past even though they saw this going on?????
Yep they drove past. However the police have been known to refuse to go on the sites in this area. I know a lurcherman whose lurcher was stolen by travellers and who traced it to Almondsbury and the police wouldn't help them.

People are afraid to go on to sites like this. Now I'm excusing peoples behaviour. :b

The Bristol area seems to have more than it's fair share of travellers who thieve dogs and who do this sort of thing. Remember the whippet x who was found dead hanging in a tree at Winterbourne that's not very far from there.

Winterbourne in particular has a very long history of dog thieving for ransoms.
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OMG that poor dog I feel so sick, this is what happens, people drive past because what danger are they putting themselves under, if these barbaric b******ds can do that to a defenceless animal they have no conscience or decency, and like I said earlier the police are scared of them when they took my caravan the police dodn't even try to find it they just told me to put a claim in which costs me more now, I am so angry I could explode :rant: :rant: :rant: :rant: :rant: :rant:
*Lesley* said:
OMG that poor dog I feel so sick, this is what happens, people drive past because what danger are they putting themselves under, if these barbaric b******ds can do that to a defenceless animal they have no conscience or decency, and like I said earlier the police are scared of them when they took my caravan the police dodn't even try to find it they just told me to put a claim in which costs me more now, I am so angry I could explode :rant:   :rant:   :rant:   :rant:   :rant:   :rant:
They drove into my drive and asked for water. I took their reg number and found when they had gone they had knicked a piece of my caravan. Traced them to where they were staying ( illegally). Police didn't want to know. When I suggested I steal it back they said i would be committing a crime :rant: .

I sent a letter of complaint (and the bill for the piece) to the local nick (w00t) . I got no reply. Like I said, it SICKENS me. If everybody has stopped there would have been more than enough to rescue the poor animal :rant: :rant: :rant: :rant:
Den said:
People carried on driving past even though they saw this going on?????
My personal experience is that people usually do walk on by, regardless of whether it's a dog or human that's being beaten up. :(

I've intervened a few times in lesser situations, eg when a very genteel, 80 yr old, almost blind villager and her whippet Henry were having abuse screamed at them by an affluent-looking couple with a lab, so I told them where to go (which they did after display of :rant: words) but there were plenty of other people around who merely stood there and watched, just shrugged and said they didn't see anything when I asked them to act as witnesses.

Do you think stolen dogs are more likely to be killed if they are identifiable (tattoos, chips etc)?


You've solved a local mystery Juley, someone's been nicking parts from caravans around here!!
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I have a big lump in throat as i read this :(

These B*****ds are still roaming the streets after what they've done, probably without a care in the world. It is absolutely the lowest of low and completely beyond believe..

I hope the ***** are caught brought to justice.

So sad. No words can describe how i feel right now. Disgusting :angry: :rant: :angry: :rant:
I do believe that the police will probably never find the sick ????? :angry: that did this as like some of you have said they stick together to cover each other and the public are too scared to get involved.

It can also be very hard in these cases to prove ownership of these animals, not the main reason but one of them as to the new law of all horses having a passport is to prove ownership of the horse.The law obiding owners paid alot of money to do this, unfortunatly the police or RSPCA will still not be able to prove which traveller owns which horse so can not charge them the £2000 fee or prosecute the ones that are abusing there horses as they can never trace the owner!!!! :rant:

These people still just get away with whatever they want and innocent animals will continue to suffer until something can be done.

RIP por poor lurchur :luck: o:) :luck:
There really aren't words for such malicious and sadistic attacks on animals.

I think we should go easy on Innis because he was only trying to explain what he saw as the reasoning or mindset of the perpetrators - at no point did he say he condoned their actions or agreed with them!

Although this is a very emotive topic and people find it difficult to discuss things rationally when such cruelty has been carried out, I think it's important to remember that it's much easier to get to the root of such crimes if one has some level of understanding of those who commit them.
ILoveKettleChips said:
There really aren't words for such malicious and sadistic attacks on animals.
I think we should go easy on Innis because he was only trying to explain what he saw as the reasoning or mindset of the perpetrators - at no point did he say he condoned their actions or agreed with them! 

I would have agreed to a point, a lot of these people behave like this as they have grown up in a brutal, bullying, macho culture e.g. the gypsy who knocked a nappy cob over with a single punch to the jaw at Stowe Fair, rather than trying to calm it down. When I was young I had a friend who was a Romany, and it did give me an insight into the complex relationship they had with their animals.

What Innis DID condone was shooting your own dog if it ran away from fear of you; demonstrating an understanding attitude towards traveller culture is somewhat undermined by a complete disregard for canine welfare, and the same brutal, macho attidudes that are the root to all the horrific incidents that have haunted me almost as far back as I can remember.

moriarte said:
ILoveKettleChips said:
There really aren't words for such malicious and sadistic attacks on animals.
What Innis DID condone was shooting your own dog if it ran away from fear of you; demonstrating an understanding attitude towards traveller culture is somewhat undermined by a complete disregard for canine welfare, and the same brutal, macho attidudes that are the root to all the horrific incidents that have haunted me almost as far back as I can remember.


I actually didn't condone the shooting "of my own dog if it ran away...";

I was merely saying that if I were a FARMER and had a working dog which runs out on me to get pampered and fed somewhere else I would shoot it just as quickly - because the dog is then useless for my requirements. My father was a farmer, my husband's father was a farmer, and both would have done exactly

the same. Heard old Alexander(husband's grandfather) talking about one of his collies that took a slice of bread from somebody passing - he shot it immediately.

"Nae good to me, that dug.", he said, "Get's his food fae me or naeb'dy."

The man was a shepherd all his life, bred collies and lurchers and loved all his animals - but country folk who have to really live off the land do have a much more pragmatical outlook on life, nature and the animal world.

A cow that doesn't give enough milk gets slaughtered. A sow that kills her piglets straight after birth ends up in the mincer. So what, for heaven's sake?

We can then go on complaining about all the poor dogs in Spain that get killed everyday - abandoned by tourists and just squashed by cars on the motorway.

Cry out for all the poor mutts that suffer abuse and torture by constant overfeeding and lack of exercise at the hands of their loving owners.

I would never deliberately harm or hurt ANY ANIMAL under the sun - but I do understand that certain cultures do so, whether I like it or not.

And that there is nobody who will be able to change this.
which runs out on me to get pampered and fed somewhere else I would shoot it just as quickly - because the dog is then useless for my requirements. My father was a farmer, my husband's father was a farmer, and both would have done exactly the same. Heard old Alexander(husband's grandfather) talking about one of his collies that took a slice of bread from somebody passing - he shot it immediately.
We're not talking about dogs running off and scratching on doors for biscuits, but ones beaten within an inch of their lives and completely traumatised if they survive. I'd have shot my whippet 100 times over if taking bread from people's bird tables was his only crime!

My mother's family were Welsh farmers, and just as poor yet they managed to keep their dogs through the depression in the 30s when they could barely feed their 6 children. Nobody is this poor today, even travellers, so any justification on these grounds is somewhat meaningless.
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obviously people who do this sort of thing are sick individuals who obviously need some sort of help.....or even better the same punishment inflicted back on themselves :angry: .

There is NO need for any animal to be treated like that, if the dog is a useless hunter, racer or whatever then take it to the vets, cats & dogs home or the police station and they will do what they feel necessary for the dog.

those people obviously did it because the are sick minded people and as for the police :rant: .....what the f*ck is the point of having the police when they do buggerall to keep our area's safe :rant: :rant:
BeeJay said:
>And the one that got beaten to death has certainly done something so terrible that it "deserved" this kind of horrific punishment - maybe bitten a child or turned against his master.
1.A dog deserves to be hung in a tree and have bricks thrown at it.  That is torture.  That isn't killing a dog that's doing it slowly and painfully and cruelly.  2.There is nothing that a dog can do that would warrent such abuse.

The ONLY people who would do such a thing are those who would get some kind of satisfaction and enjoyment out of it. 

3.As you can understand why they'd do it then perhaps you too are that sort of person.  That you can condone it by trying to explain it away says a lot about the sort of person that you are.

4.There are very few bad dogs born but a lot are made useless for working because they have bad owners.  A good lurcherperson works their dogs with understanding and with care.  Therefore the wasteage from working should be minimal.
1.: I wasn't aware of all the facts surrounding this dog's death.

2.: Agree to that. If a dog has to be killed, kill it quickly and without suffering.

3.: What kind of moderator are you?? Remain impartial, please, and don't go all emotional on me here. I did not condone any of this, Barbara; maybe you read my post more thoroughly.

4.: Of course do particularly lurchers require a lot of understanding and a rather

softer approach than other dogs - well, if I shout at my hounds, they just turn their backs and walk away from me until I've calmed down. And I've never hung, drawn and quartered one of them for doing so...not yet anyway.

And you certainly find a lot of 'owners' (there's all the difference in one wee word: anybody can be the owner of a dog, but there are not many masters of dogs around...) which are not only bad to their dogs but are deliberately, will- and joyfully evil in their treatment of the ones who try to love them unconditionally.

Which I absolutely condemn and have them prosecuted if I come across such a case.
:lol: :lol: (w00t) And anyway - my precious curs (at least the two pups which I kept from the litter of eleven...) are just sprawled all over our marital bed and feel probably extremely badly treated because I forgot to give them their nightly munchie - since I'm sitting at this machine here. Bad!! :b :lol: :lol:
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Innis77 said:
I would never deliberately harm or hurt ANY ANIMAL under the sun - but I do understand that certain cultures do so, whether I like it or not.And that there is nobody who will be able to change this.

Well maybe we should try to change this, instead of fighting amongst ourselves :( . I read in the dog paper today that it is a really bad time for the Galgos in Spain and that Greyhounds In Need are short of funds. How about we all give a pound or two? :))
i can understand how folk drove past and didnt get involved.however its not something id do.i once saw a pit bull unleashed on a chained alsation puppy as i was stood waiting for a bus home from college one day.i couldnt believe what i saw.i strode across to the thug and told him i had taken his car registration and i was going to go straight to the police and report him.he stood towering over me screaming threats and abuse (but he didnt touch me)i told him he was a bully and he didnt scare me (looking back i must have been mad!) (w00t) he ripped the piece of paper in my hand and tore it to pieces i think hed would have liked to do the same to me!but i calmly stood my ground and told him i had memorised his registration plate so it didnt matter that hed tore it this stage he was going nuts and i was really scared.he got his dog and put it back in his car then proceeded to throw bricks at the alsation.the bus came i jumped on and shouted to everyone on the bus hes killing that dog,look what hes doing.i asked the driver to see but he said he didnt want to get involved. :angry: when i got into town i went straight to the police and made an official complaint i also phoned a friend who was the rspca inspector for our area.after visiting the owner of the alsation who wouldnt press any charges cos he was scared of the bully they visited him and came back to me and basically said forget what youve seen hes a nutter,hes a local drug dealer and dont get involved.but i insisted that i wanted to act as witness and have this guy prosecuted.however because the owner of the dog wouldnt press charges they wouldnt take it any further.the trouble with bullies is noone will stand up to them.its time that folk in our society did stand up and speak out when they see things like this.otherwise how can we change things. :( as a great man once said the only thing needed for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing ;)
1.: I wasn't aware of all the facts surrounding this dog's death.

2.: Agree to that. If a dog has to be killed, kill it quickly and without suffering.

3.: What kind of moderator are you?? Remain impartial, please, and don't go all emotional on me here. I did not condone any of this, Barbara; maybe you read my post more thoroughly.

4.: Of course do particularly lurchers require a lot of understanding and a rather

softer approach than other dogs - well, if I shout at my hounds, they just turn their backs and walk away from me until I've calmed down. And I've never hung, drawn and quartered one of them for doing so...not yet anyway.

And you certainly find a lot of 'owners' (there's all the difference in one wee word: anybody can be the owner of a dog, but there are not many masters of dogs around...) which are not only bad to their dogs but are deliberately, will- and joyfully evil in their treatment of the ones who try to love them unconditionally.

1) Regardless of manner of this dog's death,you were aware that it had been beaten to death,the fact that it was hung and stoned is no different to a beating really.Both un-necasary forms of dog destruction.

2) Your first post certainly reads that you find this manner an acceptable way to deal with the situation,you were bleating on......'understand their way of life,it may have turned on it's owner/trainer or bitten a child....'

3) Bj is an excellent moderator,who's post to you was not full of sentiment or emotion.It could hardly be impartial when you stuck up openly,for the ppl who carried out this act.You never once said that they were wrong,to publicly execute a dog in a horrific manner.Just bleated on about 'different lifestyle' and 'working dogs'.I've always understood this forum to allow free speech,Bj honestly said what she felt about your first post imo.

4)' Which I absolutely condemn and have them prosecuted if I come across such a case.'

Complete change around in your attitude here,you've gone from defending the ppl responsible for this act,to actually saying you do not condone it.

There is a big difference between shooting a dog which does not carry out the tasks asked of it in its work and abusing an animal. Shooting may appear violent and distasteful to those of us who would choose a quiet injection for our pets, but from the animal's viewpoint it is painless and instant.

As far as welfare goes, I cannot fault Innis' sentiments. The moral issue is another question entirely, and perhaps a little insignificant in light of the abuse and cruelty under discussion in this thread.
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