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Loss Of Forty Pound Class

After reading this topic again.I'm amazed (or not)how here we are again on K9 debating a proposal thata has already gone out to the membership and been voted on.Don't get me wrong,I love a good discussion/debate :b but out of all those voting slips that went out,approximately only 50% were returned :( of that 50%, 37.5% were in favour of this particular proposal.that leaves 12.5 % of those that bothered to vote,against the proposal.Not sure how many on here are part of that 12.5% and how many are not,but for those of you who are part of that 12.5%,you have every right to be dissapointed with those who didn't bother to vote,and who are now saying this ruling is wrong.I do not believe this proposal was voted for because folk didn't understand the proposal.It was totally uncomplicated,and all the proposers had to attend the reps meeting to make sure the proposal went out to the membership exactly as was intended.Quite looking forward to the AGM,looks like we might have a good turn out this year.Or will we?.......... :-

Wonder how many of the 37.5% that were in favor of this particular proposal actually own a scr dog ..

Have we got over 100 or so scr dog owners i don't think so :blink: as many of the scr people own more than one scr dog

Seems still to me to have people voting on scr racing that it does not involve ,,and visa vera i guess

I wonder how many scr dog owners that had a 40lber and a up to 55lber ..will now have there dogs running in the same class due to the change

Maybe the reason why people don't send there forms back in is that all the pros didn't really bother them and they where happy to go along with what ever ...none of the them this year affect myself or my dogs this year ..but like some people was under the impression the 45lb was an extra class
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After reading this topic again.I'm amazed (or not)how here we are again on K9 debating a proposal thata has already gone out to the membership and been voted on.Don't get me wrong,I love a good discussion/debate :b but out of all those voting slips that went out,approximately only 50% were returned :( of that 50%, 37.5% were in favour of this particular proposal.that leaves 12.5 % of those that bothered to vote,against the proposal.Not sure how many on here are part of that 12.5% and how many are not,but for those of you who are part of that 12.5%,you have every right to be dissapointed with those who didn't bother to vote,and who are now saying this ruling is wrong.I do not believe this proposal was voted for because folk didn't understand the proposal.It was totally uncomplicated,and all the proposers had to attend the reps meeting to make sure the proposal went out to the membership exactly as was intended.Quite looking forward to the AGM,looks like we might have a good turn out this year.Or will we?.......... :-

Wonder how many of the 37.5% that were in favor of this particular proposal actually own a scr dog ..

Have we got over 100 or so scr dog owners i don't think so :blink: as many of the scr people own more than one scr dog

Seems still to me to have people voting on scr racing that it does not involve ,,and visa vera i guess

I wonder how many scr dog owners that had a 40lber and a up to 55lber ..will now have there dogs running in the same class due to the change

Maybe the reason why people don't send there forms back in is that all the pros didn't really bother them and they where happy to go along with what ever ...none of the them this year affect myself or my dogs this year ..but like some people was under the impression the 45lb was an extra class
I've no idea on the numbers Dee,but think this defo gives credit to the idea of knowing the proposals well before we vote.If nothing else once we start discussing proposals,it may make people want to vote,where as now it's like we shut the stable door after the horse has well and truly bolted
According to WN, the proposal reads as follows:

Propose that the Scr classes are changed to 36lb, 45lb & No Limit, this will give a more even gap in weights between classes, making it fairer for the dogs.
I really cannot see why anyone was confused or mislead about the above statement, unless the proposal form itself was misleading?

Are you all ready for this......................

Now then, If the proposal has gone through as dictated above. It would mean the 55lb class is also scrapped and dogs can run at ''No Limit''??!!! (w00t)

Jac runs off into a corner and hides!! :sweating:
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So I smoke, :clown: like thousands of other good people out there, :lol: why the f*** would i want to be on any committee, (w00t) (w00t) and have to work alongside a job shit like you, (w00t) No your right i didn't get to vote, :- but i certainly won't forget it either. :lol: :lol: you must think i was born :lol: yesterday, you sad twat. (w00t)


This a reply to ROBNOB. (w00t)
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So I smoke, :clown: like thousands of other good people out there, :lol: why the f*** would i want to be on any committee, (w00t) (w00t) and have to work alongside a job shit like you, (w00t) No your right i didn't get to vote, :- but i certainly won't forget it either. :lol: :lol: you must think i was born :lol: yesterday, you sad twat. (w00t)  

This a reply to ROBNOB. (w00t)
No point anyway ya can't afford get anywere (w00t) (w00t) I see you claim your 47 (w00t) (w00t) (w00t)If that's what wacky backy does to ya droopy no thanks ;)
According to WN, the proposal reads as follows:
Propose that the Scr classes are changed to 36lb, 45lb & No Limit, this will give a more even gap in weights between classes, making it fairer for the dogs.
I really cannot see why anyone was confused or mislead about the above statement, unless the proposal form itself was misleading?

Are you all ready for this......................

Now then, If the proposal has gone through as dictated above. It would mean the 55lb class is also scrapped and dogs can run at ''No Limit''??!!! (w00t)

Jac runs off into a corner and hides!! :sweating:

lol oh no Jac what have you done now (w00t) lol
Been waiting for Tony to come back from the pub so I could check. Proposal form clearly states

We propose that the scratch classes are changed to 36lb, 45lb and 55lb, this will give a more even gap in weights between classes, therefore making it fairer on the dogs.
So the cap is still in place and again I still can't see how folk were confused as the proposal looked very specific to me. :thumbsup:
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So I smoke, :clown: like thousands of other good people out there, :lol: why the f*** would i want to be on any committee, (w00t) (w00t) and have to work alongside a job shit like you, (w00t) No your right i didn't get to vote, :- but i certainly won't forget it either. :lol: :lol: you must think i was born :lol: yesterday, you sad twat. (w00t)  

This a reply to ROBNOB. (w00t)
No point anyway ya can't afford get anywere (w00t) (w00t) I see you claim your 47 (w00t) (w00t) (w00t)If that's what wacky backy does to ya droopy no thanks ;)
craig nowt up with a bit of wacky backy it makes you feel good when you r reading the shit on here . :teehee: :teehee: :teehee:
What a waste of money sending postal vote forms out, when the majority of people are too LAZY to send them back.

Then when the results come out these same people complain that the results are unfair.[if everybodysent them back this wouldnt happen]

It is the same with the AGM, people do not attend, then, when something is decided, that they dont agree with they try to get it changed.

The people who are really interested in their sport & want to see it progress are the ones who can be bothered to send their forms back and attend the AGM. [THE OTHERS JUST ARENT BOTHERED , THEY JUST LIKE CAUSING TROUBLE WHEN DECISIONS ARE MADE THAT THEY DONT LIKE.]
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What a waste of money sending postal vote forms out, when the majority of people are too LAZY to send them back.Then when the results come out these same people complain that the results are unfair.[if everybodysent them back this wouldnt happen]

It is the same with the AGM, people do not attend, then, when something is decided, that they dont agree with they try to get it changed.

The people who are really interested in their sport & want to see it progress are the ones who can be bothered to send their forms back and attend the AGM. [THE OTHERS JUST ARENT BOTHERED , THEY JUST LIKE CAUSING TROUBLE WHEN DECISIONS ARE MADE THAT THEY DONT LIKE.]
you proberly are right john regarding AGM AND POSTAL VOTES but i for one cant see getting rid of the 40lb class as PROGRESS and i have never had a dog in that class but have enjoyed watching them over the years IMO I HOPE THIS NEW RULING IS CHANGED
What a waste of money sending postal vote forms out, when the majority of people are too LAZY to send them back.Then when the results come out these same people complain that the results are unfair.[if everybodysent them back this wouldnt happen]

It is the same with the AGM, people do not attend, then, when something is decided, that they dont agree with they try to get it changed.

The people who are really interested in their sport & want to see it progress are the ones who can be bothered to send their forms back and attend the AGM. [THE OTHERS JUST ARENT BOTHERED , THEY JUST LIKE CAUSING TROUBLE WHEN DECISIONS ARE MADE THAT THEY DONT LIKE.]

well said john spot on :thumbsup:

will be interesting to see how many turn up for the AGM next sunday.
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What a waste of money sending postal vote forms out, when the majority of people are too LAZY to send them back.Then when the results come out these same people complain that the results are unfair.[if everybodysent them back this wouldnt happen]

It is the same with the AGM, people do not attend, then, when something is decided, that they dont agree with they try to get it changed.

The people who are really interested in their sport & want to see it progress are the ones who can be bothered to send their forms back and attend the AGM. [THE OTHERS JUST ARENT BOTHERED , THEY JUST LIKE CAUSING TROUBLE WHEN DECISIONS ARE MADE THAT THEY DONT LIKE.]
you proberly are right john regarding AGM AND POSTAL VOTES but i for one cant see getting rid of the 40lb class as PROGRESS and i have never had a dog in that class but have enjoyed watching them over the years IMO I HOPE THIS NEW RULING IS CHANGED
Graham, im not bothered either way, but im really bothered about this sport , and i make a point of sending my forms back & attending AGM when possible. :thumbsup:
What a waste of money sending postal vote forms out, when the majority of people are too LAZY to send them back.Then when the results come out these same people complain that the results are unfair.[if everybodysent them back this wouldnt happen]

It is the same with the AGM, people do not attend, then, when something is decided, that they dont agree with they try to get it changed.

The people who are really interested in their sport & want to see it progress are the ones who can be bothered to send their forms back and attend the AGM. [THE OTHERS JUST ARENT BOTHERED , THEY JUST LIKE CAUSING TROUBLE WHEN DECISIONS ARE MADE THAT THEY DONT LIKE.]
you proberly are right john regarding AGM AND POSTAL VOTES but i for one cant see getting rid of the 40lb class as PROGRESS and i have never had a dog in that class but have enjoyed watching them over the years IMO I HOPE THIS NEW RULING IS CHANGED
Graham, im not bothered either way, but im really bothered about this sport , and i make a point of sending my forms back & attending AGM when possible. :thumbsup:
we all care about the sport john and the progress in our sport but like i have said i dont call this progress getting rid of the 40lb class having said that john im not a member of any organization at the moment so i realy dont have a say on the subject but i have a opinion thats all im saying eitherway it does not affect me which way it goes but if anyone can tell me how this change is going to benifit racing i would like to hear it because not for one min can i think its made fo safer racing
What a waste of money sending postal vote forms out, when the majority of people are too LAZY to send them back.Then when the results come out these same people complain that the results are unfair.[if everybodysent them back this wouldnt happen]

It is the same with the AGM, people do not attend, then, when something is decided, that they dont agree with they try to get it changed.

The people who are really interested in their sport & want to see it progress are the ones who can be bothered to send their forms back and attend the AGM. [THE OTHERS JUST ARENT BOTHERED , THEY JUST LIKE CAUSING TROUBLE WHEN DECISIONS ARE MADE THAT THEY DONT LIKE.]
Or some people send forms in or not, dont attend meetings and accept the decsions, if you haven't attended or sent in your form this is the way ACCEPT the outcomes, if a proposal sent in is something you feel strongly about then its on your back to try and get the outcome you would want otherwise you can't shout about it afterwards, but on the back of this everyone is entiled to their own opinions and 'friendly' debate can be good but 'friendly' somehow also gets lost on these forums :thumbsup: Happy 2011 racing :wacko: (w00t) :thumbsup:
can you all tell me if you felt so strong about this proposal why you did'nt start a topic to discuss it when you got the proposal form :wacko: why wait till its been voted in to bring it up
So I smoke, :clown: like thousands of other good people out there, :lol: This a reply to ROBNOB. (w00t)
No point anyway ya can't afford get anywere (w00t) (w00t) I see you claim your 47 (w00t) (w00t) (w00t)If that's what wacky backy does to ya droopy no thanks ;)
I don't claim my age you :clown: i am the age i state. (w00t) So life's not been good to me, :lol: but i'd rather look like i do then have your face, (w00t) (w00t) (w00t) (w00t) :clown:

You can rest assured we can find the money when it's somewhere worth going. :lol: :lol:

So I smoke, :clown: like thousands of other good people out there, :lol: why the f*** would i want to be on any committee, (w00t) (w00t) and have to work alongside a job shit like you, (w00t) No your right i didn't get to vote, :- but i certainly won't forget it either. :lol: :lol: you must think i was born :lol: yesterday, you sad twat. (w00t)  

This a reply to ROBNOB. (w00t)
No point anyway ya can't afford get anywere (w00t) (w00t) I see you claim your 47 (w00t) (w00t) (w00t)If that's what wacky backy does to ya droopy no thanks ;)
craig nowt up with a bit of wacky backy it makes you feel good when you r reading the shit on here . :teehee: :teehee: :teehee:
Maybe so gray but it also makes you paraniod & very unlikable proofs in the pudding don't you think ... Last time I'm going to comment on it I'm not dropping to there level anymore
craig nowt up with a bit of wacky backy it makes you feel good when you r reading the shit on here . :teehee: :teehee: :teehee:

Maybe so gray but it also makes you paraniod & very unlikable proofs in the pudding don't you think ... Last time I'm going to comment on it I'm not dropping to there level anymore

(w00t) (w00t) (w00t) I win. (w00t) (w00t) (w00t)
can you all tell me if you felt so strong about this proposal why you did'nt start a topic to discuss it when you got the proposal form :wacko: why wait till its been voted in to bring it up
Because yvonne it wouldn't of caused a stir before the decision was made so as always they wait till after , it's sad 40 lb has gone but the people voted it in the committee just acted on the vote don't blame them