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Loss Of Forty Pound Class

maybe if more people had returned there proposal votes thing might of been different.
301 sent 153 returned, poor return a smidge over 50% very poor response.

but the folks that did take time to return this issue still had 3 to 1 for.

it will suit some folks,and wont others.

but its impossible to please everyone :wacko:

the fed do yd lb up to 35, i did ask if a 36 scr could be introduced. but they they think be to much up to 35, 36scr, 40 . (so he only races fed champs).

our bentley is 35 wouldnt run him ydlb , as i like to keep him scr . +he wouldnt have a hope in hell in catching 31 lber. think there will be more folks like myself with a 35lber :thumbsup:
who didnt :wacko:
I've been a member since i started racing and I've NEVER received any voting papers of any kind since joining. :lol: so where was my voting form please? :wacko: :wacko:


So i for one never got to vote on this!!! :lol: and I've got a dog that this will affect, :eek: what is the point in paying club memberships if you are AREN'T invited to have your say on matter that will definitely concern you. :rant: not happy about this, :angry:
So i for one never got to vote on this!!! :lol: and I've got a dog that this will affect, :eek: what is the point in paying club memberships if you are AREN'T invited to have your say on matter that will definitely concern you. :rant: not happy about this, :angry:
I thought you ad said you wasn't racing again due to you cannot afford to travel ??? So how does this effect you ?
So i for one never got to vote on this!!! :lol: and I've got a dog that this will affect, :eek: what is the point in paying club memberships if you are AREN'T invited to have your say on matter that will definitely concern you. :rant: not happy about this, :angry:
I thought you ad said you wasn't racing again due to you cannot afford to travel ??? So how does this effect you ?
Weather the price of fuel is crippling the likes of me or not, :angry: and weather we decide to travel or not has nothing to do with fact that, I'M A FULLY PAID UP MEMBER TO BOTH THE BWRA & NNWRF AND MY CLUB, and I DIDN'T, RECEIVED A FORM!!!! SO NOW YOUR SAYING BECAUSE A PERSON LIVES TO FAR TO ATTEND THE RACING EVERY WEEK, LIKE MOST LIVING FURTHER UP THE COUNTRY AND THEIR A MEMBER, THEY SHOULDN'T BE ALOUD TO VOTE OF HAVE THERE SAY,?????

I might decide i want a shit one minute :( and then change my mind :angry: every body in this world is aloud to change their mind, (w00t) but i can't see what thats got to do with the voting, :clown:
How many others are like me and didn't receive a form, i wonder?? (w00t) but are to afraid to say so on this forum? (w00t) (w00t) (w00t) (w00t) (w00t) if you pay your money you are entitled to a have a say, IN MY BLOODY OPINION. (w00t) (w00t) (w00t) (w00t)
How many others are like me and didn't receive a form, i wonder?? (w00t) but are to afraid to say so on this forum? (w00t) (w00t) (w00t) (w00t) (w00t) if you pay your money you are entitled to a have a say, IN MY BLOODY OPINION. (w00t) (w00t) (w00t) (w00t)
Were there's shit there's you (w00t) (w00t) (w00t)Wackin yer beak in :clown:
You don't like it when some one is right thou do you, (w00t) (w00t) (w00t) (w00t)
You don't like it when some one is right thou do you, (w00t) (w00t) (w00t) (w00t)
Your like a mole , a smidgin of a fall out & up pops a gabbitas (w00t) (w00t) (w00t)
No Craig, i'm just a member who pays my money to the relevant organisation every year and i don't seem to get anything in return, :angry:

Why should others be given the chance to vote and not me? answer that one. :rant:
well we have club agm soon ,,,,if i make it ,,,,ill be fighting to keep classes the same when they run there opens

WHY? cause scratch dogs have had enough change ( breeding rule ) ( the weight cap ) ( now loss off 40lb class),,,,,some clubs try to follow suit with bwra rules,,,that i know

but this time enough is enough,,,,,,go pick on a diffrent class,,,,make,s me laugh somtimes ,,,since ive came back,,,,all if seen is bwra trying there damness to shot there self in the foot,,,,,,breeding rule P,M,S,L ,,,,,3 GENERATION RULE THEY DIDNT UNDERSTAND PMSL THEN CORRECTED,,,,,AND YET A GREHOUND COULD STILL WIN BROOD BITCH ( HELLO )PMSL

get real guys ,,,,,pick on light weight,s let,s put a cap on the head starts they get

if a 16lber can run off with 32lber,,,,,,why cant a 41bler run with 55lber

i have 41lber,,,i ran no limits last year,,,and at no point did i think he was un safe,,,as they race off levels,,,,which makes it alot safer than the main racing in the whippets

we all want more attendance at our clubs,,,,,but bwra got a good way off fecking up,,,,,me i wont be joining bwra,,,,why there a joke gettin
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You don't like it when some one is right thou do you, (w00t) (w00t) (w00t) (w00t)
Your like a mole , a smidgin of a fall out & up pops a gabbitas (w00t) (w00t) (w00t)
No Craig, i'm just a member who pays my money to the relevant organisation every year and i don't seem to get anything in return, :angry:

Why should others be given the chance to vote and not me? answer that one. :rant:
I'm on the NNWRF commitee not BWRA so I can't answer (w00t)
You don't like it when some one is right thou do you, (w00t) (w00t) (w00t) (w00t)
Your like a mole , a smidgin of a fall out & up pops a gabbitas (w00t) (w00t) (w00t)
No Craig, i'm just a member who pays my money to the relevant organisation every year and i don't seem to get anything in return, :angry:

Why should others be given the chance to vote and not me? answer that one. :rant:
I'm on the NNWRF commitee not BWRA so I can't answer (w00t)
Keep your job shut then, i bet you get one thou. (w00t) (w00t) (w00t)
well we have club agm soon ,,,,if i make it ,,,,ill be fighting to keep classes the same when they run there opens
WHY? cause scratch dogs have had enough change ( breeding rule ) ( the weight cap ) ( now loss off 40lb class),,,,,some clubs try to follow suit with bwra rules,,,that i know

but this time enough is enough,,,,,,go pick on a diffrent class,,,,make,s me laugh somtimes ,,,since ive came back,,,,all if seen is bwra trying there damness to shot there self in the foot,,,,,,breeding rule P,M,S,L ,,,,,3 GENERATION RULE THEY DIDNT UNDERSTAND PMSL THEN CORRECTED,,,,,AND YET A GREHOUND COULD STILL WIN BROOD BITCH ( HELLO )PMSL

get real guys ,,,,,pick on light weight,s let,s put a cap on the head starts they get

if a 16lber can run off with 32lber,,,,,,why cant a 41bler run with 55lber

i have 41lber,,,i ran no limits last year,,,and at no point did i think he was un safe,,,as they race off levels,,,,which makes it alot safer than the main racing in the whippets

we all want more attendance at our clubs,,,,,but bwra got a good way off fecking up,,,,,me i wont be joining bwra,,,,why there a joke gettin
Did you get a form to vote then mate up your end of the country,? sounds like you've got the same problem as us down in Cornwall. :thumbsup:


You don't like it when some one is right thou do you, (w00t) (w00t) (w00t) (w00t)
Your like a mole , a smidgin of a fall out & up pops a gabbitas (w00t) (w00t) (w00t)
No Craig, i'm just a member who pays my money to the relevant organisation every year and i don't seem to get anything in return, :angry:

Why should others be given the chance to vote and not me? answer that one. :rant:
I'm on the NNWRF commitee not BWRA so I can't answer (w00t)
Keep your job shut then, i bet you get one thou. (w00t) (w00t) (w00t)
Job or gob ??? Cos I've got both ... It's right what they say about you a complete unbearable troll !
You don't like it when some one is right thou do you, (w00t) (w00t) (w00t) (w00t)
Your like a mole , a smidgin of a fall out & up pops a gabbitas (w00t) (w00t) (w00t)
No Craig, i'm just a member who pays my money to the relevant organisation every year and i don't seem to get anything in return, :angry:

Why should others be given the chance to vote and not me? answer that one. :rant:
I'm on the NNWRF commitee not BWRA so I can't answer (w00t)
Keep your job shut then, i bet you get one thou. (w00t) (w00t) (w00t)
Job or gob ??? Cos I've got both ... It's right what they say about you a complete unbearable troll !
Bet you aren't man enough to say WHO THAY are thou, are you ROB the Job. (w00t) (w00t) and you didn't answer the question did you, (w00t) no, i wonder why. :clown:
You don't like it when some one is right thou do you, (w00t) (w00t) (w00t) (w00t)
Your like a mole , a smidgin of a fall out & up pops a gabbitas (w00t) (w00t) (w00t)
No Craig, i'm just a member who pays my money to the relevant organisation every year and i don't seem to get anything in return, :angry:

Why should others be given the chance to vote and not me? answer that one. :rant:
I'm on the NNWRF commitee not BWRA so I can't answer (w00t)
Keep your job shut then, i bet you get one thou. (w00t) (w00t) (w00t)
Job or gob ??? Cos I've got both ... It's right what they say about you a complete unbearable troll !
Bet you aren't man enough to say WHO THAY are thou, are you ROB the Job. (w00t) (w00t) and you didn't answer the question did you, (w00t) no, i wonder why. :clown:
get real guys ,,,,,pick on light weight,s let,s put a cap on the head starts they get
That's already been done, bend opens used to run 1 1/2yds/lb they dont anymore, most racng was yd/lb alot is now 2ft which doesnt really suit a 16lber :thumbsup:
i know everyone as a right to vote if they are paid up members ,but why wait untill now to say i have'nt recieved a voting form,i would have been on the phone to one of the top table.

also if all the scr racers are against the changes to the format voted in , why not approach the top table and see if an extra class could be put on i.e 36 - 40- 47 - 55 just a thought ;)
Ask the bwra.....I'm just stating everytime a problem accurs out thee pops now naff off I'm getting my doggies ready to race unlike some ;)