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Little Willow

So sorry, I hadn't realised that you have to be registered on The Refuge to see the posts in Chat (good general doggy rescue site, though, so worth registering if you're interested in a browse around).

I'm sure Sam won't mind me cross-posting a couple of the new pics of Willow:

Willow's new coat:


Willow with his little blanket - apparently he carries it around and snuggles up to it:


i could cry for him :( how can anyone be so evil? he looks as innocent and trusting as a baby :(

smashing coat :thumbsup: bet he'll still want it after his own grows back :D
FeeFee said:
So sorry, I hadn't realised that you have to be registered on The Refuge to see the posts in Chat (good general doggy rescue site, though, so worth registering if you're interested in a browse around).
I'm sure Sam won't mind me cross-posting a couple of the new pics of Willow:

Willow's new coat:


Willow with his little blanket - apparently he carries it around and snuggles up to it:



How anyone could let a little helpless dog get into a state like that... beats me. :rant: :rant:

.....poor little man - hes making the most of it now though. :wub: :wub: Awwww

and hes going to neeed that new coat :wub: :thumbsup:
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Thank god they had the sense to hand him in, the poor thing is in a horrendous state and how anyone can just ignore the first sign of this happening and not do anything about it makes the blood boil. :rant: He looks lovely and snug in his little coat. :huggles: Good luck for the future little man. :luck:
:rant: :rant: :rant: :(

Poor little Willow, thank goodness he has found somewhere safe and warm now :wub: :huggles:
:( Poor little man. How could people do this :rant: :rant:

Your safe now Willow :luck: :luck: for you.

Handsome man in his new coat :wub:
Tina Of Windsdream said:
:( Poor little man. How could people do this :rant:   :rant:
Your safe now Willow :luck:   :luck: for you.

Handsome man in his new coat :wub:


love Snoop Gucci and Penny :wub:
Willow Squirrel :wub: :wub: :wub: Wouldn't he be a pal for the Edster :huggles:

Former *owners* - hope they get what's due, and more :rant: :angry: :angry: :rant:
Brought tears to my eyes :( glad he's safe now that pic of him with his blankie melted my heart

:wub: :wub: :wub: :wub: :wub:
:( poor little thing, just can't find the words to describe the people who let him get into such a sorry state, they need to be starved and left without clothes and treated the same, hope they get their come-uppance one day

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Poor little man :( At least he's safe now! And he looks so sweet in his coat! :wub:

Look forward to more pics as he recovers :thumbsup: How could anyone let him get into that condition! :rant:
How do these people sleep at night :rant: :rant: I mean , just how long does it take to get in a condition like that , !! Not overnight thats for sure :rant:

B :rant: :rant: ds , Id love to get my hands on them , put them on a freezing cold Island in antartica , naked ! and leav`um :thumbsup: See how they like it :rant:
colliecrew said:
Willow Squirrel  :wub:   :wub:   :wub:   Wouldn't he be a pal for the Edster  :huggles:

Anne, I thought of your Eddie when I saw the first pictures of Willow, though I think poor Eddie was probably in a worse state overall.

Let's just hope Willow ends up making as good a recovery as the lovely Edster :wub:
got to say i agree completely with pamalkie.that pic of willow with his blankie melted me too! :wub: :wub: :wub: hes landed on his feet now.hope to see some pics of him as he progresses :thumbsup:
I am actually wiping the tears away as I look at this thread and I am a 43 year old bloke!!

God bless the people who rescue dogs like Willow, you deserve our heartfelt gratitude.
:luck: To the lovely Willow ,a new year and new life . Bless him :luck: :wub: