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Kick Boards



It seems that the kick boards question will do the rounds again this year and after only a two vote defeat in the B.W.R.A. AGM a ban will surely follow very soon, My only thought is that a ban will be good for all dogs but those now running off kick boards must be allowed time to be used to not having them or that all new season pups will not be allowed to use them and so in time all kick boards will be barred. any ideas
kickboards are something most of us use,but do not need to,

i dont think they do the dogs much good,they may and may

not be the cause of many injuries,i think front boards should

stay but kickboards should be banned,as for older dogs they

would soon adapt to running without them.
very two minded over this ??? , but my main concern is for dogs safety....I've seen some injuries due to ill fitting ramps(kickboards) and to be honest do we really need them???, I know that the dogs get a trapping advantage....but if everyone does'nt have the advantage of a ramp this may be fairer and safer on the other dogs....I wonder if the bwra ban the use, will everyone else??(nwrf,irg,clubs etc) ;)

ps....another advantage of kickboard ban , who has left a kickboard at a track only to notice half way home they forgot it????? :p  :0

ME !!!!!
I am sure that if kick boards were banned by the BWRA then every club and group would follow, there would be little point in racing with kickboards at some meetings and not at others because of training your dogs for the big events such as championships if they have banned the use of them their. the only problem that i can see is that all trap floors must be to a standard, but that can be overcome if each club either makes good all trap floors or have a set of flat boards that can be put in the traps.
We're ped owners but do most of our racing at a non-ped club. As you know kick boards have been banned in ped racing for many years. The steeper (sprint) boards do seem to put the dog at a bad angle. On the other hand they are a great training aid. They make it hard for a dog to turn around & face backwards in the trap.

Terry & Sheila
from spotlight magazine 1985.

does the hare who is being coursed by dogs run downhill? indeed not.he escapes on the flat or preferably uphill,which is only natural as his back legs ae longer than his front,

although whippets back legs are not so exaggerated as the hares,they are indeed longer,lift your dog by both hocks and stretch his legs back,you should then realise that facing downhillwould not be his natural starting possition,if traps were angled at the front it helps your dogs (crouch) position but if straight  may differ the crouch position of your dog,but it would be same for all the dogs in the race and none would gain an advantage.the quicker the national bodies and clubs bar these devises from use the better for the sport of whippet element of cheating by the old time slippers in the early years of whippet racing was only avoided when traps were introduced,im saying that now an element of cheating has returned with the introduction of spring boards,if you are one of the gadget brigade,show a bit of sportsmanship and leave them at home,you dont need them and neither does your dogs.whew never wrote this much at school, :angry:   ;)

      as seen by dougie macintyre
I for one would ban kickboards and half boards.  Another advantage would be that the trap man could get the traps ready quicker for the next race maybee even closing the trap fronts and racers could then load from the rear.  Dogs would soon get used to it after all they got used to the outside hare on the bends.
I would ban kickboards, but who will make sure the clubs keep their trap floors in good condition. No  SCREWS,NAIL sticking up to injure the dogs paws. Would the clubs take the time to ensure the trap floors are safe before an open?
Hi, yes I agree kickboards should be banned by all, and clubs should be made to keep all trap floors in good condition which i might add seems to be the norm , unless u all  know different ???
just fished this one out so all those who are now trying to get the demorcratic vote that was taken at the agm overturned can see what some of them wrote on this matter earlier !!!!!

the early bird may get the worm but the second mouse will get the cheese!!! ???
Did anyone say we now feel any different about kickboards

than we did back then Steve ?????
did i say you did or even indicate that .also whilst on this subject i will answer denise,s question on who the people were that voted to ban them would now use them when there was an option i aint afraid of saying i will and yes i did vote to get rid and will do so again . Having ran without on new years day whilst the majority used them and seeing my dogs handicapped twice i would be very stupid not to.But at least i tell the truth whatever and dont try to run with the hare and the hounds on any subject what you get is what you see be it right or wrong i am man enough to admit when i am wrong anytime !!!!!!SO HERE ONCE MORE I THINK THE BAN SHOULD STAY !!!!!!!!!!and that is my opinion for what it is worth .
well said steve, icant see the problem of banning springboards, why shouldnt everybody be on the same level ¬ rely on artificial aids. to enhance their dogs performance. dogs should run on their own ability & not need aids. they definately cause injuries &its time people thought about their dogs welfare ¬ their own .
Anyone with any common sense wouldn't handicap their dog by not putting a board in when everyone else was even if they had voted to ban them! Note all the letters the people who didn't want them banned wrote to Whippet News!!!!!
Myself and Gary think we will get more injuries running our dogs without kickboards, why change something thats work perfectly well for years now.....

Most injuries are caused at the knock off, i am not saying dogs dont go lame coming out of traps as it can happen anytime during a race (as we found out at easington with smurfette)

We think dogs mainly light weights will over stretch coming out of a trap without a ramp.

If you all thought that kickboard were the main cause of your dogs injuries then why did you run them in the first place......Gary and myself dont intend on running without a kickboard on the bends if the dicision is not over turned by bend championships...
I think everyone should close there pc down for 24 hours. take a deep breath and CARM DOWN. I do think I will be racing my dogs this year if this carries on much longer. It needs sorting out but in the proper way.
sorry that should read i do not think i will be racing :b

what has been passed must

give it a chance and see what happens

greyhounds get injured from the traps