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Kick Boards

what has been pased must stand give it a chance and see

what happens. greyhounds get injured from the traps

without kick boards . i belleve most bend racing injured

are caused by inexperience either your own or other dogs

piling in at the finish and dogs not fit


as far as i am a ware the nwrf body has never be elected.and to get on you have to be asked .youcan get things changed. by memebers petiton some times

as in the past ???? ha ha

ps re bit and bob in this months i.r.g

agree or disagree ???
yes i agree john with every thing you said ,but i dont think blue goblin will trap either without a board and suppose we will never find out... as i dont intend on running her without one...its going to be hard on the older dogs.
you are all just thinking about your own dogs, you should be thinking about dogs in general.& if they are any good they shouldnt need a springboard. you would still get the same winners without using aids. {with afew exeptions} they should run on their own ability ¬ need any assistance.
Whippet racing by its very nature means dogs can get injured at any stage of the race but in my opinion the potential for most injuries is at the end of a race. We have heard many opiinions for and against banning kickboards over the years. But in my opinion most (but not all) who have voted on this matter over the years have done so for tactical reasons. The one thing that has saddened me is that this was voted on by less than 50% of the membership. I am not going to go down the road of everyone can come or I cant come we have been there already. But the members should all be included but how can we do this.

1. Bring back the postal vote.

2. Use modern technoligy.

3. regional A.G.Ms discussing the national proposals on the same day then voting on them and all results being added together for a result.

With a proper time scale for proposals this could work.

I know the above have already been mentioned but as a member I would like to feel part of the decision making process.
here here john well said...

did you all know that the govening bodys for our uk sprint runners are deciding to ban start boards for the next olympics games if the ban by the bwra goes :D :D :D (joke)
i have just been talking to neil with wonderwall and he wants to know who has the fastest kickboard as there seems to be more about wood than dogs so please change the subject as the rest of the world can read what a lot of silly b-------- run whippets in Britain

YEs i do believe you are right, so let the subject be buried

untill we have sorted the issue out or tried the kickboard ban for 12 months !!!!!!! good luck to all :D :D however there is an old saying we should remember ??? " you cannot teach an old dog new tricks" :p :D :)
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ive solved the prob with the kick board im now attaching rockets to dogs legs catch them now now ha ha.

happy you new year to all and the best of luck for 2003.
With 27 (28 including this one) posts so far it seems that this is a topic that people want to talk about. After all we have subjects on here to discuss that people dont want to take up fair enough but dont finish a topic because what other people may think a topic will finish soon enough when its exausted. When the racing starts this will all be forgotten.
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I`ve kept quite on this topic so far ( but I bet you all knew it wouldn`t last) mainly because it doesn`t really affect me as I generally run larger dogs. From a purely selfish point of view I don`t care wether we run with or without kickboards as the advantage or not in scratch racing is the same for all.

As far as injuries is concerned I have never had , seen or heard of a dog that has been injured through a kickboard - just personal experience, I`m sure some one will provide anecdotal evidence to the contrary.

The outlawing of kickboards by the BWRA alone is clearly against the best interest of whippet racing as a sport because it creates a division in the sport betwen those events that allow kickboards and those that don`t - our dogs can`t be expected to learn how to do both proficiently. Hence some racers will avoid certain race`s - decreasing the number of participents - not what anyone wants.

As far as the BWRA AGM that outlawed kickboards - I can`t see how this was a legitamate AGM since I don`t recall any vote to change from a postal vote to a "true AGM" with the vote taken on site. The AGM last was, as far as I`m concerned a complete farce - there was no legitamate quoram as far as any vote was concerned since the majority of members were not present and the majority of members did not agree to the vote being taken in this way. Absence from the meeting does in no way prevent the right to vote on this issue. As far as I can see the BWRA have no right to stop those wishing to use kickboards at BWRA events on the basis of this AGM and anyone trying to stop the use of such is in breach of BWRA rules and should be disiplined by the BWRA committee as elected by the members.

Don`t even think about getting me started on the validaty of the £5 levy to enhance Ashfordsby

Edited because of really poor spelling!
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Just thought i'd paste this on to this topic from a member on my group:

j.b in response to Message 1 Sent: 17/01/2003 19:19

Just joined the group and browsing the archive. Since I race only in North America where kickboards aren't allowed, I can't really compare racing with and without them, I can say, however, that as long as the traps have a floor which provide good grip for the dogs, (rubber matting, astroturf or carpet turned upside down as examples), the dogs have no difficulty getting going. From that standpoint I don't see that the elimination of the boards presents a problem.

Here in the States and in Canada most of us race in two or three different organizations, one for bends and two for sprints. If we were to encounter a situation where something as significant as kickboards were allowed in one group but not in another I could see where that could present some difficulties. All one way or the other seems to be the only logical way to go.


It'd would be good to see other's views (pedi/foreign racers) on this subject because as far as i know we are the only body that run with kickboards, maybe someone else knows different.
Hi Vicky

Thanks for the invite of views of ped racers, i've followed this thread with interest but i'm a bit shocked that such a fuss has errupted over banning them,

my personal view after watching them in use many times at Blidworth/westhoughton (so no one can say ive never seen them being used) is that yes they definatly give a dog useing them a definate advantage speed wise but the dogs are in such an unatural possition to start a race from.

i've read with interest the "does it doesn't it cause more injuries?" ummmm not an easy one to answer but given the angle of the boards and some I saw were rediculass I can see why many think that back/wrist & toes injuries would be caused at the boxes.

Racing is hard enough on the dogs bodys without the added burden of kickboards.

ped racing doesn't allow anything like kick boards and I for one would not be happy if that was changed, and should it ever be brought up I would vote against them as I know many many others would.

Put the dogs in traps with good sound floors & front bars, entered from the back door and may the best dogs win.

But above all else remember whippet racing is for fun! and it's the must win at all cost mentality of some that is ruining racing ped & non-ped not lack of interest from racers.

Good luck to all ped/non-ped for a safe and successfull 2003
i agree that the ban should stay till next year it was voted in by those who attended. and those that voted you can say dont want it now otherwise, what was the point of going to the a.g.m. loseing a days pay and 3hrs drive. if you want the ban lifted go next year and vote for it, otherwise if you dont like whats been voted in then lets have a free for all and make the rules up as we go along.
With the lack of an official statement from the fed on this issue I guess the best we can hope for is that clubs state clearly in their adverts wether or not kickboards will be allowed.
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course they dont make the dogs run any faster, but they sure make a big differene to times that dogs can run ;) 30/40 spots ???
Well how did you manage to keep quiet so long Tony?Maybe last January s whippet news will be of some assistance sixth one down under BWRA proposals2001 results props J Meades sec J E Meades that the AGM be a true and proper AGM votes were 126 for 44against 43 abstained
I`ll stand corrected - if the members have voted in a true AGM then the vote is valid (I can`t believe members thought it was a good idea to effectively vote to throw away their right to vote)

I`ll have to try and keep up with what the BWRA have deceided.

I think going off the statistics given with the postal voting a lot weren't being returned, obviously the majority of bwra members wanted a true AGM and thats what they got, we can only go off what the majority vote for, as i have said before we are never all going to agree on something!!

But you never know this may be something that will be changed back, along with the presentation (now that didn't last very long did it?)
well i would like to know who voted for getting rid of postal votes, and why, because every one i have spoken too about this matter said they never voted to oust postal votes.....true we are only human and will never all agree on things, that is what makes the world go round :D
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The majority of BWRA members obviously didn`t vote at all.

126 (those that voted in favour of a true AGM) is only about 20% of the total membership.

Less than 100 members attended the AGM; 42 voted to ban kickboards, less than 10% of membership. Doesn`t seem a good way to run a democratic organization to me.