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Iida the terrier's maternity diary

You'll be amazed how mobile they are right from the start. Nothing I've bred ever read the books. And you don't want one falling in the bowl and drowning.

You've set this up so well, and I'm just making suggestions from not just my experience but from that of my little group of breeders.
You'll be amazed how mobile they are right from the start. Nothing I've bred ever read the books. And you don't want one falling in the bowl and drowning.

You've set this up so well, and I'm just making suggestions from not just my experience but from that of my little group of breeders.
Thank you....suggestions are always welcome. Nobody without experience with these things cannot foresee all the possible things that could be done or left done and I certainly expect that there will be surprises and adjustments for my plans as I go along. I totally understand your advise, but knowing myself and my rather fast moving arms...keeping water well away from pups and the mum is something I will have to do. I won't have anything extra in the pen area..elevated or on the floor while I'm not there.
I have little stool for myself and for any 'midwifery' equipment when she is giving birth (if in need of assistance) and that's it...and same goes during the pups first few weeks as well. I think keeping things VERY simple is best approach, even if it does mean few extra jobs for myself..better be safe than sorry...;)
How about @Finsky, just for fun, we guess how many pups the lovely Iida has and how many dogs or bitches.. no prizes for who's right though!.. I'm thinking she'll have 8 pups and a nice even 4 girls and 4 boys... Though 10 also springs to mind.. hmm can't decide, think I'll go with my first guess!
How about @Finsky, just for fun, we guess how many pups the lovely Iida has and how many dogs or bitches.. no prizes for who's right though!.. I'm thinking she'll have 8 pups and a nice even 4 girls and 4 boys... Though 10 also springs to mind.. hmm can't decide, think I'll go with my first guess!
Oh I like that....who will volunteer to keep scores?
I'm only playing if I can win a puppy.
Ha! Now that would be a price..:rolleyes: Maybe I should then pick the one with biggest and sharpest teeth and with snappy terrier attitude :D;)
Could you compile a 'What to expect from your new pup' handout/booklet for potential owners new to puppyhood? You know, the sort of things first-time owners coming to the forum asking for help would have been better knowing beforehand (settling pups at night, +ve reinforcement, housetraining, puppy biting, zoomies.....). Or are you planning on grilling them before letting them have one of your pups anyway?
Well..last night i spent some sleepless moments while my brain was chewing over your suggestion of a ' instructional handout' . I've just spent bum numbing two hours typing like woman possessed...and I have draft put together already! And I am pleased say that I enjoyed the challenge too. I still have some more to include in it but the general 'how to handle a working terrier' is more and less there. It wasn't that daunting task to do as lot of the basics are more and less mentioned in this forum, over and over again.
But now I have plenty of time to work it and make all sound bit better. Yay...thanks for the nudge...I wanted to do but needed that little 'poke' to get going with it ;)
I already turned computer off for the evening but I had to come back to update the news!!!!
For some days now I've been watching Iida's tummy like a hawk...trying to see if I can spot any movement...and...YAYYYY! I just saw it first time. Little alien ripple under her stretched tummy skin! Next target is to actually feel it. But now that there is movement going on I suspect it is only matter of time to tick that box too.
It's beyond lovely when you can lay a hand on the tum and feel puppies squibbling about.
Day 61... and things are starting to happen!!!
This happened only moment ago :eek:......:)


Ooh - fingers crossed all goes well, Finsky!
Ooh - fingers crossed all goes well, Finsky!
Thank you....I've got my toes crossed as well. I'm just catching up with next chapter in the bitch book to re-fresh what I've supposed to know of things to come.
Iida is pretty comfortable and not showing any stress or panting what so ever...not yet. In fact, book says she is 'supposed' to go off food but she has been quite hungry this morning and had good variety of food to nibble on. Maybe she knows something and feel there is need for all that energy....!? o_O
Usually within 24 hours from this stage, this is the "calm before the storm".
Enjoy, how exciting :)

Keep calm and enjoy the experience:rolleyes:.