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Iida the terrier's maternity diary

Our lot discovered a small hedgehog in the front garden at the begining of the winter.
We brought it in and have fed it up using a cage that we have just outside back door. Hedgehog loves the raw dog meat, mixed offal, chicken and venison and as a daily treat a teaspoon full of dried insects and mealworms. He/she is quiet big now and only eats at night then goes straight back to bed, we don't see him unless I look into his nest. I will sex him when he wakes up properly.
Thanks for update and lots of lovely photos.

You have done 100% right by these pups. Try not to fret about shaking up a few friendships - you won't lie awake over that, but you would if you'd homed the pups to the wrong people. It's VERY hard, and don't I know it. Also very hard when they leave. But you can be proud of the job you've done despite all the hassle. Well done for getting the papers back, and what nonsense that they couldn't provide a duplicate to rectify their error.

Good to be back in touch.
Thanks for update and lots of lovely photos.

You have done 100% right by these pups. Try not to fret about shaking up a few friendships - you won't lie awake over that, but you would if you'd homed the pups to the wrong people. It's VERY hard, and don't I know it. Also very hard when they leave. But you can be proud of the job you've done despite all the hassle. Well done for getting the papers back, and what nonsense that they couldn't provide a duplicate to rectify their error.

Good to be back in touch.
LOL....that wasn't 'lots of photos'...just a snippet of what I have on computer. These covid restrictions have made things little more difficult when it comes to viewing the pups etc. So instead having people coming in, I've had to do lot of photos, some videos and internet calls to provide 'the viewings' and provide regular progress updates over the weeks leading to the pup pick ups. It has not been ideal situation...hard 'work' but doable. Fortunately under 'animal welfare' it has a way to get these things done and when adhered to restriction rules....everybody has been safe and pups not effected neither.
Another good note....all the pups are being fed with raw diet in their new homes and sounds like they are keeping it going even after the food I provided with them has been used up. I provided each pup with selection of raw food from different suppliers, just so that the owners have good idea what was out there and how easy it can be. They also got list of suppliers contact details that I buy from regularly.
When I was getting supplies together to make up the puppy packs, some suppliers even gave me some free food and treats to put in the puppy packs...leaflets...booklets and even extra discount codes for first few orders to 'lure' the new customers in! Pups are well provided for first 2-3 weeks at least.
Because of Iida was nutritionally well provided for before, during and after her pregnancy and during puppies feeding...she haven't lost her condition at all. If anything she looks better than ever. I've seen so many bitches that have lost their condition...and I have been expecting that to happen to her too...but so far so good...delighted!
Our lot discovered a small hedgehog in the front garden at the begining of the winter.
We brought it in and have fed it up using a cage that we have just outside back door. Hedgehog loves the raw dog meat, mixed offal, chicken and venison and as a daily treat a teaspoon full of dried insects and mealworms. He/she is quiet big now and only eats at night then goes straight back to bed, we don't see him unless I look into his nest. I will sex him when he wakes up properly.
Our little hog is in the spare bedroom...kept warm and active until spring. :D I can hear it snuffling during the night as it wobbles to get its grub. It is slowly being 'tamed' and do not curl up into ball quite so readily, but it is still long way that I would be able to check it's 'bits' for sexing. Although timing for its arrival could have been better, it is still so nice to be able to save it and or just even see it. I have not seen one around here for yeeeeeeears. Not since I last released 2 that I had in my care over winter...umm...that must have been at least 10 years ago. As this one is quite likely to be 2020 is nice to know that there is good chance there is some more out there.
Wow you have been busy! Lovely to have you back @Finsky and see all the pupdates.:) Iida and yourself have raised a beautiful pack of hounds, you must be so proud, and exhausted I bet! Now the fun continues... wishing you happy terrier training with Ella!:D
Puppies week 10....

Lot of their life at the moment is the same....sleep, eat, play and have some experiences...repeated around o'clock again and again.
Weather is now holding us back as it is far too cold for these 2 to go and try their feet on the ground. But I have carried them in a blanket for a short moment to have a sniff of fresh air and listen all the noises and see the snow...their time will come soon enough as the weather improves a little. In mean while we've now to come to the point that they have started to explore the rest of the downstairs. At first I did let them have a look around on their own when big girls were on their walks so there was no interruption from them.
And now that we knew that 'Auntie Eva' was not going to be an issue, we let the pups meet the big girls in the living room, all off lead and we stood back to see the interaction happening. Pups were like a bullets flying around..their little legs could not get fast enough when they had their zoomies! :eek::eek::D
WELL...that was exciting and little scary too...venture to the unknown for us as well as for the dogs. Mum Iida was most excited of this freedom and wanted to play 'rough and tumble' straight away...but pups were not in mood, they wanted to explore.....and then 'Auntie Eva' stepped in...told Mum Iida off, telling her not to bother the youngsters! And for entire time the pups were out and about, Eva followed them closely watching over them and keeping eye on the 'for fun time only' Mum. Eva let Iida around the pups only when she was being 'good' and she wasn't bothering them!? :eek::)
DSC_0602 (2).JPG

I really really wanted to take some 'pups looking around' photos...but it turned out to be impossible. They were moving so fast ..all my photos only show earlobe or a flash of paw :rolleyes: So until the their life slow down, it will have to wait.
Anyhow....their first outings only took about 10-15 minutes and then they were returned back to their pen where they finished off the session with little more play between themselves and then they were happy to nap again.
What I have learned from the time when big girls were pups....they must not get too tired or terriers turn difficult to handle and they have temper tantrums. So these two are on limited fun time only and their play/activities will increase slowly as the weeks go by. More of the 'rough and tumble ' moments...

And winding down for their snooze..
Just remembered....Mum Iida is not totally out of job yet. Last night pups woke up and something must have startled them and they were quite frantic...I struggled to calm them down. Iida came to investigate all the commotion and I let her into the pen...couple of minutes later 'mum's magic' had done its job and all was nice and calm again :) Iida herself walked with very satisfied look on her face for the job well done and she must have felt good being still needed.
And that's report with the latest in the 'terrier hotel' completed ;)
If the pups are moving too fast for you to take pic of them, film them on your phone then capture screen shots as you watch the footage back.
If the pups are moving too fast for you to take pic of them, film them on your phone then capture screen shots as you watch the footage back.
Aha....but one does not do that sort of fancy unfortunately I'm limited with what I can capture.
Sounds like all my photos of the ferrets, apart from when they're sleeping!:D
LOL...I've got more sleeping photos than anything else...only time they stay still enough. I can take moving photos too but in the house it is tricky as we've got lots of furniture to hide behind/underneath. Hopefully once we get outside I can do some better ones ;)
(just thinking one step ahead):rolleyes:

Take care your puppy does not get too used to doing her toilet indoors. It may make your actual potty training quiet difficult if she has had no correction or opportunity to go out for toilet sessions at this time.
Would she follow mum outside when she goes out for her wee's just for a few minutes. Puppies do copy and learn from others quiet easily.
Do tell me to mind my own business if my suggestion seems interfering.
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(just thinking one step ahead):rolleyes:

Take care your puppy does not get too used to doing her toilet indoors. It may make your actual potty training quiet difficult if she has had no correction or opportunity to go out for toilet sessions at this time.
Would she follow mum outside when she goes out for her wee's just for a few minutes. Puppies do copy and learn from others quiet easily.
Do tell me to mind my own business if my suggestion seems interfering.
No I would not tell you anything like that all! But yes...I'm aware of the toilet training urgency, but as the injection are just setting in...going outdoors is only just becoming possibility. But now the weather is not on our side and these two would not cope for long in these temperatures....never mind trying to put a coat on when they have urge to go. So it is what it is and we'll work it out....I'm sure of it. ;)
They look like quiet tough little rogues to me:rolleyes:

Best wishes, have fun.:D
They look like quiet tough little rogues to me:rolleyes:

Best wishes, have fun.:D
Oh that they are, proper double trouble..but I would not have any other way. Unfortunately their puppy coat doesn't give hardly any protection against cold. Although I don't expect their coats to grow much longer, these two are going to be short coated, but it is still to thicken up and grow harsher and more weatherproof when they grow up a little.
Puppies week 11...
We have finally had break in the weather so that we could do first family outing in the garden and let the pups have good rummage around, inspect their new surroundings and spread their wings.
They were SO interested about anything and everything and Auntie Eva gave a little digging demonstration in the muddy soil as well :rolleyes:



What a treat to see them. You've done a super job there.