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Iida the terrier's maternity diary

Update..puppie's day 30...

It is amazing how quickly things develop with the little minute they are wrinkly little things, hard to tell what sort of animal they are supposed be and next, their wrinkles fill in and they are looking like proper little dogs and behave like it too. But they are like something from scary a dolls that speak/ can such a sweet looking puppies make such a nasty sounding noises!? :eek: o_O :D
Why didn't any of you warn me that puppies are connected to leaky hoses!? Just as I do morning daily clean up in the pen/in their box...they run around a minute and I might as well start it all over again! Where does it all coming from?
Having single puppy is SO easy....having litter of these leaky pups is another thing... :D:D But yes, I'm still coping...just amused with what is happening and what I've got myself into :rolleyes:
Giving these 'little ones' lots of stimulation, new experiences and 'training' has now truly started. It is very much 'baby steps' at the moment but every day we take at least one step forward so their first few weeks in their lives with us are going to be as 'fruitful' as possible.
Some things they've got up to already..


Chicken wing tips...

Trying to climb where they are not supposed to go....

And today I picked one puppy at the time and stood a minute on front of open door into garden....just so that they could have a sniff at fresh air and new smells and hear new sounds....and we had peek into living room too ;)
Lovely little monsters! And yes: keeping the pen clean is like an exercise in perpetual motion. But you'll do it.

Lucky puppies to be so well reared and lucky people who will be getting them.
Oh what a lovely family of chunky puppies, just beautiful.

If you had spring or summer puppies you could have an outside pen for them to spend their days. Winter puppies kept penned indoors can get a bit messy.
Oh what a lovely family of chunky puppies, just beautiful.

If you had spring or summer puppies you could have an outside pen for them to spend their days. Winter puppies kept penned indoors can get a bit messy.
So far it has not been that bad at all. I was expecting the birthing being messy thing but there was not much to 'mop up' at all...I was surprised about it. And there was me prepared with mountain of clean towels etc :rolleyes::D
But now.....things are about to change and I can see the attraction for summer puppies. But then again, by summer all these pups are already able to get out and about and the summer is not wasted being 'stuck' in home. Looking forward to it already...though I try not run ahead of myself and enjoy this stage while I can.
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What happened to the puppy and mama updates? I was really enjoying them and the pics!
Hellooo.....I'm back on the 'bike' and I'm about to update you all of what has happened. But apologies doing disappearing act. Truth is...I had too much going on that to keep some sanity intact, I had to cut back a lot of things, I just didn't have enough energy in me to keep going as things were.
But, most of the pups are now gone...all the difficulties solved...heart warmed from all the messages I have received so I'm good to carry on again. And be warned...I'm going to be quite thorough with my soon to follow updates too! Better get on with it then...typing fingers, ready...go!
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Right, I better carry on where I left it from last time...

So we had 7 pups....and they started grow a lot....and the pen wasn't getting any bigger. We got rid of the whelping box and I replaced it with big mattress and added a hanging rope for extra entertainment. The mattress itself is rather high but they soon got their feet working and jumping up and down was added extra bonus to wear down their energy and build up their frame work. Not planned bonus but it soon proved to work so. And what a fun it was (and still is) for them.
So the pups started to get on and their release date was getting closer. I have been keeping my heart still for some time and trying to keep my brain in charge for not making the separation from pups difficult for myself. The thought of 'I am only looking looking after these pups for other people' was easier to do with the girls...for some reason with the two boys that proved to be more difficult and I admit something wet and salty did escape from corner my eye when I handed these pups over to their new owners !?
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I had a plan to get final photo of all the pups together before they were separated...but it never happened. I just couldn't keep them all together on one place long enough for it. But I did managed to do it with 6 of them...
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For some weeks now, part of my nightly routine has involved some lengthy sessions in the pen with pups. During the day they don't seem to need me same as during evening and night. So to get them settled down back to sleep after their meal and short play...they were demanding lots of cuddles and kisses...or just having any physical contact with me. Although it does make you tired having to do this at mid-night...3 am...and again early morning has been most wonderful time too...just me and the pups when everybody else has been sleeping. Those have been some of the most treasured moments.
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As for the homing the pups...I knew from the start that we had quite few homes for them already spoken for...some more sure than others. But during these weeks things started to change and I had to make some difficult decisions and change some of the plans. I haven't actually lost any friendships over it, but certainly they are not the same anymore. Without going to into details, lets just say...I put the pups interest first. But if loose some, you will win some too. I have now gained some wonderful new people into our small family circle. And what's best, I couldn't have found better homes for the pups. The stud's owners have been great...we've kept touch almost weekly ever since Iida's date and through their contacts we found the few needed homes...they are lucky pups indeed to able to live proper terrier life in the more rural settings, surrounded with other animals and wildlife... I could not be happier for them.
So now we are down to just two pups....10 weeks old, Ella is the red one, she is ours and other one is little Maude..she has stayed with us few extra weeks. As she was last one to be born and smallest of the litter, I wanted to keep her little longer to allow her to catch up with the growth some more. As all the 'big lumps' were now out of way and there was less competition, she has soon picked up with her growth. And as having just these two, they are easier to manage in general and they are allowed to come out of pen to play rough and tumble with mum. We've had so much laughs by just watching these games going on.

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So now were are up to date with the big picture. These two girls are having their second jabs in couple of days and then Maude is heading to her forever home too...and Ella's training will begun.
Ella has already had little extra activities while Maude has been busy playing with mum. 'Auntie Eva' has not been allowed to be with pups without being restricted either by pen or child gate between her and pups. So recently I have taken Ella on lead to meet Eva in living room...and it has been fine. Auntie Eva has been very well behaved and gentle with far...and while Ella has been walking around investigating her new surroundings, Eva has been following her and giving some gentle licks, trying to get Ella's attention. Iida seem to be there now just for a fun time only and she is not shy getting 'stuck in' with the energetic play with pups :D:D
Seems like both big girls have been taking notes while watching pups has ignited their desire to play too! It is almost like they are showing off that they still got it.:rolleyes: Our big girls are having their own rough and tumble after each and every time they've been outside..and sometimes for no particular reason too. Toy box is under constant attack and the process being emptied and toys being tidied back in is on going all the time....absolute mad house at times!:rolleyes::D But I love it...just as it should be...;)
Last edited: more....using puppy pads is not happening anymore! 'Double trouble' would not leave them alone anymore but they turned into something that 'needed' to be shredded:rolleyes: So for time being we have towels in the pen for their 'needs'...and the washing machine is on all the time....:rolleyes:
Thank you for the update @Finsky - the photos :rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes: really lovely to read.
I'm glad to hear all is well with you and your lovely pups, Finsky:)
Another 'oh'...
We had some unfortunate events happening too, that were rather draining...pups papers got lost and vet informed they cannot be dublicated :eek::mad: We only found out weeeeeks afterwards that they were posted to us in first place! Only to find out vet had address slightly wrong and now they were sitting in a house across the road...owners moved away and house now sold :mad::mad::mad: Cutting long story short....we eventually found the papers...Phew!
Iida also court infection into her teats...very aggressive one and we didn't get much warning what was going on. Luckily that was cleared off with a course of antibiotics and pups were not affected as they were almost fully weaned.
Hmm..what else....oh yes, something nice to report too...we found little struggling 'hog'...underweight so it had to come in for a TLC. It was dirty...very smelly and HUNGRY...and there was something wrong with it, although I could not get it to open up for inspection. After first TLC and got bathed and put into warm bed. Following day I loaded Iida, one of the pup's and the hog into car and we ventured to the vets..:rolleyes: Iida for her check up, pup for his vaccination (others were done in different surgery with different vaccination) and hog for overall check up.
Hog had lost one of the legs, but it wasn't now I'm looking after it over the winter and come spring, I will have to find permanent home for it. Another mouth to feed and animal to look after... :rolleyes:...story of my life :D