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How Unfair Is This???


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Ok, heres what happened:

Me & my husband, 12 noon today out for a walk with the dogs.

We both have 1 IG & 1 afghan hound each on extending leads.

On a secluded path, i am in the lead & there is a woman coming towards me, big hiking boots, ruck sack.

As i approach her Affie is right there next to me BUT IG being nosey little beast is away out there at the end of extending lead being nosey & wanting a pet & a fuss.

Suddenly woman stops, stands stock still & turns her back to us.

Figuring she does not like the approaching dogs i pull in the IG away from her.

We continue & she again walks towards us, as we get adjacent to each other the IG pulls out towards her, tail wagging wanting to say hello, Affie is on outside away from her.

All of a sudden she kicks out, i just hear the noise & see IG flying across the path onto the grass where she lands in a heap, then the screaming starts.

I look to the woman who now screams at me "I hate them, i f*****G hate all dogs"

With that she starts to run. :eek:

Now my first thought is for my dog, she is screaming, holding up her leg & her head is all tilted on one side. I scoop her up, dont know whether leg is broken or received blow to head.

With that my husband hands me his 2 & says "dont worry i will get her details" & takes off down path after the running woman.

Apparently woman is now out of sight as my OH approaches the car park but he finally sees her in a car park beyond approaching a gym so pursues her hoping to get her details not knowing the extent of the injuries to our dog & if any vet bills are to be incurred.

He finally catches up with her at the entrance to the Gym & calls out for her to stop & he wants her details.

She looks around, totally ignores him & tries to get thru glass doors away from him.

OH manages to catch a bit of the back of her coat & again states "I want your details".

She now barges thru doors of Gym, drops her haversack, turns on my OH shouting "Come on then, come on, waving her hands about clenched in fists.

3 people on reception witnessed this.

My OH totally ignored her, went straight to reception & asked them to call security asap as this person had injured our dog.

She then shoots thru private doors whilst my OH waits for security to arrive & gives a statement.

He is then told that the police are on their way.

I in meantime manage to get back to car with all dogs, examining IG i would say IG was kicked in head as eye appears slightly red & swollen.

I get them all settled then go of with IG in search of OH where i find him waiting with Security for police to arrive.

This was at 12.15.

At 4.20pm the police finally arrive, they are given our statements plus the womans statement & we are told to go home.

I have just received a phone call from the officer to say that the woman is pressing charges against my husband grabbing the back of her coat as "common assault" & wants him to be prosecuted :(

Officer was really nice & basically said woman is a complete fruitcake & when they write their report she will say that the whole thing is pathetic.

I have told her that speaking to Security on the way home they have verified that there is CCTV of this woman throwing her bag on the floor & threatening my OH.

She says she very much doubts that the CPS will take it up as this woman has no injuries or claims to my OH attacking her in anyway, merely trting to grab her coat to stop her running away BUT she cant guarentee it wont go to court :(

I am just so miffed at all this, a quiet walk turned into a nightmare.

IG seems fine now & swelling to eye gone down, but now my OH faces prosecution for trying to get this persons details, any advice :wacko:
Bluddy stupid woman. All she had to do was call to you to keep the dogs away. Poor tiny Iggy.
whippophile said:
Bluddy stupid woman. All she had to do was call to you to keep the dogs away. Poor tiny Iggy.

She is very small BUT very friendly & unfotunately wants to be be EVERYONES friend.

We go there every day & she knows all the joggers & people that bring her a treat & i guess she thought this was one of them :(
As she's allegedly commited a crime ?animal cruelty / abuse? I would of thought your OH would be seen as making a citizens arrest?
wild whippies said:
As she's allegedly commited a crime ?animal cruelty / abuse? I would of thought your OH would be seen as making a citizens arrest?

Apparently the Officer has spoken to the dog section & she cant really be done for "cruelty" unless she cut off a tail or hacked off a leg etc.

I could prosecute her for criminal damage if i could prove she had bruised or damaged the IG in some way BUT citizens arrest NO :- "
omg thank god she is ok,what can you say but the world is full of arseholes,sorry you had a run in with one.

sorry for been harsh im feeling crap too,my whippets mum as gone missing and feeling so upset
OMG what is this world coming to...hope your little IG is ok today and the your OH gets the charges dropped.

By the sounds of it the woman sounds like she needs mental help.
trish and graham said:
omg thank god she is ok,what can you say but the world is full of arseholes,sorry you had a run in with one.

sorry for been harsh im feeling crap too,my whippets mum as gone missing and feeling so upset

Poor you, how awful, what happened to us is nothing in comparison to having a dog go missing :(

Lots of luck in having her back home again soon :luck: :luck: :luck:

Fingers crossed :thumbsup:
hellybobs said:
OMG what is this world coming to...hope your little IG is ok today and the your OH gets the charges dropped.
By the sounds of it the woman sounds like she needs mental help.

That's what I thought, she needs sectioning.

If she'd have kicked my dog she'd have ended up on her ar$e in the ditch I'm afraid, woman or not. :rant:
:( thats aweful poor dog, i have no faith in the police said last year i was hit by a car while on the pavement waiting to pick my son up from school, had witnesses & basically the women said it wasnt her police said no charges, my word ahainst hers! so if ever anything like that happens again i know what i will do!
Been in a situation like this before - had a crime(s) committed against our property (criminal damage) - chased after those responsible - got names and addresses (yobs) - informed police - took statements and details from me THEN DID ABSOLUTELY NOTHING. :rant:

Then same yobs do the same thing a few months later - I again chase them - catch one and tell them they are coming back with me while I call the police - they give me abuse and pull away - I give it up and go home. Ten minutes later the police knock on my door and I am arrested for assault, off the police station at 21.30 - put in a cell for 3 hours - interveiwed at 01.30 - then bailed pending charges. :(

I was charged and faced a 2 day trial which took over a year to go to court - thankfully I employed a good lawyer and the yobs stories were ripped to shreads and I was found not guilty. :sweating:

I have now faith in the police or justice system - its a total joke. :rant:

Hope your dogs OK - this women sounds very dangerous to me and should be sectioned.
From what you have said Nina I very much doubt the CPS would charge your OH. If they do my advice would be to enquire after a good lawyer, get them to get your OH legal aid and perhaps write to your MP and Chief Constable about it (kick up a stink) - inform the local papers too.

Hopefully he wont be charged though - good luck and hope your dogs feeling OK this morning.
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What a bleeding nutter she sounds..... (w00t) sorry :rant:

I hope you get this all sorted out and your OH is not charged with anything, its her who needs to be charged.

Fancy kicking a defenceless little dog like that - how ridiculous :rant: She wants reporting - you did what anyone would have done.

I hope your little Iggy is none too worse after this aweful ordeal poor mite. :luck:
Oh my god Nik,that is just awful. I can't believe the police are willing to even listen to her after what she did!!!! :rant: Martin should've just planted her one........after all that way it would've been your word against hers (that is if she could've found you again) as there were no witnesses on the path.

This happened to us once a few years ago with Moss (Whippet) but he was only a pup at the time and the guy did'nt actually make contact with the dog but tried to,I think he nearly wet himself when I went ballistic!!!!!! he had a Westie with him and claimed that Moss came over and showed his teeth (this was at 11.30pm in the pitch black...has this man good eyesight or what!) now bear in mind Moss is about 14wks old,he then picked up his dog and a pup being a pup went over and tried to jump up and see the Westie in the man's arms,he then kicked out at Moss shouting "if you don't get that effing dog away from me I'll kick it in the face!" WELL....that was it! I went absoloutley mad,I shan't say what came out of my mouth,lets just say you would'nt hear it in finishing school! :lol: But the man backed off big time and then to just add the icing on the cake,Ryan (OH) appeared from behind me at that time he had his head shaved and was wearing combats and paraboots (he'd been out lamping earlier with the older dogs) and basically told the guy to eff off,though not quite so polietly!!,the guy sloped off a few shades whiter than he had been earlier in the night!! I bet he has thought twice though before threatening to kick anyone else's dog. :lol: :lol:

I agree with Dave The Horse,I would think it would be highly unlikely that it will get too far in legal terms,but if it does,GO SEE A GOOD SOLICITOR!! I would maybe go now and get some advice anyway, just in case. :thumbsup:

Hope the little IG is not seriously hurt. Stupid crazy bitch :rant: :rant: :rant:
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wow, there are some seriously crazy people out there. It's unbelievable that some people can get through life if they flip out at something like that!!!!

I don't have any advice, just wanted to send :huggles: to your little one and hope that everything turns out in you and your husband's favour.

Sending lots of positive vibes your way :)
:rant: :rant: :rant:

That woman is VERY LUCKY that you and your husband are so civilised.

Would she have kicked out at a German Shepherd or a Rottweiler or a Pit Bull because she so has a problem with dogs, I wonder?

Yes, she's off her trolley, and she's also a bully.

I would have had a very hard time not pushing her in a ditch. I could have screamed "Big Hiking Boots make me go mental!! " ( oops.)

I'm so sorry this has happened and I do hope your dog will be fine soon.
this woman is clearly mental.... what on earth gives her the right to attack a dog..?

Not sure I would have been as polite about it as you were....

Sending big get well soon hugs...

trish and graham said:
omg thank god she is ok,what can you say but the world is full of arseholes,sorry you had a run in with one.sorry for been harsh im feeling crap too,my whippets mum as gone missing and feeling so upset

Trish - Any news on missing dog?
nina said:
Ok, heres what happened:
Me & my husband, 12 noon today out for a walk with the dogs.

We both have 1 IG & 1 afghan hound each on extending leads.

On a secluded path, i am in the lead & there is a woman coming towards me, big hiking boots, ruck sack.

As i approach her Affie is right there next to me BUT IG being nosey little beast is away out there at the end of extending lead being nosey & wanting a pet & a fuss.

Suddenly woman stops, stands stock still & turns her back to us.

Figuring she does not like the approaching dogs i pull in the IG away from her.

We continue & she again walks towards us, as we get adjacent to each other the IG pulls out towards her, tail wagging wanting to say hello, Affie is on outside away from her.

All of a sudden she kicks out, i just hear the noise & see IG flying across the path onto the grass where she lands in a heap, then the screaming starts.

I look to the woman who now screams at me "I hate them, i f*****G hate all dogs"

With that she starts to run.  :eek:

Now my first thought is for my dog, she is screaming, holding up her leg & her head is all tilted on one side.  I scoop her up, dont know whether leg is broken or received blow to head.

With that my husband hands me his 2 & says "dont worry i will get her details"  & takes off down path after the running woman.

Apparently woman is now out of sight as my OH approaches the car park but he finally sees her in a car park beyond approaching a gym so pursues her hoping to get her details not knowing the extent of the injuries to our dog & if any vet bills are to be incurred.

He finally catches up with her at the entrance to the Gym & calls out for her to stop & he wants her details.

She looks around, totally ignores him & tries to get thru glass doors away from him.

OH manages to catch a bit of the back of her coat & again states "I want your details".

She now barges thru doors of Gym, drops her haversack, turns on my OH shouting "Come on then, come on, waving her hands about clenched in fists.

3 people on reception witnessed this.

My OH totally ignored her, went straight to reception & asked them to call security asap as this person had injured our dog. 

She then shoots thru private doors whilst my OH waits for security to arrive & gives a statement.

He is then told that the police are on their way.

I in meantime manage to get back to car with all dogs, examining IG i would say IG was kicked in head as eye appears slightly red & swollen.

I get them all settled then go of with IG in search of OH where i find him waiting with Security for police to arrive.

This was at 12.15.

At 4.20pm the police finally arrive, they are given our statements plus the womans statement & we are told to go home.

I have just received a phone call from the officer to say that the woman is pressing charges against my husband grabbing the back of her coat as "common assault" & wants him to be prosecuted  :(

Officer was really nice & basically said woman is a complete fruitcake & when they write their report she will say that the whole thing is pathetic.

I have told her that speaking to Security on the way home they have verified that there is CCTV of this woman throwing her bag on the floor & threatening my OH.

She says she very much doubts that the CPS will take it up as this woman has no injuries or claims to my OH attacking her in anyway, merely trting to grab her coat to stop her running away BUT she cant guarentee it wont go to court  :(  

I am just so miffed at all this, a quiet walk turned into a nightmare.

IG seems fine now & swelling to eye gone down, but now my OH faces prosecution for trying to get this persons details, any advice  :wacko:

Some queer folk in this world Nina i can tell you, and i seem to attract em, take for instance saturday gone, in my local town center sat on this bench watching the world go by scoffing a nice sausage roll, up comes this woman and give me a reall bollocking, why, cos id dropped some crumbs on the floor, she went into this shop so i followed her in to ask wot her prob was, she told me to F**k off so i did :lol:

keith, hope you are ok :thumbsup: