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Help - New Addition .........

No comment on the situation from me, but I was asked last year how I intoduced a new dog to my pack and this is what I replied.....

madbella said:
He looks scrummy!!And it's good that they are all settling in well.

Did you take the puppy straight into the house or did you introduce him to your existing dogs outside the house first?

Hi Madbella, when does Austin come home :wub:

I did the same as I organised for Ruso, and I'm sure to sound mad here :blink: but I think it depends totally on your dogs and what you think will work for them :thumbsup:

As I was approaching home, I got my 16 year old son to come out to the car, and he then held Badger and sat in the front seat. I went into the house and got all the others and loaded them into their crates in the back fo the car.

We drove up the road and back again and then all came into the house together, and this made my boys realise that he was coming in as part of the pack.

Once in the house (Adam is still holding Badger at this point) Ruso and Jacob went in their crate and Winx and Badger went out in the garden for a piddle. Winx is my top dog, so I was just enforcing that really by leaving him out with the puppy.

A new puppy needs a while to come to grips with going into a strange house, and also I'm a great believer in learned behaviour, so I never want a puppy to get used to weeing in the house. Having him outside for a while and the others in a crate meant that he could chill out in the garden and go to the toilet.

Then I let the other two out and they all had time to say hello nicely.

It works for me, but that's not to say that it is right for other households.

Good luck with your new pup coming home :huggles:

Might help in future if anyone reading wants to introduce a new dog.

I'm sorry this didn't work out for Angie and glad the pup has a new home. I'm also glad that the number of kind remarks outnumbers the few negative ones. Yes it did all happen quickly but if the dogs were hurting each other and Angie didn't feel able to remedy this (as many of us wouldn't) then she did the most unselfish thing. Let's not forget this can't actually have been easy for Ang. I think there are a couple of people on here who think we have to sacrifice ourselves at the altar of The Dog or be damned. Nobody loves their dogs more than I do, and I'd do anything for them but we live in the real world and sometimes things happen outside our control and don't turn out as we'd wish.
angie 6 stay with k9 plenty of good advice and support on here :thumbsup:
I'm sorry this didn't work out for Angie and glad the pup has a new home. I'm also glad that the number of kind remarks outnumbers the few negative ones. Yes it did all happen quickly but if the dogs were hurting each other and Angie didn't feel able to remedy this (as many of us wouldn't) then she did the most unselfish thing. Let's not forget this can't actually have been easy for Ang. I think there are a couple of people on here who think we have to sacrifice ourselves at the altar of The Dog or be damned. Nobody loves their dogs more than I do, and I'd do anything for them but we live in the real world and sometimes things happen outside our control and don't turn out as we'd wish.
Good post, it's very easy for people to judge but unless they find themselves in the EXACT situation then it is rather unreasonable to make judgement. To my mind so long as the outcome is good for all the dogs, that's all that matters.

The only reason we stopped fostering for jr whippet rescue was due to one whippet cross( lots of them were not pure whippets :wacko: ) which was eight months old and it attacked our boxer dog and damaged his eye,this followed a day later with a full blown vicious fight between my boxer and my own whippet, (a fight started actually by the foster dog) to that point my boxer and whippet had always been best buds. To this day I have never fostered again but have successfully introduced Parker and Zoe to my pack with no fighting at all.

A different dog on a different day could be the perfect match but life isn't perfect and I doubt very much that the critics on this thread are either.
I'm sorry this didn't work out for Angie and glad the pup has a new home. I'm also glad that the number of kind remarks outnumbers the few negative ones. Yes it did all happen quickly but if the dogs were hurting each other and Angie didn't feel able to remedy this (as many of us wouldn't) then she did the most unselfish thing. Let's not forget this can't actually have been easy for Ang. I think there are a couple of people on here who think we have to sacrifice ourselves at the altar of The Dog or be damned. Nobody loves their dogs more than I do, and I'd do anything for them but we live in the real world and sometimes things happen outside our control and don't turn out as we'd wish.
Good post, it's very easy for people to judge but unless they find themselves in the EXACT situation then it is rather unreasonable to make judgement. To my mind so long as the outcome is good for all the dogs, that's all that matters.

The only reason we stopped fostering for jr whippet rescue was due to one whippet cross( lots of them were not pure whippets :wacko: ) which was eight months old and it attacked our boxer dog and damaged his eye,this followed a day later with a full blown vicious fight between my boxer and my own whippet, (a fight started actually by the foster dog) to that point my boxer and whippet had always been best buds. To this day I have never fostered again but have successfully introduced Parker and Zoe to my pack with no fighting at all.

A different dog on a different day could be the perfect match but life isn't perfect and I doubt very much that the critics on this thread are either.

Absolutely right, I think she did the right thing for the puppy. If I were here I wouldnt stay on this forum, due to the unkind remarks levelled at her, in fact reading posts like this is enough to put me off coming on.
i think the reason why there are a few negative posts, is that if you have follwed skyes story from the whippet forum you will know that dave who rescued skye was trying his best to rehome her in what should have been her finaly/forever home.

he sent her of to angie thinking that she would be going to her forever home.

angie had her only a day and then sent her of to a rescue without even consulting dave on the matter.

i dont think anyone can say they are not happy that skye has now found her new home, but most are rather anoyed that it was the forum who found (and funded through the tilly fund) her way to angie if it wasnt working the forum (or at the very least dave) should have been given a small bit of say on what happens next.

angie im glad it has been a happy ending for skye, i hope you understand why people are a bit upset, but please dont feel pushed out as we would all like to here how your boys are doing, and if you get any updates on skye :huggles:
Just as a matter if interest, I wonder how Angies dogs react to other dogs when out walking. Maybe there is unseen aggression there and the puppy was the catalyst. IMO she will need to watch her two boys in future.

This is not being negative or disruptive either, it is just a thought.
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i think the reason why there are a few negative posts, is that if you have follwed skyes story from the whippet forum you will know that dave who rescued skye was trying his best to rehome her in what should have been her finaly/forever home. he sent her of to angie thinking that she would be going to her forever home.

angie had her only a day and then sent her of to a rescue without even consulting dave on the matter.

i dont think anyone can say they are not happy that skye has now found her new home, but most are rather anoyed that it was the forum who found (and funded through the tilly fund) her way to angie if it wasnt working the forum (or at the very least dave) should have been given a small bit of say on what happens next.

angie im glad it has been a happy ending for skye, i hope you understand why people are a bit upset, but please dont feel pushed out as we would all like to here how your boys are doing, and if you get any updates on skye :huggles:
Thank-you Katie. I have been keeping very quiet on this forum as I normally just lurk and post more on the other forum. I was simply annoyed at how quick it all happened and how I only found out when a member of both foums kindly PM'd me.

I also was slightly annoyed, although really it is very, very trivial, that she was called star in the short space of time she was with her new owner and carried that name even whilst she was headed for the kennels. Her name was not chosen by me and she was never owned by me. However, I gave my word to a tearful young girl that she was going to the best home ever and that I would be able to see how she was doing as she was a member of TWF. It happens and it shouldn't really be an issue.

Angie was and obviously is still upset, I know this as she didn't contact me. I have no gripe or vendetta against anyone on this earth and I am not about to start. Nor do I condone the group kicking of a person for making a simple misjudgement. But I would like to thank everyone for their support and taking notice of this little bitch's plight, you are all good people.

The main thing for me is that Skye (intended) is now happy and I'd like to add if it doesn't work out for her again, could someone please inform me and I'll travel over and have her back for keeps.

The Tilly Fund was not drawn on for this as I didn't feel it proper.

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No comment on the situation from me, but I was asked last year how I intoduced a new dog to my pack and this is what I replied.....
madbella said:
He looks scrummy!!And it's good that they are all settling in well.

Did you take the puppy straight into the house or did you introduce him to your existing dogs outside the house first?

Hi Madbella, when does Austin come home :wub:

I did the same as I organised for Ruso, and I'm sure to sound mad here :blink: but I think it depends totally on your dogs and what you think will work for them :thumbsup:

As I was approaching home, I got my 16 year old son to come out to the car, and he then held Badger and sat in the front seat. I went into the house and got all the others and loaded them into their crates in the back fo the car.

We drove up the road and back again and then all came into the house together, and this made my boys realise that he was coming in as part of the pack.

Once in the house (Adam is still holding Badger at this point) Ruso and Jacob went in their crate and Winx and Badger went out in the garden for a piddle. Winx is my top dog, so I was just enforcing that really by leaving him out with the puppy.

A new puppy needs a while to come to grips with going into a strange house, and also I'm a great believer in learned behaviour, so I never want a puppy to get used to weeing in the house. Having him outside for a while and the others in a crate meant that he could chill out in the garden and go to the toilet.

Then I let the other two out and they all had time to say hello nicely.

It works for me, but that's not to say that it is right for other households.

Good luck with your new pup coming home :huggles:

Might help in future if anyone reading wants to introduce a new dog.

This sounds perfect TC and and is excellent advice - as always - ..... we have done similar with pups but as you know from experience when you were an angel of dog deliverance, it`s not always so straightforward is it - even with a room full of dog-experienced people.... xx
i think the reason why there are a few negative posts, is that if you have follwed skyes story from the whippet forum you will know that dave who rescued skye was trying his best to rehome her in what should have been her finaly/forever home. he sent her of to angie thinking that she would be going to her forever home.

angie had her only a day and then sent her of to a rescue without even consulting dave on the matter.

i dont think anyone can say they are not happy that skye has now found her new home, but most are rather anoyed that it was the forum who found (and funded through the tilly fund) her way to angie if it wasnt working the forum (or at the very least dave) should have been given a small bit of say on what happens next.

angie im glad it has been a happy ending for skye, i hope you understand why people are a bit upset, but please dont feel pushed out as we would all like to here how your boys are doing, and if you get any updates on skye :huggles:
:unsure: I didn't know this back story -that does add a new angle to it - the pup should not have been handed to anyone else if there were already people involved in her initial rescue. It must have been quite confusing for the pup. Hope the forever home is a good one.
I'm sorry for all concerned really, but I honestly don't judge Angie badly for reacting as she did. I don't know all the ins and outs of the rescue story, as i haven't read about it on TWF, but it sounds a reasonably responsible move to turn to an established rescue organisation where she knew they would do their best for the pup. It's a shame the original 'rescuer' wasn't informed, but we don't know all the facts and how upset she must have been feeling at the time. One's judgment can be clouded in these situations and something had to be done quickly by the sounds of it.

Can we stop judging and villifying now please :unsure: What's done is done, and I'm sure there are lessons to be learned all round.

Well done to Dave for rescuing the pup in the first place and for explaining things in his post above!

Sorry to sound patronising.
:( :( What a very sorry set of circumstances and devastating for all involved. There go all of us but for the grace of god.

A pack can only exist if there is fine balance- sometimes a pack is very small sometimes a pack can be large.

We have to recognise that limitation.

Villification by the whollier than thou brigade teaches us nothing - except perhaps to not tell the whole truth when we are asking our contempories for help next time.

Angie i hope you continue to post, there are lots of people who wish you well. all the best :luck:
a lesson has been learnt........don't act from the heart..........engage the brain first.......its all too easy to pat some one on the back and say there there or well done.......but actions result in consequences and therefore should be given due consideration.....sorry if you all want it sugar coated .........but be prepared to take the bad with the good......and not scarper when the going gets tough.............
I think this had been done to death, a big mistake was made, hopefully Skye is now settled in whtat I hope will be her final home.

A lesson for all concerned, the main thing to remember is that if you have a problem with a rescue, first contact should be the person you took the dog from. If you know who bred it, contact the breeder. Not give it to a rescue just like that, it was lucky for Skye she ended up in a good rescue, the story could have been very different.

So lets leave this alone now.
I think this had been done to death, a big mistake was made, hopefully Skye is now settled in whtat I hope will be her final home.
A lesson for all concerned, the main thing to remember is that if you have a problem with a rescue, first contact should be the person you took the dog from. If you know who bred it, contact the breeder. Not give it to a rescue just like that, it was lucky for Skye she ended up in a good rescue, the story could have been very different.

So lets leave this alone now.
agree lets put this to bed xxx
I am not going to judge eather ways cos i dont know the sercomestances but I can tell you how I introdce new pups and fosters here. must have had 30 plus fosters and only 2 were ever a problem. I allso ahve dogs in my pack that are agressive to strange dogs outsides and even shes no problem if introdcued in the right way. the first and most important thing is your the head of the houes and the dogs know its your houes and you decied who lives in it. if its an adult dogs as said before meat outside with your own dogs in an nutral earia not somewere you walks your dogs slowly just satrst walking along side and bringing them all cose togethere and basicaly gte them all nakered togethere. then the realy had bit espicaly if the dogs had a bad starts and all you wants to do is fuss it is ignore thye new dog at home for a few days keep the routne the same if you didnt creat before dont start the day a new one arrives you have to keep things as carm and normal as possible cos haveing a new memeber of the family is no big deal as for as your dogs are concerned. if your not bother they wont be if your incharge feed fuss play with brush the new dog last so the others dont feel there possiion has changed in the pack.

if its a pup that carnt go out yet its differnt. we have just brpought Scarlet home today and shes allready chilled and asleep curled up with the dogs infront of the fire.

with pups you have to asses prity quickly who confidnt the pup is. if the pups timed or shy putting a pup in a csage or pen with acoverd bed so it can escape and slowy allowing the pup to get used to your other dogs is best. allways introduce you pup if yourholding it bum first as thats how dogs say hi. if like we have just brought home your pups is scared of nothingits actuly tricker. get the pup bathed and rub it in one of your dogs blankest that they have sleeped on so the pup smells familer try and have a frend hold the pup bum fisrt and gradulay bring in your dogs i give my lot treets and they asosiate the pup with good things if you think your dogs could be snappers use a muzzles and graduly bulied up the ariea pup and your dogs are allowed togethere. confident pups will harreas and nip your older dogs let your dogs tell the pup of they have to learn manners problems can start when the origanl dogs ahev a mosnetsr nipping and barking at them that they vcannot shout at cos you will shout at them so the dogs get frusted and snap. scarlet today had been told of by milo Darcey Forrest and ruby the shouetd at her shes sqeeled but she stope harrassing them she soon learnt it wasnt allowed there litter mates and mum would tell them of the same dogs have to be dogs. I have woffoled on so will leve it there for now but if anyone wants advice and bringing a new dog in there home I will happy help just pm me


Not going to make any comments about what has happened but thought you would be interested to know there is a lovely photo of Skye/Star on the Second Chance Website in her new home. They have had a dog from the rescue before and look a nice family so hopefully that will be her forever home.


Posted by Angie on The Whippet Forum .....................


"Skye is away home with her forever family ...... They are a family who live in Fife and have had all of their pets from Ena (at Second Chance), they absolutely adore her and I've been informed that they were stopping at the pet shop on the way home to but her some 'bling'."