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Help - New Addition .........

Angie don't disappear please!

I'm sorry it hasn't worked out for you and Skye/Star.

To everyone else!

I can see no real benefit in telling people how sad/cross/angry you might be with them over situations like this, we all know how its sad, Angie is devastated by it. And we all 'know' how we would have handled things, but unless you are there in the situation, knowing the dogs concerned and living with the whole horrible scene none of us can really know

Good Luck little Skye/Star :luck: :luck: :luck:
angie IMO for what it worth

you did the right thing ok so it was only a few days but--

when dogs or bitchs for that matter start fighting it only ends one way lots of vets bills

or a dead dog

you must be heart broken to have had to do it but you have put all dogs first as it should be
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Sometimes I think there are fewer and fewer kind and understanding people in this world. Get a grip! Stop vilifying well-intentioned people who have tried to do something good but failed. If that's the attitude we all take then people would not adopt rescue dogs for fear of citicism and ridicule when it occasionally goes wrong. Taking on a dog is nothing like having a kid and the two should not be compared.

Well done for giving a go and recognising it was not going to work at an early stage. Please have confidence in the wisdom of your decison. No-one else here has been in in yor exact same position so it is folly to judge. Please post again and let us how your dogs are getting on. I for one will not be angered by anything you wish to contribute.

This type of treatment of good, honest dog lovers makes my blood boil!
really sorry to read its not worked out for you,

im glad you have decided sooner rather than later that its not working, shes still a little baby and im sure will have no problem in finding a forever home.

hope your boys will settle back down again.

if you find out what happens to skye/star let us know :huggles:
It's fairly similar to having a child or several children you bring another baby home and there will be jealous behaviour and upset . Fortunately children are a lot more difficult to be rid of so most people have to persevere and make it work .
Taking on a dog is nothing like having a kid and the two should not be compared.
Whyever not? It is every bit as much of a full time commitment and should be regarded as such.
Simply dogs aren't kids. Tthey behave and develop differently and animnal behaviour is more difficult to control.
Simply dogs aren't kids. Tthey behave and develop differently and animnal behaviour is more difficult to control.
Of course they aren't kids. I did not say they were.

They require understanding, care and discipline though, and that applies equally to children doesn't it?

Taking on another dog, whether it is a puppy or a rescue, is always going to present a certain set of difficulties to be worked at and overcome.
I refuse to judge someone especially when an analogy to kids is used to make the subject more emotive. Dogs are pets. I love my own dogs as animals. I may well have tried to work through it myself but I bear no ill feeling to this poster nor does she anger me in any way, People can make their own minds up for their own particular circumstances and should feel they can do so with a modicum of sympathy or even empathy from fellow dog lovers.
Skye (renamed Star - she truly was) is away to live with her forever family in Fife.
Thanks for letting us know. I hope she is happy. Best wishes and good luck to you, your dogs and Skye.
Thanks for letting us know. I hope she is happy. Best wishes and good luck to you, your dogs and Skye.

Ditto the above. As I said, IMO if you were not going to be able to manage it was best to let her go sooner, while she was still young and let her have the chance of a forever home asap. You made sure she was safe and would get a good home. We lived with 2 bitches fighting (or the threat of them fighting) for 12 months and it was no fun. Not everyone is Ceaser Milan!
Skye (renamed Star - she truly was) is away to live with her forever family in Fife.
That's good news - maybe I'll meet her sometime when I'm out and about with Blue :)

How are your boys now - especially the one that needed treatment from the vet? I don't think you should feel bad about what's happened - you tried to give Star a home and it must have been shocking and upsetting when your boys reacted the way they did. You had to think of the welfare of all three dogs.

Good luck to you and your boys and also to Star in her new home :luck: :luck: :luck:
I'm sorry it hasn't worked out for you and Skye.
Would it be possible for those members who have successfully added to their "packs" to post a tip list to prevent this kind of thing happening. Many of you have over time added pups and rescues and I think it would be useful to have a FAQ thread that helps newbies with the prospect. The FAQ section has been invaluable to me - a new dog and whippet owner.

Just an idea

What a good idea :thumbsup: Every situation is different though and none of us will have exactly duplicated what happens in someone elses home and pack. What has intrigued me about Angies situation is that two babies (3 mths and 5mths if I've got that right) were apparently behaving aggressively ... perhaps others have experienced this in such young dogs but in over 25 yrs of multiple dog ownership I've never known pups to fight with true intent. Maybe a first step in helping others to avoid the same unfortunate events would be if Angie could tell us more and we could perhaps help her work out why this was happening. Just a thought.

I'm sorry it hasn't worked out for you and Skye.
Would it be possible for those members who have successfully added to their "packs" to post a tip list to prevent this kind of thing happening. Many of you have over time added pups and rescues and I think it would be useful to have a FAQ thread that helps newbies with the prospect. The FAQ section has been invaluable to me - a new dog and whippet owner.

Just an idea

What a good idea :thumbsup: Every situation is different though and none of us will have exactly duplicated what happens in someone elses home and pack. What has intrigued me about Angies situation is that two babies (3 mths and 5mths if I've got that right) were apparently behaving aggressively ... perhaps others have experienced this in such young dogs but in over 25 yrs of multiple dog ownership I've never known pups to fight with true intent. Maybe a first step in helping others to avoid the same unfortunate events would be if Angie could tell us more and we could perhaps help her work out why this was happening. Just a thought.

I agree this is a good idea :thumbsup:

Think the dogs fighting were 3 years and 5 months :unsure:
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I'm sorry things didn't work out. :unsure: How awful to have such a young pup involved in a full on scrap with another youngster. This surprised me too, I must admit. :wacko: One can only wonder why such a young pup has had so many homes in such a short space of time...but as I don't know any of the circumstances, I don't really feel it's fair to speculate.

I've introduced a pup to my home where the two established residents didn't accept it. I did try for a couple of months to make things work, but if there had been a fight from the outset, I don't think I would have continued keeping the pup either. It just isn't worth taking the risk for any of the dogs involved.

I think you did the responsible thing in the end :thumbsup:
I'm sorry it hasn't worked out for you and Skye.
Would it be possible for those members who have successfully added to their "packs" to post a tip list to prevent this kind of thing happening. Many of you have over time added pups and rescues and I think it would be useful to have a FAQ thread that helps newbies with the prospect. The FAQ section has been invaluable to me - a new dog and whippet owner.

Just an idea

What a good idea :thumbsup: Every situation is different though and none of us will have exactly duplicated what happens in someone elses home and pack. What has intrigued me about Angies situation is that two babies (3 mths and 5mths if I've got that right) were apparently behaving aggressively ... perhaps others have experienced this in such young dogs but in over 25 yrs of multiple dog ownership I've never known pups to fight with true intent. Maybe a first step in helping others to avoid the same unfortunate events would be if Angie could tell us more and we could perhaps help her work out why this was happening. Just a thought.

I agree this is a good idea :thumbsup:

Think the dogs fighting were 3 years and 5 months :unsure:
Sorry, didn't make myself clear ... I was thinking of the original scrap between the IGx and the bitch puppy, not the later fight between the two boys ... although that still was a fight involving a five month pup. All very odd.

Just read through this and yes, there seem to be lessons to be learnt here!!

I agree it would be interesting to know more of the exact circumstances from which the

fighting arose but this is something which Angie would have to feel comfortable with doing

too :thumbsup:

I'm not too sure I would want to post too much again if the response was going to be

negative and critical but, for the record, I do think that rehoming Skye/Star straight away was a sensible

option to avoid further trauma for all three dogs, both mentally and physically.

Personally, I have introduced 5 more whippets into my home over the space of 15 months since I first

got Jinny. They have all been under or around year old, with three of them being less than 3 months old.

The only problem I have had has been over-exuberance during play, when free running has

turned into free coursing (w00t) , resulting in an intentional attack on one of my whippets by my

lurcher :( The vet and stitches were involved to repair a rather nasty bite wound (this was not

Sox, by the way, it was a separate incident which I did not post about).

I have had to be very careful since then that I don't let the pack run together, which has made life

difficult for me, but I rescued my lurcher and have no intention of giving up on her as she shows

no aggression at all under normal circumstances. Things are improving as I have been working

with them all individually to improved their recall response and I am hopeful that I can break the

mould and I will be able to trust them all together again without my watching their every move :thumbsup:

Time will tell :blink:

It's very tempting to offer a home to a rescue whippet. I, for one, would be overrun with them if I was able

to be but there is always a risk when introducing a new dog and it is very unfortunate that it didn't work out for

Skye/Star with Angie :( but it is good news that the little girlie now has a good home :thumbsup:

Maybe her new owners would like to join K9 and update us with her progress? Angie ...... perhaps you could

suggest that through the rescue people?? Just a thought :D