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Health Problems


Warrior Queen
Reaction score
Kennel Cough

Tracheo-bronchitis (kennel cough) signs and symptoms

Kennel Cough - a question

Kennel Cough

Coughing treated with Benylin

another kennel cough thread

Kennel cough - interesting info about incubation, length of time of illness, recovery, and racing...

kennel cough thread from march 2007



Is it rare, and what should you be looking out for?

Stomach upsets and trapped wind?

A helpful thread from 2003 which covers digestion, feeding, the protein content of various foods, and some suggestions for homeopathic remedies:

Strange symptoms - advice please!

Heart murmurs

Macey's heart murmur

Cysts and Tumours

Zephyr thread from May 2005 doesn't contain advice as such, but is a heartening read for anyone going through something similar.

Mast Cell Tumour thread with a picture of the tumour.


Meningitis in dogs thread from February 2001.


Thread from April 2004 rear leg amputation due to possible tumour, discussion on recovery and adapting to loss of a leg.

Amputation - another thread


Discussion thread from April 2002

and from August 2005: Cryptorchidism


thread from January 06 - to lick, or not to lick?

Preventing or reducing scarring

How long after stitches can he exercise?

Which antiseptic, and tips for reducing scars

cuts and stitches

How to treat injuries to pads

sore pads

Thinning Hair - whippets and greys

Thining hair around the neck - helpful suggestions and food supplements

Thinning hair on backs of legs

info which was added to a thread on a whippet alopecia survey

Hair loss... worried

Hair loss and advice on general coat condition


Neospora thread and links

Parvo Virus

thread with links to other sources Dec 2007
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I've just added some interesting new links to this thread :thumbsup:
Has anyone heard of or know anything about aspergillus or sometimes called aspergilliosis?
Brenda said:
Has anyone heard of or know anything about aspergillus or sometimes called aspergilliosis?
I did a quick google search and it seems to be a fungal infection that dogs get in their noses.

Hopefully someone will come along soon who knows a bit more aobut it. Has your dog been diagnosed with this?
~Helen~ said:
Brenda said:
Has anyone heard of or know anything about aspergillus or sometimes called aspergilliosis?
I did a quick google search and it seems to be a fungal infection that dogs get in their noses.

Hopefully someone will come along soon who knows a bit more aobut it. Has your dog been diagnosed with this?

Thanks Helen. I have just lost a dog with this dreadful disease and wondered if anyone else had had this with any of their dogs. I have two other dogs that go on the same walks etc. and they are very well. It's a complicated disease and very hard to treat. Sadly my dog didn't respond to the treatment given and we had to have her put to sleep to save any further suffering, she was only four years old.
:( :( :( just read an article written about 4 dogs in australia and their treatment. 1 dog made a full recovery, 2 had to be pts after a few weeks of treatment as it proved ineffective, the fourth had to be pts a while after for seperate reasons, but an autopsy confirmed wide spread aspergillus :( :( :( i didnt even know this disease existed. your poor girl, my heart goes out to you. :luck:
Brenda said:
~Helen~ said:
Brenda said:
Has anyone heard of or know anything about aspergillus or sometimes called aspergilliosis?
I did a quick google search and it seems to be a fungal infection that dogs get in their noses.

Hopefully someone will come along soon who knows a bit more aobut it. Has your dog been diagnosed with this?

Thanks Helen. I have just lost a dog with this dreadful disease and wondered if anyone else had had this with any of their dogs. I have two other dogs that go on the same walks etc. and they are very well. It's a complicated disease and very hard to treat. Sadly my dog didn't respond to the treatment given and we had to have her put to sleep to save any further suffering, she was only four years old.

hello Brenda. i have heard of this but never come across it before, i hope you dont mind me asking but what are the symptoms of it
new links added on wound care and prevention of scarring :thumbsup:
I've just added some links about hair loss because there have been a few questions recently, and some great advice, so I've put it here where it will be easy to find :thumbsup:

I'm new at this forum :D and I really nead an advice. My 8-month whippet has tartar at his teeth and I'm worried about it. I'm wondering whether it is caused by food - he eats complete food Hill's lamb and rice for puppies - or by something else. I asked vet about it but he just told me to clean my dog's teeth with a special toothpaste. I think that it is just too soon for such problem.
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Maglou said:
Hello!I'm new at this forum :D and I really nead an advice. My 8-month whippet has tartar at his teeth and I'm worried about it. I'm wondering whether it is caused by food - he eats complete food Hill's lamb and rice for puppies - or by something else. I asked vet about it but he just told me to clean my dog's teeth with a special toothpaste. I think that it is just too soon for such problem.

Hi and welcome :D

I'm not sure whether there are any specific problems with whippie teeth as I have only been a whippet owner for 3 months but all humans differ in their natural ability to counteract tartar and I presume it's the same for all dogs too?? :- "

I have 2 GSDs as well - they are both nearly 3 and one of them has slight tartar but not the other one. Both have identical lifestyles and diets so it's down to the individual.

You will get lots of help and response if you post this topic again in General Discussion - Whippets. There is a huge amount of experience and help on K9 and everyone is very friendly :cheers: Jane
Maglou said:
Hello!I'm new at this forum :D and I really nead an advice. My 8-month whippet has tartar at his teeth and I'm worried about it. I'm wondering whether it is caused by food - he eats complete food Hill's lamb and rice for puppies - or by something else. I asked vet about it but he just told me to clean my dog's teeth with a special toothpaste. I think that it is just too soon for such problem.

:) Hi, welcome. You've come to the right place, as there is info on this in FAQ but it's in a different topic. The link is here:

It's a topic called "keeping your dog healthy" and there are several topics which are interesting anyway but the one for you is number 8, so just scroll down until you see the topic on keeping your dog's teeth clean. There's some advice on raw bones (I use those, especially RAW chicken wings as they're great for cleaning teeth) and also a topic on actually cleaning the teeth.

I don't really know much about tartar, but I think a dog can get it at any age, so it's not 'too soon' to get this problem. Chicken wings will sort it out very quickly and easily and your whippet will LOVE them :thumbsup: they're such an interesting addition to their diet and make them feel their working on their food rather than just hoovering up pap from a plate :thumbsup:
Jinnyfizz and ~Helen~ thank you very much for the replies :D . I hope it's just my whippet's nature :) . I'm going to read that topic and try out your advice

Thank you once again,

Mag :D
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:unsure: Hi! I'm new here, and a bit anxious, but I'm hoping someone can help. :'(

I'm in need of some help/reassurance. :b My 13 YO female greyhound has had hypothyroidism and has been on medication since 2001. She recently changed to a new vet, who wanted to give her a blood-test to see how things were going, and so I had to take her off Soloxin for 2 weeks beforehand.

Before the 2 weeks were up I noticed that she wasn't very keen on exercise and/or the cold, her one foot was "knuckling", she was lethargic, and seemed generally miserable. After she had her blood test it turned out that her thyroid levels were extremely low, and so she's now back on the meds.

I'm starting to get very concerned about her, though; she's restless at night, feels the cold, is very lethargic and miserable, her breathing sounds laboured, her coat looks terrible, and she's clearly got a tummy upset as she's eating grass and throwing up loads of bile (and she's off her food as a result, which is definitely unusual for a grey! ;) ).

Having looked up hypothyroidism on the net she's certainly showing all the symptoms - plus the vet said this morning that having been off her meds for 2 weeks, going straight back onto them again would be a bit of a shock to the system and to only give her half a tablet a day because having a full one at the moment could be what's making her so restless at night.

The thing is, given her age, etc, is this reaction to going off and going back onto her thyroid meds a reasonably normal one? It would be very reassuring to know one way or the other. :unsure: Thanks in advance! :thumbsup:
Not sure if this is the right place

Ezras nails are kept short but in the last 4 -6 weeks he has started loosing nails. I know he caught 1 of them while running like a mad man around the garden but the others can just come loose and just now after a walk another has popped up.

Any help and ideas would be great.

Brian Stevens
There is a nailbed infection they can get - the name of which escapes me at the mo, but it makes all their nails drop out. A trip to the vet for some treatment would be best. Good luck :luck: