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Health Problems

June Jonigk said:
There is a nailbed infection they can get - the name of which escapes me at the mo, but it makes all their nails drop out.  A trip to the vet for some treatment would be best.  Good luck  :luck:
Cheers :cheers:

He goes this week for booster shots anyway so I will ask them again. He was only there for eyetreatment last week and they said there was nothing wrong with the nails but a second opinion is always good as its a different vet this week.

I am convinced there is something wrong

Who could tell me more on SLO, I did a lot of google digging and found pics etc and my ex racer grey girl seems to be suffering from this.

Medication advised seem very heavy (Solox etc.) and thought if there was any nutritional supplements that would help her.

EPA supplements & vitamin E were the things recommended but has anyone actually used these ? What kind of resultus ?

Does the nails grow back at all ? Called my vet and she thought I'm bananas as she'd nevere heard of it and wasn't that interested :wacko:

Any experience you have most welcome as I want all the best for her :))
hiya, i had a greyhound who suffered with his nails falling off and my vet at the time, told me to use canistern cream, (you know the one for thrus, bet your thinking this is a right nutter here, but i know it seems mad but it did work, i put it on him after a walk and then put a childs sock on his foot tapped at the top and did this three times a day and when his nails came back they didn't fall out again, when i worked at racing kennels we had a bitch have the same condition and i told the trainer what i had used, well the look he gave me was a picture but he tried it and had the same results
Thanks Debbie :))

Will try that - even it sounds a bit :blink: - if it helps it's a million times better than heavy medication.

Need to fix her diet to be more fish based too I think, so she could get all the fatty acids needed.

She is currently totally off kibble as has kidney/urinary stones - helped immediately btw. She is getting cranberry extract to keep her urinary system clear(er) and no infections/problems peeing in last 6 months.

Any other ideas / experiences on treatment more than welcome

hiya, i had a greyhound who suffered with his nails falling off and my vet at the time, told me to use canistern cream, (you know the one for thrus, bet your thinking this is a right nutter here, but i know it seems mad but it did work, i put it on him after a walk and then put a childs sock on his foot tapped at the top and did this three times a day and when his nails came back they didn't fall out again, when i worked at racing kennels we had a bitch have the same condition and i told the trainer what i had used, well the look he gave me was a picture but he tried it and had the same results
interesting will try that on Annie my 11yr whippet x greyhound