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Harri the Welsh Terrier's Diary

Dad's been cutting the hedges and I've been supervising him clearing up the horrible mess he made. I'm sure that rake would have slacked off if I hadn't kept chasing it and barking at it.

All tidy now. I hope Mum appreciates all my hard work:D

I've been ever so worried all week.

I heard Dad tell Mum that there was no more tuna cake in the freezer. That is terrible. How can I go to my doggy class to become a Silver Dog if I don't have any tuna cake to take with me?

There's a nice smell coming from the kitchen though now- actually it's a really really nice smell. I think Mum might be making some more.

I have my paws crossed!
Mum and Dad are looking very puzzled. That horrid long line is all broken and the bit which has the clip for my harness is missing so it can't be used. Isn't that a shame?

Me? I'm saying nothing.....

Mum says she's really proud of me.

I've just passed the assessment to be a Pets as Therapy (PAT) dog! Now Mum just has to pass her part of the assessment.

I'm not sure what being a PAT dog is though. Mum says she thinks I'll enjoy it - and we had to give the tuna cake recipe to my assessor!

I was really worried about Mum today.

She was playing with me in the garden with my ball (one of my favourite games) when she tripped over a garden chair and the chair and the table fell on her! She was lying on the floor shaking and I didn't know what to do....

I ran straight back to her and thought I'd try licking her face and ears to see if that helped. It must have done because she started shaking even more and burst out laughing. At that point Dad finally noticed there was a problem and came to lift up the table! I was there first though :)

Luckily Mum was Ok but it took her a long time to stop laughing for some reason?
Your Mum must be so proud of you Harri you are a very clever boy,us Welsh are all very clever:D
I am sooooooo tired!

I had my first day today and made lots and lots of new friends! It was fun as all my new friends gave me my favourite treats.

I even went in something called a "lift". It was weird. We went into this tiny room and the door closed. I got a funny feeling in my tummy but it only lasted a few seconds. When the door opened though we were somewhere different! I can't work it out.

I really don't think I'm going to be able to go to doggy class tonight. I'm worn out. Mum says she's really proud ofme though :D

I hate Mum. I want a new one please.

I had to go to the vet as I had a sore spot on my face. Mum actually left me all alone there. She did come back later but I was so so sleepy for hours and hours.

Now she's put this thing on me. I'm just going to stand here until she takes it off.

(Message from Mum - that glare is known as the Welshie stink eye and he's not moved for an hour so far.....)

Oh poor boy. I hope mum gives you some nice treats to make up for wearing that lampshade..
Ah poor Harri, my old lab cross did that when wearing 'the lampshade', like it was made of concrete!:D
Jasper did too - has Harri got used to it now, Caro?

He stood there for over an hour, heard a horse go by and set off for the gate. At that point he remembered he was sulking and sat down immovable for a further 2 hours! At that point I took it off him to go for a walk.

I've got him a soft inflatable one now but he's still utterly miserable. We were out all day hiking yesterday so he didn't have to wear it but he needs it at home as he will scratch at the patch. It's healing but he'd have the scabs off in seconds given the opportunity
The poor lad. I don't think they sulk, I think it completely disorients them for a while and they just don't know how to function. I hope he doesn't have to wear it much longer.
I'm out of my horrid lampshade. Mum tried a soft blue one too but I didn't like that either. Anyway I don't have to wear either of them now as Mum says it's healing nicely.

I do have a new friend though - he has to wear a lampshade and he hasn't moved either for hours.
