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Harri the Welsh Terrier's Diary

I'm really missing Bella so Mum and Dad took me for a nice walk around Avebury and then we all had lunch at the Red Lion in the centre of the stones. Well Mum and Dad did. I had a chicken wing that Mum had in her bag. It was a long wait for lunch and we had to sit outside as they only allow dogs in the bar and that was full.

Whilst we were waiting it started to rain and it got quite windy. I thought Mum looked like she was getting cold so I climbed on to her lap and snuggled up. She said it was like having a furry hot water bottle. Dad said it was the least I could do as it was my fault we had to sit outside.....:cool:
I was in deep disgrace again this morning :(

The sun had come out after a morning of rain and as I don't like the rain much I was bursting for a wee. How was I to know that the clothes horse with all Mum's clean washing wasn't a good substitute for the tree? It was much nearer and I was desperate....:oops:

Mum yelled at me to stop (far too late.....) and called me a very rude name. I knew I was in trouble so I did the tail down/ears down thing and made big puppy eyes until Mum started to see the funny side.

I don't think it was very fair though that she made me wait for my walk until the clothes had all been rewashed.
Oh no Harri! You little monkey!

Dennis likes to wee on the washing pole (luckily no clothes near) and if I don’t catch him in time
I think Mum has forgiven me - she made me some of @JoanneF 's tuna cake. It is really yummy.

She whizzed up the cans of tuna with the water in them in her noisy whizzy machine that I don't like and said it was still a bit dry, it did look like her bread dough, so she added more water to make it spreadable.

it's delicious! Do you think I could get her to make me the liver version too?
I’m staying at Grandma’s for a day or two with Mum. It’s nice here as she isn’t as mean as Mum and leaves things where I can reach them:p

This evening I managed to get a whole tub of butter off the kitchen table. That’s the best yet. Mean old Mum though heard the thump as it landed on the floor and came to see what I was doing.

I only had time for a couple of quick licks before she took it off me :(
Still having a great time here in Wales. I made a new friend called Meghan and we walked down to the beach together

I don’t know why Mum and Meghan’s Mum were so amused.
He’s having the time of his life! :D

Please tell me he was knackered afterwards!?
I've been very naughty about not writing in my diary but life is soooooo dull. All I do is eat, sleep, play and go for walks twice a day. How boring is that!

Anyway Mum took me Wizard hunting today - it was fun!

Mum read out an inscription above a well for me “Drink of this and take thy fill for the water falls by the Wizards will”

So I did!


We stopped for tea and cake at the Wizard Cafe - I can really recommend it. I was allowed inside and I had a yummy sausage. Mum says her cake was really nice too :)

Mum was sad though. A man stopped her and asked her if she'd seen his dog who'd got scared the night before and had run off. He was giving out posters and everything. We did keep an eye open but we didn't see Taz ( he's a Spanish Water dog) so if anyone is near Alderley Edge could they keep an eye out too please. I do hope he gets home safely :(:(:(
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I'm in the dog house yet again :oops:

Mum and I were walking along the old railway line when this squizzle rang across. Well I had to chase it didn't I? It went up the steep 12ft bank and then cheated by running up a tree. The bank was very steep and I had to have a couple of goes before I could get up it. I ran as fast as I could and round a couple of trees - then I ran out of long line! It was wrapped round a couple of bushes and I couldn't move at all.

Mum was calling me down but I was really stuck.....

Mum had to clamber up the bank and untangle me :p She says her climbing days are well behind her but I think she did really well - she only cut her hand a bit on a bramble (I haven't told her that though - I had to maintain my cool image under rather adverse conditions).
I'm in the dog house yet again :oops:

Mum and I were walking along the old railway line when this squizzle rang across. Well I had to chase it didn't I? It went up the steep 12ft bank and then cheated by running up a tree. The bank was very steep and I had to have a couple of goes before I could get up it. I ran as fast as I could and round a couple of trees - then I ran out of long line! It was wrapped round a couple of bushes and I couldn't move at all.

Mum was calling me down but I was really stuck.....

Mum had to clamber up the bank and untangle me :p She says her climbing days are well behind her but I think she did really well - she only cut her hand a bit on a bramble (I haven't told her that though - I had to maintain my cool image under rather adverse conditions).

Oh Harri! It is hard to resist a squirrel :)
Im so glad we dont have squirrels around here I think Murphy would be beside himself..
As for the haircut well... Fit for a king ..
I really don't understand humans.

At my training class I have to sit and wait whilst Mum walks away. When she calls me I have to run up to her and I get a nice treat. Simple

This morning Mum let me off the long line in the field (yaaaaayyyyy) and I decided to do the same there without her even asking me :). She walked on much further than she does at class and turned round to look at me a couple of times. I was ever so good and just waited til she eventually called me. When she did I ran really fast. She didn't look as pleased as I thought she would but I did get a treat.

So I did it again. This time she walked even further and I'm sure she sounded a little annoyed when she called me. Again I came as fast as I could but the treat wasn't one of her specially nice ones.

I thought I'd have another go - this time she sounded really annoyed :( and walked back to meet me half way. She even put me back on my lead:(:(:(

What am I doing wrong?

(Mum - little wretch!)