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Harri the Welsh Terrier's Diary

Mum lit the fire for me tonight - it was lush.

I wanted to get really really close to the heat but she was ever so mean. I'm not allowed to go past the fender :(

That darn cat has been fighting and is wearing the cone of shame!

He looks really miserable. Mum's been tempting him with MY chicken treats though and MY tuna cake so he'll take his medicine :(. I hope she has more for me...
I've been at Grandma's for a few days! It's been lush. This morning I got to play on the beach with a lot of other Welsh Terriers. It was enormous fun.


I was in trouble again this afternoon though.

After the play on the beach we went to a pub for lunch. I got to share the roast meat :D. Grandma decided to save a big slice of hers to take home. I was sitting next to her in the car and that meat smelled so delicious I couldn't help but sneak it out of her handbag when she wasn't looking. She wasn't very pleased with me :(

I was in even more trouble later......Grandma has this thing she calls a teevee. We don't have one at home so I'm not used to it. I was having a little nap after my busy morning when the teevee made a strange loud noise. I was so startled that I let out an enormous woof. Everyone jumped and Grandma jumped so much her cup of tea went everywhere :oops:. Luckily everyone found it very funny but I was so embarrassed.
wow that beach does look like fun, cant say I blame you for sneaking grandmas slice of meat but it is naughty..;)
Mum says I'm a little toad and up for adoption if she can find anyone who will have me :(:(:(
Oh Harri, have you been having fun again?
Oh Harri, have you been having fun again?

Do you want me? She is really mad at me this time I think.

I didn't think she'd be worried when I ran off this morning after a wonderful smell. She says she had to crawl under a barbed wire fence and through a huge bramble patch to get on to the golf course after me. Even then it took her half an hour to find me and I was still so busy following the smell I ignored all her calls and whistles. I didn't even want the tin of yummy treats. She only caught me with a flying rugby tackle when I doubled back to follow a new trail.
I think she should be proud of you, Harri - you motivated her to do a complete army assault course!
Maybe Harri overheard you saying you wanted some practice for Tough Mudder? :p
I think she should be proud of you, Harri - you motivated her to do a complete army assault course!

Mum says she didn't think of it like that - she may be going to let me stay!

I know Dad still loves me - he made me a futon base for my bed so it isn't directly on the cold floor. I've been so warm and cosy the last two nights.

Just in case though I'm busy making friends. The nice lady in the pet shop offered me a treat. I was very polite, I sat nicely and offered my paw. She just melted, putty in my paws. I got 3 treats instead of the official 1! I'm so glad Mum taught me that little trick. No human can resist me when I do it!
I'm a bit nervous today. Mum says I'm doing my bronze Kennel Club Good Citizen award this evening....

She says I just have to listen to her and do as I'm told - I'm not very good at that!
I had a bit of an accident yesterday....

As I was a bit sad that my human brother and sister had gone home, Mum let me come and cuddle up with her when she had an early night. I love it when she lets me do that, it doesn't happen very often.

When dad came up he makes me go downstairs to my own bed :( Last night though I was just starting to go downstairs very carefully cos they are a wooden spiral and a bit slippery when that darn cat came in. I forgot that the stairs are slippery and tried to run down to say hello. I fell all the way down and crashed into the gate at the bottom. I was a bit shocked and Dad rushed down to pick me up.

Mum was worried that I might have hurt myself and wanted to keep an eye on me so I was allowed to sleep in her room. That hasn't happened since I was so ill in the spring!

Do you think that if I do a bit of limping when she's watching me I could get away with another night upstairs?
Now I'm a Bronze dog I'm in training to be a Silver dog :D. I really enjoy my doggy classes and Mum always has a pocket of really really yummy treats for me too.

Today we had to find the hidden treat. It's one of my favourite games and I'm really good at it. One of the other dog's Mum had made a batch of special treats which they used for the game. I found it very easily but I didn't like the taste much so I spat it out. Everyone laughed and I ran back to Mum for one of her's instead.

Mum looked so embarrassed :oops: