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Harri the Welsh Terrier's Diary

I had a lovely walk this morning- all the way to the woods. Normally Mum puts me in the car if we are going there but I'm big enough to walk all the way now.

I was a bit tired before we got there though. We met my labrador friend Bear by the river and we had a lovely play whilst the humans chatted. He's quite a lot bigger than me and we were rolling in all that glorious mud. I looked brown all over.

Mum made me have a bath when we got home but it was worth it! It was pretty tiring though so time for a nap on the sofa

Funny sort of day today.

I was packed up this morning and put in the car to go and visit one of Mum's friends. We had been going for about 20 minutes when there was a loud bang and Mum said lots of words I'd never heard before. We then sat in the car for ages until a man with a tow truck came. He couldn't mend it so I got into his cab with Mum whilst he put the car on the back of his truck.

I got to ride all the way home on Mum's lap. I'm not usually allowed to do that and it was great to be able to see out of the window :)

Apparently the car needs a new tyre.

Anyway I had to go on my usual walk rather late rather than the one Mum had planned with her friend. It was OK though as I got to play with my friend Eddie. He's a border collie :)
Wow Harri what an exciting day for you but not your mum I expect!

Humans do say some funny words sometimes don’t they! :p
its all right Harri at least you enjoyed sitting looking outside... I hope the car isn't too bad
You've not been up to mischief have you, Harri?

Mum had to go to the hairdresser so Dad took me for a walk - the smell of that fox hole was just too enticing and he had to climb over a barbed wire fence and up the coal spoil heap to get me out..... Then we walked on a bit further and there were loads of really interesting smells and I really didn't hear him calling me (well I did but I knew where he was and the smells were really really good.)

He says he's going to use the long line on me too :(
Oh Harri you are a terror terrier!

Dennis says: Now you must use the power of ‘puppy eyes’ it may be the only way to stop your dad being cross with you
Aw Harri, at least your mum understands. Better luck tomorrow, tell dad every day is a (puppy) school day.
I followed Dennis's advice and I think Dad has forgiven me :)

Mum took me out to day and she said I was perfect! I didn't even try to chase the joggers and cyclists that passed us and I was really good with other dogs too. I just said a polite hello and then we walked on. Mum says I should behave like this for Dad as well ;).

We went up Jack and Jill hill to see the well and Mum told me the rhyme. I don't think it makes much sense but it was a fun walk!

Well done Harri! Puppy dog eyes work every time! :)
People are strange. This morning Dad dressed up as Gandalf and Mum as Gollum then they both went out for a couple of hours and left me behind :(

And they laugh at me for sitting as close to the fire as possible even though I am very very hot!

I think your owners might be into a film called ‘the Hobbit’ Harri...

My mum and dad laugh at me when I sit by the fire also and get too hot. It’s not my fault though it’s those big red flames that are to blame :-(
Glorious muddy romp today. I was a bit puzzled when Mum said she needed to wash my furnishings afterwards. She only washed my bedding on Friday and it doesn't smell half doggy enough to be nice yet.

Turned out she meant me! How was I to know the feathery bits on my legs were called that....

Still I've spent the rest of the afternoon dozing by the fire and she's just given me a pigs ear to chew. I love Mum!
I've been away :)

Mum said she had to do some work at the cottage to get it ready for guests so I went with her to help.

I tested the new central heating boiler - it works, the radiator in the kitchen got so lovely and warm that I liked to lie underneath it. :)

I tested the fences really really well and I couldn't find any way out of the garden :(

I helped paint one of the walls as the workmen had made a bit of a mess of it. Mum said she had no idea how I got so much white paint on me but luckily it came off quite easily ;)

Mum even found time to take me for some lovely walks in Betws y Coed (I hope I spelt that right) and some pretty place near Conwy that I can't spell ( Sychnant Pass - Mum). There were lots of sheep around but I'm not allowed near them. I was really really tired after that one so I had a nap whilst Mum had a glass of wine.
