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ive played in spain spanish are the worst dirty spick :rant: lol 8)
John said:
First things first as Scotland are the home team so it would be Scotland vs England but then again that's not the point I would doubt if we could get enough players together to get a full team :- " .  But I am up for a game of football so why not stick all the names in a hat who are up for it and draw them out to get teams.  The rounders thing is worth a go as well hey you never know I might find something that I am good at.

piglet said:
it would be a one sided match england v scotland the jocks are useless they will need walter smith to be manager!!  :))   :))

mutley said:
i think it should be scotland and the north :thumbsup:   versus south lol (w00t) saying that after watching south at champs u could put an under ten yearolds team and still win 4 0  :D against the southern team ey ash  :- "

piglet said:
ill stick with eng v sco i wanna win a game u no!
As I have said I don't think that Scotland could get enough players for a full team so if you want a game Gary's idea would seem to be the best option after all a Scottish player did play in the Second half at the Straight Championships mmmm what was the score again? I seem to recall that darts and dominos were introduced to give the south a chance of winning so can I introduce a 20 mile bicycle race after all I am the only one up here daft enough to give it a go and it should only take about the same time as a full leangth football match.
piglet said:
it would be a one sided match england v scotland the jocks are useless they will need walter smith to be manager!!  :))   :))
I will take Walter any day with Tommy at his side come on they cannot be any worse than B**** sorry I cannot bring myself to type his name.
hi john me & my son is eligible to play for scotland with a name like sturrock & anybody else with a scots name will make a team for scotland :cheers:
jade scott said:
Women can play football carole, Me and kirsty (polar promise)  :D played in the match at the fed champs
i think your using the term 'play' abit losely there jade! :D

i dont think im going scotland, so if the jocks vs english match goes ahead we english might fare better if im not there with my toon army defending :p

decca said:
hi john me & my son is eligible to play for scotland with a name like sturrock & anybody else with a scots name will make a team for scotland :cheers:
Good point with the rules about granparents etc get the family trees out and we might be able to get a team, after all if it's good enough for the national team................................ (w00t) .
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Well if the North have such a record at winning Footie and the South and the Jocks (as you call us ) are so crap at it why dont the Jocks and the South join together to have a decent team and then play the North (who seem to be sooooo fantastico that they dont need to join with anyone) we could call our team S.A.S. Scotland and South hows about it? WHO DARES WINS lol
Why have you never been on a winning team up till now piglet are yer team-mates letting you down?
Let's get it on apperantly there is a case of beer up for the winners.
Atheletes cant drink beer, maybe that will have to go to the raffle, or the kids disco Lol
Not too many athletes on show at the previous football matches (myself included) so the raffel and the disco can get their own prizes come on the footballers lol.
Come on now John you are always telling us at the racing that yer bodys a temple so surely you dont indulge in the demon drink, that should be kept for the spectators who have to go through the agony of watching all you budding footballers try their best to play the stupid (oops sorry) very interesting game of football, I think we should put up a bottle for man of the match what do you think?
My body a temple the only thing my body has in common with a temple is that Historic Scotland might put a preservation order on it.
Man/Woman of the match no lets do something different how about worst man/woman of the match and forget a bottle how about a bright yellow vest with donkey written all over it and the winner of this coverted award should wear it during the racing on the Derby weekend. Now all that we have to do is pick the judges.
well theres always the temple of doom John lol.

Anyhow never mind evading the subject of booze for the spectators after all after all that hard work the footballers wont be able to drink the booze they will be to busy in their caravans getting a massage from their wives or partners I believe the sale of sandpaper has gone up threefold in Kirkcaldy
ok then John we can arrange that just send me yer vest size and i will get it made right up lol
To tired no chance I am sure that some footballers managed the odd refreshment or two during the last game if you know what I meen although I would conceed that refreshments are a must for the spectators.