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Well it's not long till they start up again. We heard on going off tonight and Robbie was running around shaking / panting. I need some advice :wacko:

Last year, Robbie and myself spent about 2 hours driving around in the car. Robbie was trying to get under the seat, he was so scared. We ended up at the top of the hills , about 3 miles from the house. He could see the little flashes of light, but could only just hear them as he still looked scared, even with meat loaf playing very loudly in the car. I was a wee bit scared to stay up at the hills any longer so we went home, but the fireworks went on for ages.

I made him a den,,cage with quilt covers,,nice and dark,,TV,,very loud,,but he was still very scared. I was talking to a fello racer a few weeks back and he gets drops from his vet,,he starts of a few weeks before the fireworks start and he said his dogs sleep through it all. Im not going to put Robbie through it all again this year or any other years, but I have no where to escape with him.

Any good advice please :D
~Helen~ said:
Try some these threads from FAQ, Susan :thumbsup:   :luck: fireworks topic

I looked there first :) ,,I know a lot of us are going to have very scared dogs soon, but I did try the cd,,noise of fireworks and he scared of it,,never worked. I am going to visit my vet in a week to get his advice, but would like k9 's advice too :cheers:
Oh, someone was telling me about the CD the other day. Is it no good then? I wonder if the DAP would be any good for Robbie?
Im thinking of buying it anyway,,might work :D ,,Im just scared incase it does not work and he is stressed out again as he seems to be getting worse as he gets older :(
what works with my one is letting her look out the window once she sees the flashes are what the noise are they calm down, now mine goto the display every year without a problem well one ppl complaining that dogs shouldnt be there altho she is sitting watching the sky just waiting on the ooohhh
We'd only had ours about three weeks [he was about a year and a half old at the time though] around fireworks time last year and I was determined we weren't going to have a situation like my mum endures with her little dog, who goes bollistic with fear when the fireworks go off - and this usually lasts a month around here, not just the one night!

So we took ours out to what quickly became his favourite ball-playing field and we were very calm and chatty along the way as if nothing were amiss and when we got there we played ball with him. It was like world war three was going on around us, but he was so enjoying the game, he didn't seem to notice. :blink:

I think if we'd kept him in the house and all he heard were all the bangs going off outside, he may have gotten quite nervy about them, but by taking him out and him getting to do his favourite thing in the world with it all going on around him, he seemed to accept it all. :D

Maybe we've just got one that was never going to be bothered by them, but maybe this helped to affirm it.

Found the following that I've thought might help my mum's dog; it's called Aviform Natural Calming. Don't know if anyone here has actually used it with good effect?
We never have any trouble with our girls, from very tiny we start letting off party poppers, xmas crackers , and we evan blow up balloons and burst them. When the fireworks come into the shops if we have a youngster we buy a few bangers and let them off while we are playing with them in the garden. Our last litter were just afew weeks old on bonfire night and we wraped them up and took them out to watch the fireworks. I evan drop alli food bowls to the floor when our young ones eat.

Now thay all watch from the windows on bonfire night. Its like having a house full of deaf whippets lol
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I own and have worked in pet stores for about seven years and though none of my dogs paticularly suffer with the fireworks I know there are plenty that do.

Answer: Seren-Um they are a herbal tablet that is available from most pet stores you are best to start a week or so before so as they get in the dogs system.

They gently relax the dog so as the fireworks dont bother them so much.

If you go to a Vet They generally use almost what is like a tranqueliser and of course this leaves the dogs really spaced out.

I sell alot of Seren-Um around 5th of Nov and get rave reveiews?

Hi Susan

Our oldies do not like the fireworks at all and we use the DAP it certainly calms them down an awful lot. If you are going to try this method you need to be pluging it in now so it gets into the system. It has certainly made a big difference to ours.
dawn said:
Hi SusanOur oldies do not like the fireworks at all and we use the DAP it certainly calms them down an awful lot.  If you are going to try this method you need to be pluging it in now so it gets into the system.  It has certainly made a big difference to ours.

Mine are ok with fireworks thankfully but whats a DAP out of curiosity :unsure:
Hi Lesley

It looks like one of the plug in air fresheners. It gives off the scent a bitch gives off to her puppies to keep them calm.

We had one plugged in all the time when I was hand rearing 50p and he is frightened of absolutley nothing (w00t)
dawn said:
Hi Lesley
It looks like one of the plug in air fresheners.  It gives off the scent a bitch gives off to her puppies to keep them calm.

We had one plugged in all the time when I was hand rearing 50p and he is frightened of absolutley nothing  (w00t)

Thanks Dawn, wow what will they think of next, thats good to know for the future :thumbsup:
Hi Susan,

I use rescue remedy for when things come on quickly and valerian and skullcap, i only have one of mine that it scared of them not just fireworks but also thunder storms, She gets in terrible state, i leave lights on music on etc, to try and keep it as comfortable as possible for her.

I think i will try that diffuser thing Dawn it sounds like it is worth a try we have tried everything we can think of.
Yes if you are going to try the herbal remedy route - as it relaxes without sedating, Scullcap & Valerian tablets are the ones as they are the only herbal product for veterinary use actually licensed for reducing anxiety and nervousness, they have also been licenced for over 30 years! There are plenty of others but none are actually licensed.

Obviously not every treatment works for every dog, so quite a few people I have spoken too tend to use perhaps the CD with Scullcap & Valerian, or perhaps with the DAP. I best advice is be prepared if you have a dog you know to be bad start the treatment at least a week before or probably 2 - as fireworks seem to be let off earlier and earlier each year :(
I might have to resort to that. The problem is you have about 3 weeks of it, everyone has their parties at different times throughout oct/nov. How long do they last?

I did have to resort to barging in to one neighbour and asking them to stop, they had the very, very loud bangers and it was 'doing my head in' as well (I have tinnitus which gets worse with loud noise). Even inside the bed, under the duvet with ITV blaring away the dog was still shaking from the bangs :(
Bobby is terrified of fireworks, gunshot, thunder, and any sounds that are at all similar. He also doesn't like BBQ fires (crackling noises). We have tried a DAP diffuser, the Fireworks CD, and tablets from the vet, but sadly none of these have worked. He would probably have to be on medication all the time as noises frighten him almost on a daily basis, not just at specific times of year. :( :( He has got worse as he has got older (nearly 7 years old now).

I would be grateful for any advice as it really does affect his quality of life. I haven't tried Valerian and Scullcap so I will give that a go.

He is a Collie X (very hyper and gets wound up quickly) and was probably taken away from his mum at a very young age. :( We think he was about 4 wks old when he was handed in to the vet and I then fostered him. I sometimes wonder if that bad start in life affected him.

Fortunately Dolly isn't bothered at all and doesn't seem to pick up on his 'vibes'. :luck:
Thankfully none of the whippets are bothered by fireworks but the collies get in a terrible state. I'm trying a new product this year thats has had excellent results, even with stud dogs that know there is a bitch in season on the premises.

This is an email about it from one of the top show kennels in the UK

Yes, the Melatonin is proving very popular! If you have the 3mg

tabs (it also comes in 6mg ******* tells me), then I suggest 1

tablet about half an hour before you want it to work. If that

doesn't calm him, you can give another tablet. In fact, we resorted

to giving ********* TWO tablets every three hours to keep him calm

when he was going mad because of bitches in season. It just let him

(and us)sleep and there were no apparent ill effects. We did this

regime for about 5 days - and ******* (who is 12) is absolutely fine

now that the girls are no longer interesting. It doesn't actually

make them drowsy, it just seems to take away the REASON for being

"het-up". Let me know how you get on with it.

Hope this link works ........


Go to products, then Specialty Products

& Formulas ........ its the last one on the page.
Susan, Im sitting here in stitches at the thought of poor Robbie not only being terrified of fireworks , but then being subjected to Meatloaf (w00t) (w00t) , have you thought about a bit of classical music ? :b :D
buffyrannoch said:
Susan, Im sitting here in stitches at the thought of poor Robbie not only being terrified of fireworks , but then being subjected to Meatloaf  (w00t)   (w00t) , have you thought about a bit of classical music ?  :b   :D
Jill being as sympathic as normal LOL LOL

Sorry to hear about your problems. Hope you get something sorted out before November.

We have had fireworks go off here, but the two nutters do not seems to be too fazed, but we will see.

It can be so hard when a dog is so scared, I know that Jet used to be terrified and dig up the carpet under the stairs to get away poor thing.

Good luck anyway Susan. :huggles: :luck: