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Millie said:
Thankfully none of the whippets are bothered by fireworks but the collies get in a terrible state. I'm trying a new product this year thats has had excellent results, even with stud dogs that know there is a bitch in season on the premises.
This is an email about it from one of the top show kennels in the UK

Yes, the Melatonin is proving very popular!  If you have the 3mg

tabs (it also comes in 6mg ******* tells me), then I suggest 1

tablet about half an hour before you want it to work.  If that

doesn't calm him, you can give another tablet.  In fact, we resorted

to giving ********* TWO tablets every three hours to keep him calm

when he was going mad because of bitches in season.  It just let him

(and us)sleep and there were no apparent ill effects.  We did this

regime for about 5 days - and ******* (who is 12) is absolutely fine

now that the girls are no longer interesting.  It doesn't actually

make them drowsy, it just seems to take away the REASON for being

"het-up".  Let me know how you get on with it.

Hope this link works ........


Go to products, then Specialty Products

        & Formulas ........ its the last one on the page.

This is very interesting Wendy, I haven't heard of the use of Melatonin in dogs. The problem is obviously ensuring the dosage is correct as the product is for humans - it seems the dosaging will be a case of guess work and any long-term effects unknown.

It would be good to see any studies completed on the use of this product. I just did a bit of googling and it seems it has been used a bit in America, but I did find a bit which perhaps ought to be mentioned...

The long term safety of melatonin supplementation has been debated by physicians and many holistic health experts warn against taking it for more than occasional, short term use. However, no clinical trials have been conducted on its actions in dogs. Over-the-counter melatonin is not recommended for children because any hormone supplement may disrupt the developing endocrine system, so it is believed that it shouldn't be given to puppies for the same reason. As always consult your veterinarian

I would be interested to hear how your dogs get along with it
Im now playing the cd Sarah sent me :D Thank You Sarah :thumbsup:

He must have great hearing as I put it on number 2 and he was fine,,had a wee look out the window, but nothing much. Put it to number 3 and he did seem to be a wee bit stressed, walking around, looking out the window, but no panting or shaking :) ,,I left it on and just watched the TV he did settle and sleep, but after his toilet break he came into the livingroom and started to shake,,so it's now off. He is now next to me, not shaking, but not relaxed.

Tomorrow I will put it on at number 2 and just leave it at that level. I dont think he will be fine for Nov 5th this year, but I am going to try and get him over his fear for next Nov 5th. Im still going to speak to the vet and get the plug in thingy ;) soon.

Thanks for everyones advice :thumbsup:
I had Robbie at the vet today to talk about his firework phobia :( . I told him about the cd and the way he act's on level 4 :( . He say's Robbie has a very bad phobia about fireworks and he gave me Xanax tablet's for him. He has to have a triel run on them this weekend and to start on 1 tablet, but he get's no more than 2. I will be on tenderhooks till he comes around from them, but the vet said they are quite safe :) . I will be giving him them on Nov 5th about 5pm as they last around 6 hours, so he should not be aware of anything going on and wont remember anything :D . I got 8 tablets in all, so he will be getting them on 31st Dec too :( ( Robbie's 5th Birthday ), so no drinking for him (w00t)

The vet said he would get worse every year so hope to start the firework cd going in Feb next year and maybe he might get over his phobia :D I have to keep Robbie in the house till the fireworks have passed as he said he could take off and be killed on the roads etc :( ,,I stay outside when he's in the garden for the toilet and he wont be left alone till it's all past

Thanks to everyone who has posted and to ILKC for her PM,,,all great advice :thumbsup:
The DAP has helped Chelsea the past 5 years, but she's starting to stress a bit more this year. Went and had a LONG chat with the vets and we have put her on Xanax short term for the next 4 weeks while the fireworks are on. This is one of the newest protocols. We have a range that we can give her going from 1-4 tablets twice a day. At the moment we're on 2, and she's been much more laid back about the few bangs we've had since the weekend, so fingers crossed.

We get all the whippys in the front room and watch a film with them all tucked under the blankets and they are fine and thats with fireworks going off in the garden next door.
My lot aren't too bothered by them and just bark a lot at the louder ones, but im looking after a friends horse who is extremely scared of them. People tend to forget about the larger animals and some idiot kids who live on an estate at the rear of the paddock like nothing more to set them off so near!! I wonder how rabbits/ferrets and other small livestock react as well?
Ian of Beetelian said:
I own and have worked in pet stores for about seven years and though none of my dogs paticularly suffer with the fireworks I know there are plenty that do.Answer: Seren-Um they are a herbal tablet that is available from most pet stores you are best to start a week or so before so as they get in the dogs system.

They gently relax the dog so as the fireworks dont bother them so much.

If you go to a Vet They generally use almost what is like a tranqueliser and of course this leaves the dogs really spaced out.

I sell alot of Seren-Um around 5th of Nov and get rave reveiews?


You can also buy Seren-um from pressies4dogs sponsors of the Lancashire PWRC in the wellbeing section, if you do decide to buy some please give us a mention in your order so we can benifit from a donation of 5% Thankyou

A bit of info about the product

A product that can help a nervous dog is Serene-UM. Manufactured by Mark and Chappell, a leading provider of natural products for pets, Serene-UM is a natural food supplement to calm and soothe dogs. By adding crumbled tablets or a few drops of liquid to your dog’s food in the days leading up to firework night, it may help him cope better.
most of ours never bother with fires works but for boris who would shake pee pace about and try and hide anywere he could but now hes fine.

We were camping at blackpool and decieds ti have a drive down the front boris was in the back of the car and we were stuck gridlocked in tracffic when right above out head one of the arcades started doing a big profesional fireworks disply. I couldnt even get in the back to see to him and there was absolutly notheing we could do but watch him. At the start he was a quivering mess buy the time it had finshes he was sat up looking out the window watching them fine. They were that load they were hurting my ears so All i can figur is he recons in a noies that loead isnt going to hurt him non is. We have the opposit problem with milo he loves them to biys and carnt waiy yo go in the back garden and watch them.

Hope robbie has a carmer fireworks seasin this year and so do all the others who dont like them
A few D**K HEADS, we letting a few off yesterday. Robbie started to pace about, panting, and trying very hard to fit under the little table :( . Up went the TV,,very loud and a few treat's. It only happened twice in a very short time and he did calm down when he was sure they were finnished :) . It only lasted about 20 mins. Tonight the same happened and he is nice and calm again.

I hope he has a nice peacefull Nov 5th,,sound asleep :D

Thank God Ive not got a horse :lol: ,,,but it must be hard for them and the owners :(
(w00t) Robbie is asleep with the firework cd on (w00t)

It's at vol 54 on the strerio and at level 4 he was shaking last time. He has had 1 1/2 of the tablets, so got a 1/2 tablet to play with next weekend :D

Up till about 10mins ago he was playing with Tam, but falling over a bit, so I put him in the cage , with Tam and he fell asleep. He is not knocked out though, but very relaxed :- "

Im over the moon as he will have a good Nov 5th for the very first time :thumbsup:
im glad he is relaxed bonnie puffs and pants a bit i had tank out in the garden for a pee nd there was fireworks going off and he just stood watching them.
[SIZE=14pt]I hate fireworks.[/SIZE]

Josh used to be fine until some idiot let a display mine off in the carpark next to my fence two years ago. Josh was out havinf a jimmy at the time and now will not go outside at all if he hears them start.

Bradley, last year would not come in, he sat on the lawn watching them.

I have never liked them, time for a public ban, licensed displays only on ONE night per year.

The garden cenre near me has had £8000 of them nicked - great. I have a good idea what sort of evenings will follow.
Chelsea was terrified to the point of panic and digging through walls. The DAP worked to make her only worry until this year and she started to get worse again. After a visit to the vet she was put on Xanax for a month. The change has been amazing. The drug cannot be used long term, but for short term use like this it's perfect, and it's been wonderful for her. She's on 2, twice a day. She can go up to 4 twice a day, and over the weekend we did have to increase it to 3, but we're goign back down to 2 during the week. I'm sooo impressed. She's even eaten her dinner outside with bangs, and gone out to potty with bangs. She's a completely different dog. She's aware of them and cautious, but even the worry is gone.

We tried all the herbals and everything and finally broke down to go the actual medical route. I'm sooo glad this is working. We can cope with this now and for New Years, and the DAP will be fine for hte rest of the year round with the gunfire and the thunderstorms.

My whippetty things don't take any notice, but the greyhounds are terrified. Fortunately we don't get that many round here, but this year I've got them dosed up on Skullcap and Valerian tabs and Doreen Paige's Anxiety concoction, also known as fear of known things. Not sure if it's helping them but at least I feel as though I'm doing something! :)
Hows Robbie been leading up to November 5th Susan??

Had Oscar out last night and tonight - and people letting them off, he was petrified and tried to literally pull me home. Kobi was not bothered at all - strange how two dogs can be so different.

Oscar has has the runs since he came in - and quivering all over. :( Ive just ordered some TranquillX which is made from Valerian, St. Johns Work & Skull Cap - hope it works.
We have had a few fireworks going off, and Robbie shakes / pants etc, but only a few, so he's not too bad just now. Last night we went to bed and he started to shake and pant. I never heard anything, so he got under the quilt with us and he settled okay :thumbsup: . Tam and Ricky dont bother with them :D . He will be getting his tablet's on Saturday :D
Does anyone's Dog/s act aggressive towards fireworks? Alfie gets really mad, starts barking and wants to start a fight with the fireworks - we have to drag him away from the windows?!! (w00t) Unless it's bed time and then he doesn't care..?? :wacko:

As usual we have to put up with an organised public display happening just over the hedge from our garden (backs on to a school playing field).... at least we get free entry :- "
Hi, i was just searching on google for more information on the seren-um tablets as i have just bought an outer to try out as i am thinking of selling them permanently.

Some information i can give you from the packaging and booklet inside the box is below.

A natural food supplement to calm and pacify some common behavioural problems in cats, dogs and small animals. (These tablets are just for dogs that are 30kg and over).

Contains a blend of amino acids and vitamins which help to relax your pet naturally.

Totally natural, totally safe.

Beneficial to help pets cope during unsettling periods such as fireworks, thunderstorms, car journeys and family gatherings.

Offer pet owners an alternative.

You can also visit their VERY colourful website to read much more about this.

You can also call a lo-call helpline - 0845 600 3642

I have already sold 3 boxes of these and have 2 left for anyone to try out on thsi website.

Like i said earlier the tablets are ONLY for dogs that are 30kg or over.

Uusally they retail at £15.49, but if anyone is willing to try them out for me and give me feedback on how they worked i will do them for £8.99 including postage and packaging.

If anyone would like any more information on these please PM me and i will try my best to help.

I am also a seller on ebay so if anyone wishing to buy these would feel safer going through that, that's fine.

Thanks, Mark