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Karen here-

Just how many problem free straight races does a dog have to run before he can be considered kosher? he's had numerous.

As already said-If for one moment we thought the dog would not be ok-he wouldn't have been run.

And quite honestly Rick-how you can pin point Slipper's unfortunate injury towards 1 dog beats me!

Yes, the headings only of the No Limit/40lb class were incorrect-not the dog groupings and this was clearly pointed out to all before the racing commenced on Saturday.

Slipper was entered for 3 different classes over the weekend-

No Limit-Saturday

40lb-Sunday (No additional- weigh In)!


(I feel strongly that the weight class issue is relevant)

Hope your dog is better soon.

Carole-Please would you kindly keep us a copy of the video for when we see you next-your comments are very interesting.
Hope this clears up the matter of BARRING-from Westhoughton with regards to Kestral Flyer-

Quote-from the judges box to the organiser- Mick

Ask them not to bring it back until it had cleared.

Not quite the same is it?----

as knowing for a fact that the dog is barred form Westhoughton Track

The issue isn't how many times it has run straight but how many times it has tackled. When other peoples dogs are involved ALL instances of tackling are unacceptable. Kestral Flyer does have a history of interfereing with other dogs during racing. If you are in any doubt that your dog won't run straight you should not put the safety of the other dogs in the race at risk. To do otherwise is selfish.

There can no longer be any doubt over Kestral Flyer as a tackler at this point and it should not be run again until proven. One race doesn't mean it's a non tackler.

I have had a dog seriously injured and as a result euthanased because it was tackled. There is no excuse for putting other racers at risk.

Ricky's dog wasn't the only dog interefered with and the others in the race were there legitimatly. Slippers questionable presence in this race is a red herring, the issue is how should known tacklers be dealt with.

The owners of Kestral Flyer have the sympathy of other racers at present but if it isn't retrained succesfuly and tackles again that sympathy won't be there.
kipper fluke said:
Hope this clears up the matter of BARRING-from Westhoughton with regards to Kestral Flyer-Quote-from the judges box to the organiser- Mick

Ask them not to bring it back until it had cleared.

Not quite the same is it?----

as knowing for a fact that the dog is barred form Westhoughton Track
Since it hasn't been cleared it's obviously not welcome. I think we can safetly say it's barred at this time. You have just confirmed its present status - barred. No one has said its a permanent exclusion.
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By 'problem free-straight races' i was referring to just that-without tackling-which he has done on numerous occasions.

No red herring-it is relevant to me and I have stated this already as to why.

Also Tony, why would you or anyone else leave it till after the race and see if this dog had won and then have complained? or is that not relevant also.?

We certainly are not selfish and would not jeopardise any dogs safety.
If my father 'barrs' someone from his pub, that person is not welcome period.

Barring does not mean- come back when you can behave yourself.

Well if nothing else it has made K9 interesting with such a 'hot topic' and hopefully some good will come out of it all-we and I am sure everyone else is sorry Ricks or any other dog was injured and I know for a fact the owners of Kes are.



HA HA I TOLD YOU SO...... :p
kipper fluke said:
By 'problem free-straight races' i was referring to just that-without tackling-which he has done on numerous occasions.No red herring-it is relevant to me and I have stated this already as to why.

Also Tony, why would you or anyone else leave it till after the race and see if this dog had won and then have complained? or is that not relevant also.?

We certainly are not selfish and would not jeopardise any dogs safety.

"The issue isn't how many times it has run straight but how many times it has tackled. When other peoples dogs are involved ALL instances of tackling are unacceptable. Kestral Flyer does have a history of interfereing with other dogs during racing. "

I can't put it any clearer. One or ten problem free races are irrelevant if it tackles in half the races it does run.

The Slipper question may be relevant to you because you are siding with Kestral Flyer - a dog you bred. It's irelevant to me because even if Slipper were absent my dog would still have been interefered with.

I wouldn't have complained if Slipper had won, although no doubt others would. I didn't think it would win anyway. I prefer to race against other dogs and excluding a racer for any reason makes the race less of a race to me. Excluding other races because of a tecnicality is a bit "chicken" for me. All of which is also irelevant to a tackling topic.
And I can't make this much clearer either-The dog has run fair and square many more times than he has tackled.

We will await the video.
This is Scotty on line not Jade, This issue should be clear Kestrel Flyer did interfere during the weekends racing. Why it might have been because it was his first time up with big crowds, lots of noise, or it might have been just one race out of the many that he has run that he desides to fight. No one is trying to say he did not fight esspecialy the owners who when i spoke to them were devistated with his fighting. What all new owners to our sport need is constructive advise on how to sort the problem out, not a K9 bashing from all. I would say to start the process of I would muzzel the dog then when at opens walk among as many dogs as possible to get him used to being surounded by bid and small dogs. If he shows any aggresive behavioure then he should be given some stern dicipline, a hard jerk on the lead or a loud NO shout. Im sure this would help as at the opens we have attended i have notessed that he gets very agitated when other dogs are near him.

Start this staight away, and run him solo for at least 8 runs then let him pass a slower dog for at least four runs. then start to bring a dog near him when he is on the lure, if he leaves the lure to fight then he is not ready for racing. last thing make sure he always has a muzzel on when he trials in case he runs of the track and starts fighting. Hope this helps, as we all want more not less dogs racing.
good advice peter :) im not getting into this one as anyone can get a fighter :b hows your back ya old sod ;)
my backs still sore, but i played golf to-day the first time in four weeks, I play of 4 and was twelve over after nine holes, to all you non golfers thats like show three being beaten of levels by a 16lb vet. Buy at least im gettin better, cheers gary.
:D hope u have had some constructive critiscum on here steve and karen and maybe some ideas that have not been tried yet. Yes I will keep u a vid but u may have to wait a while as I have few ordered. Good luck with Kestral Flyer to the owners and like pat joejess says dont give up u will get there in the end. :luck: :luck: :luck: Maybe try him with is it Vickys 40lber a few times for all to see. Kind of her to offer. ;)
As new comers to the sport we are very greatfull for the letters of support and help from other racers over the last week. We are very sorry to hear that slipper was injured, we did not know this as it was not mentioned to us over the weekend. We hope he has a speedy recovery. Thank you very much to Vicky who offered for kestral flyer to run and train with her dog, This is much appreciated we will be in touch if we feel it nessesary as we continue to train kestral flyer. Thank you to karen, steve, and harry boyde for the time, effort and patience they have given to us in training kestral flyer, this is most appreciated and hope they will continue to support and help us and guide kestral flyer to wining ways which we feel is not far away. If we had known kes was going to mess we would not of entered him for racing on sunday. But as he had been running straight in training and straight in his race on saturday we saw no reason not to enter him on sunday. There is no question of us getting rid of kes because of these teething problems. Kes is first and foremost our pet and part of our family. The racing is a hobbie we can do as a family, winning will be nice but not the most important aspect of the hobbie. althrough the events of the weekend have upset us all as a family we will continue to train kes as in training he has the speed and enjoys himself. This is a learning process for us and for kes, in the future we are sure we will have the scense and gumption to support anyone with the same problems and not critize them as we have been. many thanks mick, lynn, ashley,chloe, kes, and tia
Good Luck for the future - keep us update with his progress !!!
dear all you that know me iam fair and honest what i say is in my dogs and dog owners intreast i have a dog that tackles namley ossie he has got the speed and the staminia as my old mate peter [bailey] scott said when he done the pics for the champs he was as straight as a arrow now that dog is just over two but ive stuck with him now i know when his right and he is now. :rant: :rant: :huggles: so stick with it kestral flyer but going on that can anyone tell me this when i was getting this dog on the right track whilst trailing him getting him right a dog got lose and tore into him and this put me back nearly 3mths what i think should happen if you are not running why have your dog bang on the finnishing line going mental then getting off the lead. :rant: i could of cried that day all the hard work gone in 5 sec's
Just a wee word which might help those whose dogs sometimes decide to fight or turn the head during a race. A greyhound man close to me has great success in curing this problem. He use's one of those collars which gives the dog a shock. If someone brings a problem dog to him, it is given a few trials over a period of time. Should the dog turn its head during the trial it gets a nasty shock. I hope that doesn't sound cruel but he has had great success in curing many dogs of this problem. Just thought i would mention that, thats if it hasn't been mentioned already as i didn't read all the posts. :oops: :cheers:
you might try to run the dog in blinkers,but the one thing that I found that helped concentrate the mind was a little get together with a rat!!!!!!!!!!!!So with the risk of some people screaming to animal rights or RSPCA,I only said a get together :thumbsup: and if it is any consolation about98% of fighters I have known have been real speed merchantsSo good luck in the future
Many congrats to the owner of Kes for coming on here...My dog is a an awful right hand runner on the straights...I don't know why, but he always lets the smaller dogs get away and then crosses the track to the right behind them, to get his position on the right...strangley he doesn't do it on the bends, and he never looks at another dog...really weird...just seems to me as a bigger dog he has always been unsighted when looking for the lure...was this the problem with Kes?