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All this commotion about springboards could have been avoided if the FED.had given us a choice about springboards,[they would probably have been voted out there too] but as it is the FED commitee are blackmailing everybody into using boards as it is no good one body banning them & not the other. Why should six selfish people have this effect on whippet racing. [its time we got a say ] if both bodys had banned them i think people would have accepted the decision .
sorry i disagree nobody makes you use springboards they were never voted in /to ban ....if you dont want to use them just dont...

its the same as the bends yesterday people that voted them out still used boards at the open really make no sense at all to me
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I agree with you Mutley, it should be up to the owners of the dogs, wether they want to use springboards or not, that is if the reasion for banning them is to prevet injuries which i very much doubt :p :) , because every one is still using them and yes they were all using the boards yesterday and there was some very good racing, well done to the winners and to the people who worked tirelessly to make this a well organised event..........we have had our airing now so will have to start walking the dogs ......... :D
The reason why people who voted for the banning of trap/spring boards use them still is because in a race if you do not use them you are at a distinct disadvantage with a dog that does. If all dogs in a race use or do not use the boards then there is no advantage to anyone. I have no feelings about the use of boards or not, apart from the bother it brings in loading and carrying them about at a meeting and the time it takes extra for the trap person to do his or her work. Indeed at the A.g.m. i obstained from voting (which can be confirmed by Doreen Hopkins) because it was a matter of indifference to myself on the running side of the equation. On the grounds of making the trap persons duties lighter and quicker and my own i would burn the lot.
Here Here John.....Not everyone's reason for opting to ban boards is because of the injury side of it!

Anyone with a bit of sense is gonna use a board when the rest of the race are otherwise they are gonna be giving yards away, the impression i get is that the people who voted to ban, in an ideal world would like to run without boards but if they get brought back or race at event where they are allowed then they will use them & good on em too!!
As i have said before [/u]WE are not against the banning of kickboards, but when people say they were banned because they cause injuries to their dogs and then the said people use them because their dogs are at a disadvantage if they do not use them ??? makes you wonder why they were banned ey ;) and i do not want a torrent of abuse from certain individuals for speaking my mind thankyou........... :p :b
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??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? CANT ANYONE THINK OF SOME THING ELSE TO TALK ABOUT, AND WAIT FOR THE MEETING :p ;)


aup butch were u bin :D and stop shouting we aint deaf u know :D :p ??? :)
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:D Hello Jojess, Ive not had time to come on k9. :0 :0

Been very busy making kickboards to order :D ;) ;)

Anybody else want one :p
:D YEH put me down for a couple, i am sure i can find [usome[/u] use for em lol :D ;) ???
can any one tell me where the photo of Ted Fox's little dog is please , he so wanted it downloading and i can't find it for him........thanks :D
:D time to put away the war bonnets girls and boys, lets just enjoy our racing with no hassle about k.........
Okay i sat and read though it all again and i have to say most of the reasons people wanted to ban baord for was because they though that it injured theres dogs.

Well since the banning i seen at least 6 dogs get hurt last week at the bends when not using a board....

I never disagreed with banning boards i disagreed with the way its been done ie 8 BRWA opens out of the full years calander...i said it would confuse our dogs run one week off a board and the next without, also my vet has run all her life off a board now at the age of 6 do i tell her she car'nt and needs to be reschooled without one? i dont think so...

I admit there a pain in the arse carring them around, but if we had an all out ban than yes this would have worked ...but not at the level of the commitiees banning them it would have to of been every club track thoughout the country then there would have been no arguments at all...

The only people i see looking stupid here is the people that are shouting there mouths off about the ban then go racing else where and use a board?how can you justife what you doing

( i know i car not spell but you get the jift)
It is a silly argument to say that people who wanted springboards banned should not use them . It doesnt take much common sence to figure out that they are at a distinct disadvantage by not using them against people who do. [THEY DONT WANT TO USE THEM BUT THEY MIGHT AS WELL PACK IN RACING IF THEY DONT] It is a silly thing to say it is up to the owners, as they have no choice , when other people are using them.
in reply to vicky's idea of a better handicap system i tried to get this voted on but was shot down in flames by almost all, yet if you look at open entries over 70% of the dogs weigh more than 22lb yet they still vote for yard a lb when they know it is an outdated and unfair system. yard a lb affects all racers yet most give it no thought yet look at the riot kick booards has caused, I cant believe it, must be goingmad.
in reply to vicky's idea of a better handicap system i tried to get this voted on but was shot down in flames by almost all, yet if you look at open entries over 70% of the dogs weigh more than 22lb yet they still vote for yard a lb when they know it is an outdated and unfair system. yard a lb affects all racers yet most give it no thought yet look at the riot kick booards has caused, I cant believe it, must be goingmad.
I agree that maybe other things should have been voted in.....personally i would have liked to have seen a more varied handicap(2 ft lb, abcde etc) also racing to start within an hour of weigh in....I was'nt there at the agm so my opinion/vote did'nt count......but would it have anyway, as scotty said he tried to voice an opinion but it didnt get him anywhere!!!!
then do you not think its a silly thing telling people they can not use them if they want to?

we all have own opinions on this matter
why is yard a pound racing out of date. :angry: it just because a minority few of you say so :angry: a lot of us racers like racing at yard a pound , there are plenty of race meetings that is 2ft a pound and 1/2 yrd a pound, the IRG meetings are mostly 2ft a pound and over different lengths so you will be happy racing at them ;) ??? :angry:
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just attended the EGM meeting at Asfordby, where it was decided to hold a postal vote on the banning of kickboards, all members should receive their postal vote form in a bout a weeks time which they should send back signed and voted for or against the banning of kickboards as soon as possible so that the bend championships can be held on the date given in the whippet news............... :D ??? :p
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