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I have been offline for a while as I have been busy and it seems the K9 has come to life once again !!! :0

It seems that a few things have happened while I have been away.

Reading from beginning to end on this topic I can see that there are a few anguished people out there and I can understand why everyone on both sides of the argument may be feeling as they do. All you have to do is take a look back at history in general and see that we have been faced by this kind of situation in the past. Now some may say that I am blowing this argument out of all proportion for comparing it to such large scale events that have happened to affect the world on a whole. But I'm sure you all realise that whippet racing in itself is a "world" of its own and unless the matter is resolved there could be out and out conflict between groups (i.e the racing organisations). I for one would not like this matter to become a situation where everyone is forced to take sides and jeopardise the future of racing for themselves or for people like myself and jade and others who are relatively new to this "world". We shouldn't have to be forced to take sides or stop talking to others who do not have the same point of view as ourselves. Just looking at the state of the world today makes you think "Is this going to happen here too?" .

I can pick up that it is hard for everyone concerned (not least the "top table" as you call them who at this time have probably felt that they are being blamed by others and bombarded by those upset with the decision made... I'm sure this isn't the true intention and as I myself do not admit to knowing much about the running of such things feel this is all I should say on this matter.) Are we not within the BWRA a democratic society that holds the AGM each year as the people's chance to voice their new ideas and opinions on such matters. I understand that some feel angry or upset by the decision made and want the vote changed but what makes you think that voting trap boards in again (if such a result occurs) it will not just be voted out again in next years AGM ? The wisest decision from what I can see would have been to leave the vote as it had been cast for the rest of the racing year and see how things worked out and THEN decide ar next years AGM which would be the most efficient/best situation for all concerned.

But it's too late for that now I just hope that you all think about this as you go about what you decide is the right or wrong decision. Too late to change in now for this year what with the EGM date set and all. I just hope the waters are smoothed after this meeting one and for all (or at least until next year :( ??? ??? ). What will be, will be and no more can be said on the matter.



(Hope you didn't get bored while reading that there essay.)
Welcome back Fleesh its nice to hear your opinion on this rant...i hope you been somewhere nice .... this topic must of took so reading lol

I have to say mind that michelle is right that there should of been a guide line to proposals for the AGM so people had an idea of what was going to be voted on.

Also that postal voting should never have been stopped, we must give some thought to people living afar

are all those who signed the pettion going to bring postal votes back at this egm and what about those who can not attend this time for whatever reasons it might be due to lack of funds or sickness!!!! what about their rights surely they have as much right to vote!!!!! or dont they have any???because they can not attend another meeting think what you are starting for the future as it will be brought up i am sure and might even come back to haunt you. just a thought it usually does ...
So is this meeting just for the people who signed the petition, in a agreement of the vote being over-ruled?

If it is WHY bother having a meeting as it's obvious the boards will come back if the only people there are those who want the boards back?

I think this has been said before but why aren't there regional AGM'S say all on the same day & the votes get sent back to BWRA committe? Would something like that not be better?
I agree with all john and vicky have said, so let's all start thinking about these things for the next AGM :D
the way i see it this is going too be like catch 22 no matter what goes on let sense prevail till the next agm if you want postal votes and kick boards go through your own region to have things put forward for the next agm then you all have a fair say thats what there for for you the members. or what your get is a big wedge down the middle and were all fighting before the seson starts.
No Vicky the E.G.M is not for just members who signed the petition, anyone who is a member can attend :D

??? Tony whos fighting. :0 ??????????
not fighting rowing amongest oursels tanyar thats what i meant oppssssssss sorry
I can fully understand what everyone is saying. But how do we go though our regions, we lost our regional reps along with the postal vote.
ohhh sorry tanyia i think you might find that the meeting is only for people that signed the petition ,but there again i might be wrong... thats just what i understand
TANYIA when was it proposed and voted on that the B.W.R.A. did not allow regional reps . If you are now a member of the east midland area, you voted two reps to there post at your meeting this year, did you not
B.W.R.A. RULES you need 50 signatures to call an E.G.M.

That E.G.M is open to every member of the B.W.R.A. To attend

if thay so wish.

No John I was not at the E. MIDLANDS A.G.M As I was not a member of that region last year. Where do you get your info from ??

It stands to sence Reps went to vote at the Rep meeting before the postal vote went out to the members.

I was a Rep the last Rep meeting held was year ending 2001
Why was there no rep meeting tanyia on what proposal was passed so that reps could not have a meeting and how was the proposal worded and could you please enlighten me on the role of the reps, were they not there to put members views across at a meeting on what proposals were allowed to be voted on, and did they all have an area meeting before the proposal meeting at the A.G.M so members could vote. Sorry about you not being at east midland meeting, but i had crossed wires, it is this year that you joined.
Jonh you will have to ask who ever gives you your info.

All I know is there has been no Rep. meeting since 2001 when

a true and proper A.G.M. was voted for.

And yes I have joined E - MIDLANDS this year and look forward to starting our pups. :D :D :D
Thank you Tanyia for your advice, I will ask around people. I hope that your pups school well and that they all turn out to be very good racers.
having read all the replys about the e.g.m. i can see that as members of the b.w.r.a we have no representation at all now.

rules are changed without a vote i.e. postal vote , 11 oclock weigh in all b.w.r.a events.

votes that get through on a majority never get implemented i.e. championships to stay at old hall , kick boards .
Any one can attend th EGM but you have to be a signed up member for this year to vote.... ???
In my opinion we have gone by the point of who was and who wasnt at the A.G.M and also the argument of let it be for this year. A E.G.M has been called (within rule) wether we like it or not. Lets say at the E.G.M kickboards are brought back in whats to stop those who want them banned or those who were at the A.G.M starting another petition to ban them again or to reinstate the origonal A.G.M decission. And then maybe there would be another petition where would it end. So I appeal to those who are going to the E.G.M wether they be for or against kickboards to compromise. I suggest a postal vote on this issue with three options 1. ban kickboards 2. keep kickboards 3. abide by the A.G.M decission. You could put a timscale on this lets say postal voting forms to go to the regional secretarys on March 10th to be distrubuted to members in that region then voting forms to be returned to the national secretary by March 24th with the result being sent to regional sectetarys by March 28th and the result being announced to members at the Bend Championships on March 30th. The result then could be brought into force on April 1st that would then be fair to those who have been training for the Bend Championships without a kickboard in the event of a vote to allow kickboards to be used again. Hopefully this would put a end to all this.