I have been offline for a while as I have been busy and it seems the K9 has come to life once again !!! :0
It seems that a few things have happened while I have been away.
Reading from beginning to end on this topic I can see that there are a few anguished people out there and I can understand why everyone on both sides of the argument may be feeling as they do. All you have to do is take a look back at history in general and see that we have been faced by this kind of situation in the past. Now some may say that I am blowing this argument out of all proportion for comparing it to such large scale events that have happened to affect the world on a whole. But I'm sure you all realise that whippet racing in itself is a "world" of its own and unless the matter is resolved there could be out and out conflict between groups (i.e the racing organisations). I for one would not like this matter to become a situation where everyone is forced to take sides and jeopardise the future of racing for themselves or for people like myself and jade and others who are relatively new to this "world". We shouldn't have to be forced to take sides or stop talking to others who do not have the same point of view as ourselves. Just looking at the state of the world today makes you think "Is this going to happen here too?" .
I can pick up that it is hard for everyone concerned (not least the "top table" as you call them who at this time have probably felt that they are being blamed by others and bombarded by those upset with the decision made... I'm sure this isn't the true intention and as I myself do not admit to knowing much about the running of such things feel this is all I should say on this matter.) Are we not within the BWRA a democratic society that holds the AGM each year as the people's chance to voice their new ideas and opinions on such matters. I understand that some feel angry or upset by the decision made and want the vote changed but what makes you think that voting trap boards in again (if such a result occurs) it will not just be voted out again in next years AGM ? The wisest decision from what I can see would have been to leave the vote as it had been cast for the rest of the racing year and see how things worked out and THEN decide ar next years AGM which would be the most efficient/best situation for all concerned.
But it's too late for that now I just hope that you all think about this as you go about what you decide is the right or wrong decision. Too late to change in now for this year what with the EGM date set and all. I just hope the waters are smoothed after this meeting one and for all (or at least until next year
??? ??? ). What will be, will be and no more can be said on the matter.
(Hope you didn't get bored while reading that there essay.)
It seems that a few things have happened while I have been away.
Reading from beginning to end on this topic I can see that there are a few anguished people out there and I can understand why everyone on both sides of the argument may be feeling as they do. All you have to do is take a look back at history in general and see that we have been faced by this kind of situation in the past. Now some may say that I am blowing this argument out of all proportion for comparing it to such large scale events that have happened to affect the world on a whole. But I'm sure you all realise that whippet racing in itself is a "world" of its own and unless the matter is resolved there could be out and out conflict between groups (i.e the racing organisations). I for one would not like this matter to become a situation where everyone is forced to take sides and jeopardise the future of racing for themselves or for people like myself and jade and others who are relatively new to this "world". We shouldn't have to be forced to take sides or stop talking to others who do not have the same point of view as ourselves. Just looking at the state of the world today makes you think "Is this going to happen here too?" .
I can pick up that it is hard for everyone concerned (not least the "top table" as you call them who at this time have probably felt that they are being blamed by others and bombarded by those upset with the decision made... I'm sure this isn't the true intention and as I myself do not admit to knowing much about the running of such things feel this is all I should say on this matter.) Are we not within the BWRA a democratic society that holds the AGM each year as the people's chance to voice their new ideas and opinions on such matters. I understand that some feel angry or upset by the decision made and want the vote changed but what makes you think that voting trap boards in again (if such a result occurs) it will not just be voted out again in next years AGM ? The wisest decision from what I can see would have been to leave the vote as it had been cast for the rest of the racing year and see how things worked out and THEN decide ar next years AGM which would be the most efficient/best situation for all concerned.
But it's too late for that now I just hope that you all think about this as you go about what you decide is the right or wrong decision. Too late to change in now for this year what with the EGM date set and all. I just hope the waters are smoothed after this meeting one and for all (or at least until next year
(Hope you didn't get bored while reading that there essay.)