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Don Syson Attacked By A Pitbull

OMG how scarey. Glad your dogs are ok, but who knows what they feel mentally, they must be scared.

Hope you're feeling better soon.
hope you better soon don and do hope dog and owner are caught ,just scarey to think dogs like that are about with kids around . :(
Get well soon you old bugger----bet it has a few loose teeth now after biting a tough old bugger like you Skippy

Steve /Karen /Harry
get well soon,bet he was protecting his dogs :luck: :luck:
just read about your ordeal Don hope you are o.k. and the dogs and Ruth bet it was a shock for her when you landed back home see you soon :luck:
So sorry to hear about this awful attack Don, get well soon.

I hope you have more luck with the police than I did.

Love and best wishes

Elaine and Sally xx
Hope you are O.K. Don , dog bites are very painful I know without being knocked off you feet, our best wishes to you .


Sheila and Arthur
God how awful :angry:

I really hope you're feeling okay, and the dogs. It must have been one hell of a shock for all of you :(

I do hope it's been reported :rant:
Its such a shame that there are so many irrisponsible dog owners out there buying breeds like pitts and not knowing a thing about how to train or control them.

Personally i think by law all dogs should be mussled while walking if that were the case there would be fewer dog attacks outside atleast.

I also think that children should be educated in school on reponsible pet ownership maybe that way we would have at lot less in the way of ill treated animals.

I don't think pitts are such a bad dog if they where trained and treated properly and owned by people that new the breed and were responsible then they could be really good dogs, its apity that this breed like few other large breeds attract the wrong sort of owners and become a accessory and say look at me i'm hard i own a pitt rottie etc.

This country needs educating in responsible dog ownership as banning certain breeds is not going to work it will just make the banned breeds more appealing to the wrong type of owner. Which the dangerous dog act has already proven not helped by the lack of enforcement by the police and local council dogwardens who in my recent experience are completely useless.

Any way enough of my rant . I hope don is feeling better soon and his dogs aren't to traumatised by there recent experience.
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wishing you a speedy recovery. :) :luck:

My da was had to stragle a pitt bull with a chain lead, it had bite an old man, and locked on, No one else would help so he stopped his car tried booting the dog etc, even the police n ambulance wouldn't help, so he took off the dogs lead and wound it round the dogs neck.... he said it was the hardest thing he has ever had to do. The dog eventually released when it was close to death.

Dont know what happened to the dog.

But think yourself lucky just like the old man it didnt get ur neck
My only thought on this type of dog is that if trained they can be a pet, but this dog that has done the attack if found will eventually be put down, when in all probability, it should be the owner who in my opinion ought to be put down.

The type of owner can be clearly seen, who would leave an elderly bleeding man and run off, even worse is that it could have easily been a child.

Even though Don had a bite, what good were the local police force, they never came out but did manage to phone back some 8 hours later with the excuse that they were rather busy and stretched, saying also that they cared for the elderly in Ilkeston, why dont they smell the s--t they are shovelling, they are as usefull as an ash tray on a motor bike, its easier work setting up speed traps and dishing out parking tickets. Its time they learned that to have respect you have to earn it.

Glad you are feeling better this morning Don, tell Ruth to get baking. :cheers: :luck:
Well I hope you are feeling better Don, if you need any help with walking the dogs let us know. Just thinking, John Meades and I could come out with you and be your own personal bouncers :- " :oops:
Thanks Kath seems like a good idea to me I would be safe with you and john I might need a minder

Thank you all for your comments and the e/mails and phone calls I am ok now just a bit bruised and the swollen hand has gone down I saw the dog heading towards me with no owner in sight so wound the lead round my hand to keep the dogs away it jumped at me and knocked me down I counldnt put my hand out to save me so went a bump I was knocked out for a time came too to feel the hot breath and this snarling face I put my hand up to save my face then Sam and Scrod got stuck into it After a while the skinhead with big boots came up kicked the dog grabbed its harness Put it on a lead and resumed to kick hell out of it I was still groggy but said its not the dog that wants a kicking to which I had a mouthful of abuse then he walked off leaving me dazed on the floor When I got in I was shaking from shock and temper Ruth went mental then phoned the police they said they would be down

they never came Ruth got on and said dont bother getting out your warm cars its only a O A P and a dog so dont bother !/2 later the police phoned saying they did take it serious under the dangerous dog bill asked a few stupid questions then said has he still had a headache he should go to the hospital and give them a report

they were useless I said what if it was a child or a elderly lady who wouldnt think to protect their face it could have been a lot worse

but now I am ok just a big lump on the head but fine the dogs who were covered in blood once they were washed hadnt a mark on them they seem fine today

these attacks are getting out of hand despite the dangerous dog act the police said it should have been registered and muzzled yea right

but thanks everybody just glad it wasnt as bad as it could have been

Thanks to John meades who came and sat with me very grateful

thanks again :cheers:
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I only come around on the chance of one of Ruths pies, Dont wan't anyone to think i am a softy Don. all the best
take more than a pit bull to keep syko down :thumbsup:
Well Skippy you must have been desperate to even think of having the Fat Controller sit with you !!!!!!!!!!!!lol would prefer the pit bull myself!!!! and i bet it would eat less than John---

Thanks to John Meades who came and sat with me very grateful

thanks again cheers

get well soon old bugger-----Veteran -----

Thanks for the recommendation Steve,your a pal of the highest order :blink: :cheers: