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Don Syson Attacked By A Pitbull

john m

New Member
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Whilst out walking this morning Don was attacked by a Pitbull, the dog knocked him off his feet and bit his hand whilst don was protecting his face.

The dogs owner came over and kicked seven bells of s--t out of the pitbull to get him off and then ran off leaving don bleeding and with a bump on the back of his head where he had fallen :angry: . The police have been informed and said they would be down to take statements and photographs, that was approx 4 hours ago.Dons own dogs had blood on them but no cuts or bites so it appears that they defended him the best they could.

Don was shaken up but apart from the bump and bite on his hand he appears ok.

Every cloud has a silver lining so they say, and don wont be able to put his hand in his pocket, nothing new there then folks. :clown:

Hope all is well with you soon Don :cheers: :luck:
Thank god he's going to be fine.

Get well soon Don :huggles: Hope the police catch up with the pit bulls owner :rant:
My sympathies go out to you and your son. I hope hes ok :thumbsup:

Im sorry Im not a pit bull fan at all, after having a whippet attacked and almost killed by a cross pit bull type, they put the fear of god in me. :(
Im sorry but i havent a clue who Don is :(

But i hope the poor man is soon feeling 100%, what an awful

thing to happen to him
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Glad Don is ok. Hope the police catch up with the owner. About time something was done about these dogs. :rant:
Glad your ok Don, and the hand and head soon heal - must've been an awful shock and scarey too. Hope you soon feeling 100 %. :thumbsup:
hope you are feeling okay,it must have been awful
how horred glad your not seroiusly hurt thank god you protected your face were all thinking about. glad the dogs are all ok at least. I dont usualy judge breeds of dogs but pit bulls are the one breed that realy worry me. i hope the poice take this seroiusly i bet they allready have an idea were the dogs from it must be local

theres an extra specail hugg from Ninny aswell
Hope you feel better soon Don. :thumbsup: Karen & George
Hope your okay soon Don ...i thought pit bull had to be muzzled if in public places
get well soon don, pleased your dogs are ok , hope to see you on the track soon

OMG thats awful thankfully it sounds like u r ok thank god. im glad your dogs r ok too.
hope your ok don :thumbsup: someone should shoot the b....d thing :rant:
heres hoping you are soon well again Don , and as for the dog and owner i hope the police soon catch up and the dog is destroyed and owner gets his comeuppance :- " :oops:
If it was a pitt then both the owner and dog are in serious trouble, If the police have not called yet can someone please go round to Dons and take photos of Dons hands. You will need a news paper with todays date clearly showing on the photos. A pit must be muzzled.

Don take it easy. Get well soon

Paul n Ken
hope you ok soon don,shoot the bloody dog,the owner and the police they useless.these incidents are happening a lot lately. and need sorting. :luck: :luck: :thumbsup:
D.Dan said:
hope you ok soon don,shoot the bloody dog,the owner and the police they useless.these incidents are happening a lot lately. and need sorting. :luck:   :luck:   :thumbsup:
hope u soon fell better don lyn & trevor