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Dog Front Leg Amputation

Glad to hear Arnie is doing so well :thumbsup: :thumbsup:

If you run out of things to clean my car is desparate to be cleaned (w00t) (w00t)
Here I am, for my 5pm check in!!

You sound like me, Sarah ........ can't wait to have a progress report saying he has healed

up and is back to normal within 24 hours (w00t)

When mine have had wounds/stitches I am always looking to see how they're healing -

pretty much every hour!!!

I'm sure he will be fine when you get him home as the surgery will have had the 4/5 days

to heal and he will be well on the way to recovery :thumbsup:

Arnie's stress levels are being kept down but we need to keep yours down too :teehee:

All this manic cleaning can't be good for a girl :blink:

........... although my car is EXTREMELY dirty too :lol: :-
I don't want to mislead any of you into thinking I am running a car cleaning business here :) My husband informed me I had missed a bit!!! I can't repeat on here what I said to him!!!!!

Jane, in that case we are alike! I just want it all to be over, I want him healed and home and back in his basket...too bad we can't wish these things to life.

All that said, you are right though, my stress levels are pretty high and I do need to try and relax a little otherwise I'll be no good to anyone.

Going to try and have a sit down tonight...thanks again for all the kind thoughts.

And if my relax fails tonight I'll be round to do all your cars tomorrow! :thumbsup:

aww well done brave Arnie, don't they just amaze you how they can get up and go straight away !!

It must be so nice and reassuring to know there are staff at the vets that can give him love and hugs when you can't, he's probaly loving them to bits !

:luck: :luck: for a smooth recovery........and don't forget to chill out yourself, sounds like it's been a real rollercoaster for your head and heart :huggles: :flowers:
Sarah, you sound like the nicest person, I am so glad things are going to plan, im just like you when stressed out and have to be busy, im sure it wont do you any harm and bet you will sleep like a log !!!! Roll on Arnie home time :thumbsup: jan
Sound's like Arine is on the mend :thumbsup:

He will be bouncing about very soon,,your heart will be in your mouth, but they do bounce back better than us 2 legged folk ;)

Will peak in over the next few days and I think the vet will kick Arnie out (w00t) around Tuesday :wacko: ,,as he will be feeling loads better and barking the place down :teehee:

Best wishes
Morning all, anyone want their car washed? :)

Well, Ive been told that no news is good news on a Sunday because they don't generally make calls unless something is for the past 2 days Ive been willing the phone to ring and now I don't want it to!

My husband told me off for 'moping around' last night!!! Puh! Was it wrong to spit in his left over pizza? :devil:

So, here's hoping you all had a good night and that you enjoy your Sunday.
PMSL!!!! :lol: :lol:

I do hope you carry on posting when Arnie is home and all ok again!

Your sense of humour is fabulous :thumbsup:

Keeping fingers crossed that you don't get a phone call today then! :D

............. just getting the car ready for you now :p
Jane, it was the happiest I felt all week when I watched him eat it!!!!!

I can't promise that I will be able to get you washed straight away there seems to be a queue forming out the front! :)

Of course I will keep posting. I found some very special friends on here who have helped me so much over the past few weeks. So, if I can make a few of you laugh every now and again, that will be my payback for all the positivity.

Have a great day.
Jane, it was the happiest I felt all week when I watched him eat it!!!!!
I can't promise that I will be able to get you washed straight away there seems to be a queue forming out the front! :)

Of course I will keep posting. I found some very special friends on here who have helped me so much over the past few weeks. So, if I can make a few of you laugh every now and again, that will be my payback for all the positivity.

Have a great day.

sarah you have kept us entertained even when you must have felt so down and worried ,you will have no problem in looking after Arnie ,your a stronger person than you think you are a wonderful person, :huggles: im so glad you found k9 .fingers crossed no phone call today :thumbsup:
Have a good day Sarah, looking forward to some good news tomorrow :thumbsup:
Hello Sarah,

I have just read through this entire thread and gone through so many emotions, most involving tears! I am pleased to have caught the tail end of it and am so pleased to read that he is on the road to recovery. My heart goes out to you and what you must have been through the last couple of weeks.

My dog Stanley was diagnosed with a cancerous growth in his metacarpal pad in November last year. The days waiting for the test results to confirm whether it had spread up his leg which would mean a full amputation or worse into his chest were the worst days I have experienced since losing my dad. Thankfully the cancer had not spread and he had the metacarpal pad removed in full and the bones from one toe removed so they could use the digital pad and spare skin to replace the metacarpal pad area. He has recovered in full and was so brave throughout it, even coming to nudge me when I was having a little cry.

I hope Arnie is home very soon and up to mischeif in no time :D
Lurcherlizzie, Im so sorry to hear that Stanley had to go through that,but pleased to hear he has made a full recovery. They really are the bravest creatures arn't they. Even though he was obviously in pain whilst recovering he was still concerned for you.

This tells me that I have to be brave when Arnie gets home as I know he picks up so easily on my emotions (I am an emotional creature these days!!!). As you said, the stress has been awful and I have been 'moping' ('shut up and eat the rest of your left over spit pizza' she chuckles to herself!).

Well, no phone call so far today so fingers crossed he's doing okay. Just hope he doesn't think Ive abandoned him. I went out today and as is always the case under these circumstances I saw more Staffordshire Bull Terriers than is that possible? :b

Going to go and find something else to do now....mmmm, anyone need a car wash, house clean? I haven't resorted to cooking yet...when I do that you know I've really lost it! :wacko:
Lurcherlizzie, Im so sorry to hear that Stanley had to go through that,but pleased to hear he has made a full recovery. They really are the bravest creatures arn't they. Even though he was obviously in pain whilst recovering he was still concerned for you.
This tells me that I have to be brave when Arnie gets home as I know he picks up so easily on my emotions
Thank you Sarah :) . I was lucky enough to collect Stanley the morning after his operation. I had booked a couple of days off work but there really was no need as he was his usual overly energetic self. Obviously his operation was not as serious as Arnies but I was so suprised at how well he coped. He was in bandaged up for a month or so before the op and 6 weeks after as there was a small part that would not heal and he did not touch his badages once. You think you know your dog and they will always suprise you!

I wouldn't worry about being brave when he gets home as I think you will be so suprised at how well he adapts the only tears will be ones of joy while you give him big cuddles and smiles and for being such a clever boy! He is going to be feeling a million times better when he gets home, firstly because he is home and secondly because he does not have cancerous cells eating away at his leg anymore.

I hope you can put some pictures up of him when he gets home and is milling about once more :)
How amazing that he didn't touch the bandages! He must have known...arn't they just so amazing!

I am going to take some time off of work when he comes home. I know I wouldn't want to be alone after an op so I don't expect him to either.

Just felt really sad, downloaded the pictures from my camera and came across a very sad looking Arnie on Christmas morning. Its really made me realise just how much pain he must have been in...bless him.

I hope when he comes home I can get some snaps of him looking his old self again.

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I'm so pleased to read this thread and hear how well Arnie is doing so far! :)

I returned home on Friday to discover my internet connection was down and I've been dying to hear how he's been doing since the op. I've sneeked in to use my Mum's internet at her house for now, lol.

Sounds like you've run out of chores to do around the house.... you can always call round here if you need more to do! lol
I'm so pleased to read this thread and hear how well Arnie is doing so far! :) I returned home on Friday to discover my internet connection was down and I've been dying to hear how he's been doing since the op. I've sneeked in to use my Mum's internet at her house for now, lol.

Sounds like you've run out of chores to do around the house.... you can always call round here if you need more to do! lol
Awww, thanks Evie, thats very sweet of you to want to know how he's doing. Sorry your internet connection is down...want me to put it on my list of things to do so I don't have to sit down? :)
Well Sarah, it's gone 5 o'clock and no phone calls so it's all good news then :thumbsup:

Although it must be driving you crazy not being able to see Arnie or talk to someone about

how he is today (w00t)

Hang in there, girl ......... Monday will soon be here :thumbsup:

And you're right, Arnie doesn't look happy in that picture, does he, bless :wub:
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Although you are really worried about Arnie , he will probably be getting lots of fuss and cuddles from the vet nurses :thumbsup:
I'm so sorry to hear about Arnie, but glad that he's doign well so far. Animals really are amazing.

Ten weeks ago, my greyhound Max completely smashed his leg and had a depressed skull fracture just from falling in the garden. His head is now healed, his leg has a metal plate in it. He was out of bandages in 6 weeks and walking around from day 1. Obviously he still has a long way to go - he having an assessment tomorrow and an xray at the end of the month - he may still lose his leg if there is no bone growth, but I am trying to think positively.

I can only gues how much trauma and stree you have been through - I know how tough it has been for me, but everyone on here has besen wonderful.

Now I've just got to get Tiny my other greyhound sorted - he has had a nervous breakdown from having to walk out on his own and is on diazepam! Yes, honestly!!! :wacko: He is so dependent on Max that he is struggling to cope with walking on his own.