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Designer Dogs Vs Pedigree Dogs


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now before i start i want to point out that IT IS MY OWN OPION , that i really dont like the idea of designer dogs so to speak 8) I AM NOT GETTING AT ANYONE !!! AS EVERYONE IS ENTITLED TO THERE OWN OPINION !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

what i dont like is breeds being exploited , like a labradoodle or cockerpoo etc , why pay in excess of £600 for a cross breed when you can buy a pure bred cheaper :blink: and know what you are getting :blink:

most people think that by buying a cross that all the health problems in the pure breds wont surface as they are a cross , but it usually doubles as in they pick up the health problems of both parents ( if they have any )

if you buy a purebred from a reputable breeder then they will have done all the checks / tests to ensure they are breeding from sound stock .

i know nothing is fool proof and im not condeming any breed / dog / etc but i found this very interesting reading as i for one always thought crosses were hardier , i was wrong :(

hope the link works :sweating:
I know this thread, it is very interesting and says what I have always believed, cross breeds can have problems too!!!!!!!! Only more so. :- "
why is the breed being exploited?? why get upset about people paying £xxxx amount if you want to campaign about breeding try looking at the pure breds being pumped out by so called responsible "show breeders" i have yet to meet a lab owner that has been problem free there are two owners that walk choc labs were i take my dogs and both look like their backends have been put together with meccano the conversations tend to sound like " oh yes they(the breeders) show at crufts every year and its the same line as the queens they let us have it because it was too big for showing i would be ashamed to put my name to some of the utter crap masqueraiding as a standard of the breed.

there is also a lady that has a Dalmation x Weinmarinar(sp) and it is a delight smart strong healthy intellingent and i have no idea how much she paid for it because im not interested but as a dog it fits the bill if that is what you want and if she told me she had paid £500 then i would say good luck if you can afford it and that what they wanted why not?? lets face how many times have we heard on K9 from the show breeders that the reason "pet" dogs are the same price as the dogs that go to show homes is because "they cost the same to rear"

"if you buy a purebred from a reputable breeder then they will have done all the checks / tests to ensure they are breeding from sound stock" whats a reputable breeder was this lady one -

"A Crufts dog show judge has been banned from keeping animals for two years after pleading guilty to 83 charges of animal cruelty.

A court heard that RSPCA inspectors and police found dogs living in squalor at the home of 65-year-old Caroline Gatheral, which she shared with her 63-year-old sister Mary. "
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That's really interesting & informative :)

Thanks for posting it :thumbsup:
That's an excellent article!

It was also posted on another forum where it received a very positive response.
Very interesting - thank you! :thumbsup:
I think that's a very interesting article saraquele, thank you for posting it.
theres no clinical evidence in the article and the only ref is to a article re wolves then she go,s on to back up her theory by using ficticous examples of a breeder using two purebreds that both have inherent problems and makes the stunning conclusion that the x will have some problems too
a very interesting article indeed.

seems common sense to me.
Foxglove said:
Vianne said:
That's really interesting & informative :) Thanks for posting it :thumbsup:

Ditto - very interesting and it raised a few points that I'd never even considered before :b

same here , lots of food for thought , yes masta i agree , if people want to breed crosses and people want to pay stupid amounts for them thats there perogative .
I found that very interesting. Thanks Sharon. :thumbsup:
I think what was interesting about the article, is that it actually explains what a hybrid is and what it isn't (ie 2 different looking animals of the same species) and that a real hybrid is generally not a sturdy animal ......

Although, I thought it was common knowledge that hybrids are generally sterile? maybe not!

other than that, all it really says is encapsulated in this one sentence "Yes, these are made up breeds with made up health issues, but the reality is there. This happens daily when dogs are bred: pure or cross."

No difference then - mutts are no healthier in general than their pure bred cousins, nor any less healthy. All providing that the breeder (in either case) has done their research.
saraquele said:
Foxglove said:
Vianne said:
That's really interesting & informative :) Thanks for posting it :thumbsup:

Ditto - very interesting and it raised a few points that I'd never even considered before :b

same here , lots of food for thought , yes masta i agree , if people want to breed crosses and people want to pay stupid amounts for them thats there perogative .

i dont want to come across as perdantic about this but why is it stupid? do you have different tiers of charging when you breed £500 for show quality £350 for pet pups that dont make the grade and maybe £100 for the runt with the bent tail?? or do you see them as all being worthy of commanding a decent fair price because that little runt has taken just as much time money and love and care as the rest of the litter?? im sure the breeders of these x's put just as time cost etc into their litters or are you making the presumtion that because they are not KC all the breeders are money making nogoods who dont have the right to ask a fair market price for their pups
i would charge exactly the same amount for POTENTIAL show pup or a pet only , would charge the same for dog or bitch as they all cost the same to rear .

no doubt there are countless breeders of crosses out there that do follow up on health / genetics etc and a darn few breeders of pedigree dogs that dont .

my argument is why cross them at all ???

what can for instance a labradoodle do that a pure bred lab cant ????

we have spent many years "perfecting" a breed so it is recognised as one , looks like we are going backwards instead of forwards :blink:

we are supposed to breed for type , consistency and quality to better the breed , so why screw them up and start with these "designer" dogs ????
saraquele said:
Foxglove said:
Vianne said:
That's really interesting & informative :) Thanks for posting it :thumbsup:

Ditto - very interesting and it raised a few points that I'd never even considered before :b

same here , lots of food for thought , yes masta i agree , if people want to breed crosses and people want to pay stupid amounts for them thats there perogative .

Very succinctly put :thumbsup: Unfortunately a lot of people who want to breed crosses these days are only interested in £££££££££££££ & sadly, as you say there seems to be people who will pay stupid prices :- " :(
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Very interesting article Sharon. Explains why hybrid vigour doesn't apply to dogs. Also how a 1st generation cross breed may APPEAR to have less health problems because a lot of health pronlems are carried on recessive genes and therefore more likely to be hidden in a first generation but may well surface in later generations.

As far as I am concerned people can buy what they like and if they wish to pay silly money well that is there own affair, but claims made, for example, that poodle crosses will not be hair shedding are just not true. If the product wasn't an animal then prosecution could result under trade descriptions, when such claims are made.

How many breeders of designer dogs test for hip dysplacia, eye problems etc. In fact, it may be just because the breeding dog/bitch has those health problems that they are used in designer cross-breeding because they won't pass the necessary tests required to sell pure bred puppies.

My worry is that these dogs are mostly bred just to make a fast buck, to avoid health checks and that they mislead an ignorant market with their wild claims. New breeds can be developed, and were historically, but it takes many generations to develop a breed that will breed true to type. When breeds were developed in the past in this way , many many pups were culled and only the desirable ones with the desired characteristics retained. :rant:

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saraquele said:
i would charge exactly the same amount for  POTENTIAL  show pup or a pet only , would charge the same for dog or bitch as they all cost the same to rear . no doubt there are countless breeders of crosses out there that do follow up on health / genetics etc and a darn few breeders of pedigree dogs that dont .

my argument is why cross them at all ???

what can for instance a labradoodle do that a pure bred lab cant ????

we have spent many years "perfecting"  a breed so it is recognised as one , looks like we are going backwards instead of forwards  :blink:

what can for instance a labradoodle do that a pure bred lab cant ????

An article in shooting times by a guy whos breeds and trains the best labs in the country recently took in a lab x poodle for training and wrote in his column that he was very pleasantly impressed by the dog and could not fault it i also looked on a gun dog site were someone had started a thread asking about the use of lab x poodles on shoots and the replys were very positive
Thank you for posting Saraquele. That is a very interesting and informative article, dispelling a lot of myths about mongrels.

The reason people ask high prices for these mongrels is because there are people willing to pay and other people who see dogs as commodities and not as sentient beings. After all 'there is one born every minute' and another one born to take advantage !
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masta said:
what can for instance a labradoodle do that a pure bred lab cant ????
An article in shooting times by a guy whos breeds and trains the best labs in the country recently took in a lab x poodle for training and wrote in his column that he was very pleasantly impressed by the dog and could not fault it i also looked on a gun dog site were someone had started a thread asking about the use of lab x poodles on shoots and the replys were very positive

Shouldn't be surprised at the working ability as poodles were working /water dogs too
