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This may have been voiced elsewhere but the computer is playing up so I have started a new topic. I also think that I am going to get a few moans for saying this.

Do you think that there are too many MOP's (members of the public) attending Crufts now? A friend had their dog (not hound breed) trodden on on the way out and he yelped, when they said something they were told by the MOP that it was their fault for having a dog there and the tradestands are for the public.

Another person had a go at a MOP for allowing their child to sit on the bench with their dog. The MOP said that they had paid their money and could touch and stroke any dog that they wanted.

We had Katana in her buggy and a MOP fell on her right accross her legs. She has bruised and swollen knees and a nasty scratch on her thigh. My husband had her at the time and I said that he should have taken her to first aid but he didn't. If she had been sitting up in her buggy rather than laying down then the MOP would have landed on her head and neck. The buggy is slightly damaged as well.

I also overheard one woman say "It would be ok here if there weren't all these dogs about"

I know that this is a minority but why can't they have advance tickets only for the public? (Money!) If there was an emergancy there they would never be able to clear the halls so where does Health and Safety come in?

Should the public really be around the benching areas? They have discover dogs to touch and stroke. If you have friends etc at your bench fair enough the the standard MOP I am on about.

I now await the firing squad.
Last year I sat on the Irish Terrier benches with my friend and watched a mop stick her fingerd right into the cages of the benched dogs, how she came away with all ten I dont know (w00t)

I do think the dogs should be benched away from the mop after all you cannot go to say the Derby or Horse of the year show and expect to wander right up to the horses.
I attended Crufts as an 'MOP'/avid shopper! I quite agree that the show dogs benching area should be away from the general public for the sake of both the security and health and safety interests of the dogs and visitors. Obviously the more people through the doors, the higher the income for the organisers, fair enough, but what would/does happen if someone is bitten? :blink:
There always seem to be MOP's sticking their fingers into cages at Crufts :rant:

I actually warned a couple that their children may be bitten if they did this.

They smiled & walked on & I saw them doing exactly the same thing at some benches in the next row! :- "

No doubt it would have been the dogs fault if the children had been bitten :angry:

In my opinion MOP's shouldn't be allowed near the benching areas at all.
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Well, I won't jump on you for this - I agree with everything you say!

It's why Crufts isn't my favourite show and why I don't exactly rush to go there myself, with or without dogs.

While I'm thinking, aren't there notices up telling the General Public not to approach dogs without checking with their owners first, or have I dreamed that? I know I have certainly heard MOP at Crufts moaning in recent years about "too many dogs in the way"!!!!
wilfred said:
Well, I won't jump on you for this - I agree with everything you say!
It's why Crufts isn't my favourite show and why I don't exactly rush to go there myself, with or without dogs.

While I'm thinking, aren't there notices up telling the General Public not to approach dogs without checking with their owners first, or have I dreamed that?  I know I have certainly heard MOP at Crufts moaning in recent years about "too many dogs in the way"!!!!

I went to crufts for the first time this year as a MOP and was shocked at how the MOPs are allowed to mingle with the competitors. It was amazing for me to get so close up and see the dogs but I couldn't believe it was allowed. I was a very well behaved MOP though and kept my fingers to myself! :) We left well before we expected to because the crowds became too much and I was getting stressed and claustophobic. :D I have no idea how the dogs stay so calm and composed!

vs1 said:
wilfred said:
Well, I won't jump on you for this - I agree with everything you say!
It's why Crufts isn't my favourite show and why I don't exactly rush to go there myself, with or without dogs.

While I'm thinking, aren't there notices up telling the General Public not to approach dogs without checking with their owners first, or have I dreamed that?  I know I have certainly heard MOP at Crufts moaning in recent years about "too many dogs in the way"!!!!

I went to crufts for the first time this year as a MOP and was shocked at how the MOPs are allowed to mingle with the competitors. It was amazing for me to get so close up and see the dogs but I couldn't believe it was allowed. I was a very well behaved MOP though and kept my fingers to myself! :) We left well before we expected to because the crowds became too much and I was getting stressed and claustophobic. :D I have no idea how the dogs stay so calm and composed!


thats just it vicky some dogs dont cope two labradors were treated for stress this year there should be a seperate area for competitors as its a lot to ask of any dog never mind being poked and prodded all day :(
(Quote) " It would be ok here if there werent so much dogs going about"

I cant believe that someone would say that - its a flaming dog show for god sake!!!!!!!!! :rant: Dont bl**dy come to a dog show if you dont want to be around dogs!!!!! Its rather annoying that people have this sort of attitude towards dogs at a dog show!!!!!
marier05 said:
(Quote) " It would be ok here if there werent so much dogs going about"
I cant believe that someone would say that - its a flaming dog show for god sake!!!!!!!!! :rant:   Dont bl**dy come to a dog show if you dont want to be around dogs!!!!!  Its rather annoying that people have this sort of attitude towards dogs at a dog show!!!!!

to be fair marie maybe they were thinking the same as us there were too many dogs about at the trade stands i dont think dogs should be allowed to walk around the stands as when you are walking about trying to take everything its hard to avoid the dogs and i dont think its fair to them to have to walk amongst the crowds especially at their level :huggles:
I personally don't think the MOP should be allowed anywhere near the competing dogs, and there ought to be one door for MOP and another for competitors .....Discover dogs is there for the MOP .....and there are enough displays on for them to watch etc ..... I remember years ago my show bred Greyhound had a child at his face level just stand there and scream in his face and I lost count of how many times he was kicked or had his toes stepped on this all happened as we headed first thing in the morning to our hall and bench :rant: ........ I carried my Whippet last time through the busy parts as I thought it was safer :unsure: .....but she was still grabbed at :angry: .....My friends Bouvier was kicked and fallen on last Saturday, and strangely enough ended up lame !!! ......
Well said beerhound. It is time that the Kennel Club thought more about the dogs instead of pandering to the general public. We go in a separate door so why can we not go out of a separate door at 4pm and have buses waiting there just for us. We had to fight our way through the crowds to leave, we were refused exit at 2 places and when we finally got out we were faced with a VERY long queue. Along came 4 coaches that would not take dogs. When eventually an airport style bus came the general public rushed and pushed us and our dogs aside in a scramble to get on. When we complained we were told we should not be on the bus with dogs. Once on the bus someone else complained that we should not have a crate or bag. We pointed out that without us there would be no dog show but we were told we should walk if we had dogs.

It is a long day and the Kennel CLub insist we stay hours after our class is over and both the dogs and us are tired. Come on Kennel Club we pay you enough money consider us for a change. Maybe they need reminding that what Crufts was many years ago and get back to it being a DOG SHOW.
totally agree with whats been said :thumbsup: its very nice for the MOP to view the dogs but NOT close enough to touch , i had candice aged 13 with me this year as well as adult friends and my dogs werent allowed to be touched , however afetr judging was over my lads did enjoy the strokes they got whilst in our arms :thumbsup:

maye a roped off area so close viewing allowed?

certainly is worrying when you think of how we would get our dogs out in case of emergency :sweating:
Becky , its only what I have been saying for years :- "

They should have the trade stands in halls 1 and 2 and the show dogs etc in 3,4,5 .

Unless they can prove they are `dog `people , MOP should then pay extra £100.00 each to be allowed where our dogs are :lol:

All children should have their hands tied down by their sides and parents to wear gages :lol: :oops:
The closest to Crufts we have here are our Royal Shows and i stopped going years ago exactly for this reason. I used to take my Borzoi Jeremiah who loved people and absolutely adored children. For the first half of the day he would stand on the bench just waiting for people to come and talk to him. Thankfully Borzois are on early, so once the judging was over I did not mind too much about fairy floss in his coat. :rant: But by the afternoon even he was too tired of it all and just curled up in the corner and I stood guard and never allowed anybody to touch him. That meant i could never go alone, but had to drag somebody else along as I would never leave my dogs without supervision in there, not for a second. As the benches were allocated, I could never rely that we be placed next to somebody I could trust to watch my dogs.

I think there should be barriers 6 feet from the benches and anybody who would touch a dog without the owner's permission should be escorted out by the security. Maybe you should point out to the organisers that if somebody gets bitten they will get sued. :)
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It was my first visit this year and I totally agree with what has been said. I went as a MOP and was shocked how we were allowed to wander around the showing dogs areas. Surely MOP should not be allowed round the benches, not just for the safety and stress of the dogs, but also for security? Where do you lot leave your valuables whilst you are showing? What a worry that you don't know who maybe mooching around your stuff whilst you are busy and your back is turned?

Way too many people there on Sunday which made it more of a chore than a pleasure.

Hats off to any of you who may have had dogs there :thumbsup:
Last year someone hit William in the face with a bag When I pointed it out she said well you shouldn't have a dog here then

I answered it is a dog show without the dogs you wouldn't be here .

I didn't have any choice but for William to walk he was going to the ring and he's a bit to heavey to carry
Maybe the KC should ban MOP alltogether and just have a televised show with Ben fogle and peter pervert from a service station on the M1 and just invite the top dogs from that year give them the trophy's etc and they can all bugger of home
I've always written to the Kennel Club after each time I've been to Crufts and very politely asked them to restrict the MOPs to the trade stands, competition rings, display rings and Discover Dogs and leave the benching areas for people and dogs to relax in privacy.

Each year I get a very polite reply saying my opinions are being taken into consideration.

AS IF!!!!!

This year the igs were benched far away from the trade stands and there were very few MOPs actually bothered to reach us (it was Thursday when it is more quiet). But there were plenty of them poking and prodding the unattended cages. Two years ago a bloke sped down our benches in a motorised wheelchair - how he didn't mow down a dog is a miracle :rant: ... not to mention all those double buggies with kids dropping food and trying to grab at the dogs while we're trying to have our coffee in peace :angry:

But then Zoomie does adore attention from strangers and had a wonderful time cuddling people, being photographed and coo'd over. I actually met some lovely MOPs this year. Then he goes into his (covered) cage to rest. I NEVER leave them unattended and sit in front of the cage so no-one can see in - then I'm left alone.

But for safety's sake the MOPs should not be allowed near the benches....

... off to write this years letter....
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zilloot said:
I've always written to the Kennel Club after each time I've been to Crufts and very politely asked them to restrict the MOPs to the trade stands, competition rings, display rings and Discover Dogs and leave the benching areas for people and dogs to relax in privacy.

I think that's a reasonable request but can you imagine how much the Kennel Club would have to fork out for extra security to ensure 'MOPS' don't tresspass along the benching areas? They couldn't be cordoned off because of all the to-ing and fro-ing of dogs, unless each benching area had a wide cordon around it but allowed easy access to the ring. :wacko:

Until the showing fraternity show their displeasure by staying away (w00t) , then I can't honestly see the KC giving themselves a headache with this logistical exercise.

Maybe large, visible signs should be erected around the benching areas asking the public not to touch? I think 'education' of the dog loving public is the key.

As for suggesting the public be kept out of the showing halls and be given separate halls to wander around (previous post)...many members of the public (myself included) enjoying watching the showing and don't go for the trade stands and Discover Dogs!
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I agree too - last went to Crufts in 2006 and hated every minute on the benches with the public crowding through and overheating the place.

It is more like the ideal home exhibition than a dog show!! :angry:

Perhaps exhibitors should be putting a petition together to send to the KC ???

Trouble is, they just see ££££££££

Julie & Ellie