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Crufts results

I for one will be looking on the back of certain type of products from now on .

I cant abide that sort of thing , animals were not put on this earth for us to use them in this way :angry:

When my friends son went to the Royal vet college he told me that they used ex racing Greyhounds to learn about anatomy etc , Live and dead ones were used . He said the supply was never ending :angry:

At that rate, I said ,how come qualified Vets (most ) know naff all about Greyhounds then !! :eek:
At that rate, I said ,how come qualified Vets (most ) know naff all about Greyhounds then !!
Good Question!
At least what happened yeasterday has opened a few peoples eyes as to what goes on with these big companies & ok, it might never stop but if people use alternatives (& theres plenty of good ones) it will certainly put a dent in their profit!
I fully support the protesters. However I do think they did ruin someone's moment in that Crufts ring. Ok it wasn't that bad for the dog and owner, but I guess it was a bit of a shock. But the people at Crufts are animal lovers (I would hope) and most are probably aware of these activities. In that sort of environment it could well be that the protesters looked like the 'bad-guys', which is a shame because they're not.
Hopefully the people in the ring at the time have more sense than to be peeved, like you say they're animal lovers too.
As I understand it,Iams and Eukanuba actually publish their results from their experiments.Which is why, anti - vivisection peeps started protesting at Crufts,a few years ago.They used to stand at the doorways,and distribute leaflets.

Obviously,the N.E.C. security,managed to deter/prevent them from doing this, at the following Crufts.

The same year that the anti's started protesting at Crufts,Tesco's started promoting Iams.Whilst doing our shopping,I was asked by a Tesco/Iams seller,to try a sample.I looked down my nose,fixed the most pissed off expression I could muster and replied "Why".In a clear,not shouting voice, I raised awareness to the majority of shoppers,why my dogs,would never eat Iams, whilst I could still breathe and feed them.

I also told her,that to me,what they did was completely un-acceptable,regardless of their results.I also asked her,where her conscious was,regarding dogs puposefully mutilated,and that she would rot for eternity,for putting greed before welfare.

All the time this is going on,keeping a weather eye out,for the Tesco security guards.She did try to stick up for Iams,but I successfully drowned and glared her out.Stalking away,once I had my say.

Once in the next aisle,I walked as quick as I could, to Customer Services,where I explained to the very nice lady,with a tear in my eye,that I was greatly offended,at being accosted by this seller.Requesting that they retrain their staff,to not approach customers,not interested in their despicable products.

This lady was very sympathetic,and did promise to explain to the superior management,my disgust and distress.Unfortunately, I did get the "we have to sell,what our head office sends/tells us routine".I then left the store,before they could watch their c.t.v. footage,and witness my verbal attack.

Although my sympathies, to prevent any animal cruelty.I did think that the noise made,for the bichon was unfair and ill - timed.They will come accross as spoilsports,peeps will not beleive or agree with them, imo.

Protest???? I dont understand. What happened & why?
Lyd the poor woman in Tesco was probably totally unaware of what you told her and was just trying to make a living trying to push the cr#p she was told to.
The trouble is,if you go into the uncaged website,you will find that a whole load of other pet food companies are also tied in with this barbaric needless cruelty........i.e pedigree,hills,friskies etc.

I was horrified a year or so ago when i discovered that i was using household products made by p & g .There's been a mega big turn around in our household! :rant: :rant: :rant: to p & g!
Mark Roberts said:
Lyd the poor woman in Tesco was probably totally unaware of what you told her and was just trying to make a living trying to push the cr#p she was told to.
Exactly, as was an Avon lady's excuse,when she knocked on my mother's door,many years ago.She actually left the company.

Jill is right, why sell something, when you are not fully aware of how it has been produced,and what is involved at their testing centres.

All of us in this country,must have seen the advert,where there is a lovely room,with either cats or puppies,running around free,playing.Then they put a bowl of food down,and you see happy contented pups/dogs/cats,tucking in.

I have asked this company,if they actually have any rooms like this, for the animals in their care. I also asked,if they could be prosecuted,for false advertising.

They still don't understand,I am not interested in their food,and,actually telephoned me last evening,to ask "Do you belong to our breeder scheme ?"


The thing is,all these companies support our shows, so I guess we are supporting them,by entering.If I win some dog food,and do not wish to use it.I donate it to an animal rescue,they are always gratefull for it.

Also,some rescues are supported by these companies,who get food free/greatly reduced in price.

It is an evil that I am aware of,so personally don't buy their products.But, I don't know what the answer is,to stop it completely.

Cartman said:
Protest???? I dont understand. What happened & why?
I wasn't in the B.I.S. ring,when the protest started.I was at home,watching it on the telly.As the Bichon was being lifted onto the table,you could hear a lot of booing,coming from around the ringside.It certainly sounded like more than 3 peeps.

The judge turned,and looked to her right,the commentators said something like,there is a bit of a commotion...... or something like that.It lasted a few seconds,then Margaret Everton, continued judging.

The Bichon did not look upset,but it must have been horrible for the handler.If I was lifting my dog onto a table,and peeps started booing,it must feel as if they are booing your dog.

I suppose a similar scenario for a racing whip,would be as it is being walked to the trap,peeps started booing.

Although a lot of peeps,would agree with the ani-vivisection lobby,they don't win friends, or influence the majority in this way.

They usually claim frustration,at being ignored,forcing them to take direct action.I suppose a bit of booing,is mild direct action compared to some direct action.

But they made it very personal,by booing at the Bichon and handler,and I'm sure,spoilt what should have been exciting and pleasurable for them.

Were you aware Cartman,that to produce dog foods,companies will purposely damage,an otherwise healthy dog.Then feed it their food,to see if the food is beneficial for the damaged dog.

When these facts,were brought to ant-vivisection peeps attention.They started protesting at Crufts,against Iams/Eukanuba.I can't remember the first year they were there,but I think it may have been 2000.

Margaret Everton, handled/controlled herself in an exemplary fashion.It must also have been very nasty for her.As she was a replacement judge,and, some peeps think the first appointed judge should not have stood down.She could have felt that they were booing at her,'cos they were peeps who supported the other judge.

All in all,it was nasty and rude to the judge,the Bichon and the Bichon's owner/handler.Which is why I personally,cannot support animal rights/anti-vivisection peeps,other than by being selective,over what products we purchase and use.

Ahhh right so it was the protestors that were booing? I thought it was the crowd booing at the protestors.

Sorry I had no idea to what happened, or to why. I do not agree with any company harming any animal just for testing. I am against protest at this level as well. :rant:

But the message would of been better off by a streaker running into the ring with IAMS written on their butt!!!!!!!!! o:) :thumbsup:

They seemed to of targeted Crufts as so little protest would go just so much further. However their aim was off by so many other factors being in play, Judge, Bichon etc. Their message would be better off by protesting all year round & not at one event. IE chain them-selves to the pet food section of the supermarket.

But if they were good looking, IAMS written on their butts might work. :- "
Lydia said:
All in all,it was nasty and rude to the judge,the Bichon and the Bichon's owner/handler.Which is why I personally,cannot support animal rights/anti-vivisection peeps,other than by being selective,over what products we purchase and use.
Completely agree Lyd
I think i'm right in saying that they target Crufts because Crufts is sponsored by iams!
Lydia said:
[i suppose a similar scenario for a racing whip,would be as it is being walked to the trap,peeps started booing.
What are peeps? A bit of slang I'm not familiar with!!

As regards the SUN please read my new posting !! :oops: